4 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of multi-institutional data sharing in the Clouds4Coordination system

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    Cloud computing is used extensively in Architecture/ Engineering/ Construction projects for storing data and running simulations on building models (e.g. energy efficiency/environmental impact). With the emergence of multi-Clouds it has become possible to link such systems and create a distributed cloud environment. A multi-Cloud environment enables each organisation involved in a collaborative project to maintain its own computational infrastructure/ system (with the associated data), and not have to migrate to a single cloud environment. Such infrastructure becomes efficacious when multiple individuals and organisations work collaboratively, enabling each individual/ organisation to select a computational infrastructure that most closely matches its requirements. We describe the “Clouds-for-Coordination” system, and provide a use case to demonstrate how such a system can be used in practice. A performance analysis is carried out to demonstrate how effective such a multi-Cloud system can be, reporting “aggregated-time-to-complete” metric over a number of different scenarios

    QoS-aware trust establishment for cloud federation

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    Cloud federation enables inter-layer resource exchanges among multiple, heterogeneous cloud service providers. This article proposes a Quality of Service (QoS) aware trust model for effective resource allocation in response to the various user requests within the Clouds4Coordination (C4C) federation system. This QoS mainly comprises of nine parameters combined into three categories: (i) node profile, (ii) reliability, and (iii) competence. Numerical values for these parameters are computed every ‘t’ seconds for each cloud provider. All values measured over an interval Δt are further processed by the proposed model to evaluate the utility associated with a provider (referred to as a discipline in the presented case study). The decision about interacting with a discipline in a collaborative project is based on this utility value. The systems architecture, evaluation methodology, proposed model, and experimental evaluation on a practical test bed is outlined. The proposed QoS-aware trust evaluation mechanism allows selection of the most useful (based on a utility value) providers. The proposed approach can be used to support federation of cloud services across a number of different application domains

    Integrating BIM and Blockchain across construction lifecycle and supply chains

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    The Construction industry has a complex structure with multiple parties involved, which often leads to “adversarial relationships”, “risk avoidance”, and a “lack of trust” among the different actors. This culture is further compounded by a “linear workflow” that often results in low efficiency, delays, rework and unnecessary waste. Blockchain technology can help to mitigate these issues by creating a decentralised and transparent system, where all the actors can have access to a shared database, it allows tracking and monitors the different stages of the project, and even automate some processes increasing efficiency and reducing delays and rework. This study highlights the advantages of Blockchain technology, particularly how it can provide a single source of truth for project data while allowing multiple parties to access and share data in a secure and transparent way, improving the workflow of BIM projects and decreasing the likelihood of errors, mistakes, or fraudulent activities. The paper explores the integration of BIM and Blockchain across life cycle and supply chains based on the RIBA plan of work, with the objective to streamline collaboration while improving process efficiency and resource traceability in projects. The study proposes a roadmap performing a detailed literature survey for Blockchain adoption in the construction industry, and validated on a real-world Bridge project. Furthermore, this study is innovative since it examines the integration of BIM and Blockchain throughout the entire project lifecycle by simulating the smart contract implementation based on the RIBA plan of work, thus providing an in-depth examination of the potential benefits of this integration

    The role of semantics in enhancing user experience in building and city web applications

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    This thesis embarks on an exploratory journey through Building Information Modelling (BIM) and City Information Modelling (CIM) within web applications, aiming to significantly uplift citizen engagement and satisfaction. At its core, the thesis proposes an innovative framework that uses semantics to intricately weave contextual information into user experience (UX), fostering innovative applications tailored to the built environment. The intellectual pursuit is meticulously structured around three pivotal research questions, each unfolding a distinct but interconnected inquiry stage. The first research question delves into Enhancing Learning UX with Semantics. It seeks to uncover how semantics can amplify the learning experience within existing web applications. This stage is marked by the development of a semantic web-based mining environment meticulously designed to unravel and map the intricate web of roles and skills pivotal in BIM. The endeavour goes beyond mere identification; it strategically establishes correlations, paving the way for learning pathways tailored and resonant with the evolving dynamics of the built environment. Progressing to the second stage, the thesis casts its investigative net into Context Derivation in Smart Cities. This stage is not just about exploring methods but pioneering ways to extract context from the rich tapestry of static and dynamic artefacts embedded within a Digital Twin framework. The goal? To elevate the UX in smart city applications to unprecedented heights. This stage is characterised by the strategic leveraging of BIM semantics, with the aim of transforming the user experience of a diverse cohort of stakeholders, ranging from architects and urban planners to engineers. It is an endeavour that transcends the conventional, blending advanced methodologies to enrich interactions within the web of smart city ecosystems. The journey culminates with the third research question, which focusses on Semantic Scaling and Social Media Analysis. This stage is visionary in its approach, envisioning the scaling of semantics at the city level and positioning citizens as active sensors in an ever-evolving urban landscape. The ambition is grand – to develop a taxonomy model rooted in a semantic-based risk model. However, the thesis does not stop there; it ventures into the vibrant world of social media data streams. By applying sophisticated natural language processing (NLP) techniques, research meticulously sifts through digital chatter, aiming to uncover hidden narratives that weave together environmental factors, risk events, and the pulse of citizen satisfaction. The findings of this thesis are not only insightful; they are transformative. The research demonstrates the practical applicability of semantics across three core dimensions. In socio organisational aspects, the thesis sheds light on the dynamic nature of construction skills, underscoring the imperative for adaptive training methodologies that keep pace with the rapid evolution of BIM roles. The exploration does not stop at the micro level; it extends its gaze to the macro-grain of the built environment. The thesis showcases the profound impact of advanced web technologies, such as the VueJS front-end framework and innovative web builders. When these technological marvels are harmoniously integrated with core UX principles, they unravel complex phenomena, weaving a tapestry of enhanced UX within the pulsating heart of smart cities. The thesis also pioneers social media analytics, presenting it as a formidable information source that can significantly shape smart city decision making. The insights gleaned are not just data points; they are statistically significant revelations that empower stakeholders, offering them the clarity and foresight to make decisions that are not just informed but visionary. As such, this thesis is not just a scholarly endeavour, but a beacon that illuminates the path for future explorations and developments. It is a testament to the synergistic fusion of information science techniques and smart city communities, significantly contributing to the rapidly evolving landscape of semantic integration and UX enhancement within the built environment. The journey embarked on in this thesis is not just about answering questions; it is about charting new territories, opening new horizons, and setting the stage for a future where the built environment is not just smart, but sentient, responsive, and perpetually in tune with the needs and aspirations of its citizens