4 research outputs found

    A closed-form expression for coverage probability of random cellular network in composite Rayleigh-Lognormal fading channels

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    © 2015 IEEE. Poisson point process (PPP) network model in which base stations (BSs) and users have Poisson distributions has been recently used to replace grid model for analyzing the performance of cellular networks. The closed-form for the coverage probability of a typical user that connects to the closest base station (BS), however, is only found in case of high transmission signal-to-noise (SNR) and only in Rayleigh fading. This paper derives a closed-form expression for the network coverage probability in composite Rayleigh-Lognormal for both low and high SNR. The analytical results show that the coverage probability is proportional to path loss exponent coefficient, and inversely proportional to exponential function of 1 over SNR. The analytical results are also verified by Monte Carlo simulations

    Coverage, capacity and energy efficiency analysis in the uplink of mmWave cellular networks

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    In this paper, using the concept of stochastic geometry, we present an analytical framework to evaluate the signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio (SINR) coverage in the uplink of millimeter wave cellular networks. By using a distance-dependent line-of-sight (LOS) probability function, the location of LOS and non-LOS users are modeled as two independent non-homogeneous Poisson point processes, with each having a different pathloss exponent. The analysis takes account of per-user fractional power control (FPC), which couples the transmission of users based on location-dependent channel inversion. We consider the following scenarios in our analysis: 1) Pathloss-based FPC (PL-FPC) which is performed using the measured pathloss and 2) Distance-based FPC (D-FPC) which is performed using the measured distance. Using the developed framework, we derive expressions for the area spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. Results suggest that in terms of SINR coverage, D-FPC outperforms PL-FPC scheme at high SINR where the future networks are expected to operate. It achieves equal or better area spectral efficiency and energy efficiency compared with the PL-FPC scheme. Contrary to the conventional ultra-high frequency cellular networks, in both FPC schemes, the SINR coverage decreases as the cell density becomes greater than a threshold, while the area spectral efficiency experiences a slow growth region

    Performance analysis of poisson cellular networks with lognormal shadowed Rayleigh fading

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