255 research outputs found

    Concatenation of convolutional and block codes Final report

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    Comparison of concatenated and sequential decoding systems and convolutional code structural propertie

    Determinate-state convolutional codes

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    A determinate state convolutional code is formed from a conventional convolutional code by pruning away some of the possible state transitions in the decoding trellis. The type of staged power transfer used in determinate state convolutional codes proves to be an extremely efficient way of enhancing the performance of a concatenated coding system. The decoder complexity is analyzed along with free distances of these new codes and extensive simulation results is provided of their performance at the low signal to noise ratios where a real communication system would operate. Concise, practical examples are provided

    Self-concatenated code design and its application in power-efficient cooperative communications

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    In this tutorial, we have focused on the design of binary self-concatenated coding schemes with the help of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts and Union bound analysis. The design methodology of future iteratively decoded self-concatenated aided cooperative communication schemes is presented. In doing so, we will identify the most important milestones in the area of channel coding, concatenated coding schemes and cooperative communication systems till date and suggest future research directions

    Belief Propagation Decoding of Polar Codes on Permuted Factor Graphs

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    We show that the performance of iterative belief propagation (BP) decoding of polar codes can be enhanced by decoding over different carefully chosen factor graph realizations. With a genie-aided stopping condition, it can achieve the successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding performance which has already been shown to achieve the maximum likelihood (ML) bound provided that the list size is sufficiently large. The proposed decoder is based on different realizations of the polar code factor graph with randomly permuted stages during decoding. Additionally, a different way of visualizing the polar code factor graph is presented, facilitating the analysis of the underlying factor graph and the comparison of different graph permutations. In our proposed decoder, a high rate Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) code is concatenated with a polar code and used as an iteration stopping criterion (i.e., genie) to even outperform the SCL decoder of the plain polar code (without the CRC-aid). Although our permuted factor graph-based decoder does not outperform the SCL-CRC decoder, it achieves, to the best of our knowledge, the best performance of all iterative polar decoders presented thus far.Comment: in IEEE Wireless Commun. and Networking Conf. (WCNC), April 201


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    This paper provides a brief introduction to the DVB-S system based on [EN-300-421]. The DVB-S system provides directto-home (DTH) services for consumer integrated receiver decoders (IRD), as well as collective antenna systems (satellitemaster antenna television SMATV) and cable television head-end stations. The overview covers the physical layer thatcomprises adaptation, framing, coding, interleaving and modulation, and discusses error performance requirements toachieve quality of service (QoS) targets.Keywords: system provides direct-to-homey, satellite master antenna television and achieves quality of service