2 research outputs found

    Journal of Real-Time Image Processing manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Evaluation of real-time LBP computing in multiple architectures

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    Abstract Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is a texture operator that is used in several different computer vision applications requiring, in many cases, real-time operation in multiple computing platforms. The irruption of new video standards has increased the typical resolutions and frame rates, which need considerable computational performance. Since LBP is essentially a pixel operator that scales with image size, typical straightforward implementations are usually insufficient to meet these requirements. To identify the solutions that maximize the performance of the real-time LBP extraction, we compare a series different implementations in terms of computational performance and energy efficiency while analyzing the different optimizations that can be made to reach real-time performance on multiple platforms and their different available computing resources. Our contribution addresses the extensive survey of LBP implementations in different platforms that can be found in the literature. To provide for a more complete evaluation, we have implemented the LBP algorithms in several platforms such as Graphics Processing Units, mobile processors and a hybrid programming model image coprocessor. We have extended the evaluation of some of the solutions that can be found in previous work. In addition, we publish the source code of our implementations

    Performance Analysis of Complex Shared Memory Systems

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    Systems for high performance computing are getting increasingly complex. On the one hand, the number of processors is increasing. On the other hand, the individual processors are getting more and more powerful. In recent years, the latter is to a large extent achieved by increasing the number of cores per processor. Unfortunately, scientific applications often fail to fully utilize the available computational performance. Therefore, performance analysis tools that help to localize and fix performance problems are indispensable. Large scale systems for high performance computing typically consist of multiple compute nodes that are connected via network. Performance analysis tools that analyze performance problems that arise from using multiple nodes are readily available. However, the increasing number of cores per processor that can be observed within the last decade represents a major change in the node architecture. Therefore, this work concentrates on the analysis of the node performance. The goal of this thesis is to improve the understanding of the achieved application performance on existing hardware. It can be observed that the scaling of parallel applications on multi-core processors differs significantly from the scaling on multiple processors. Therefore, the properties of shared resources in contemporary multi-core processors as well as remote accesses in multi-processor systems are investigated and their respective impact on the application performance is analyzed. As a first step, a comprehensive suite of highly optimized micro-benchmarks is developed. These benchmarks are able to determine the performance of memory accesses depending on the location and coherence state of the data. They are used to perform an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of memory accesses in contemporary multi-processor systems, which identifies potential bottlenecks. However, in order to localize performance problems, it also has to be determined to which extend the application performance is limited by certain resources. Therefore, a methodology to derive metrics for the utilization of individual components in the memory hierarchy as well as waiting times caused by memory accesses is developed in the second step. The approach is based on hardware performance counters, which record the number of certain hardware events. The developed micro-benchmarks are used to selectively stress individual components, which can be used to identify the events that provide a reasonable assessment for the utilization of the respective component and the amount of time that is spent waiting for memory accesses to complete. Finally, the knowledge gained from this process is used to implement a visualization of memory related performance issues in existing performance analysis tools. The results of the micro-benchmarks reveal that the increasing number of cores per processor and the usage of multiple processors per node leads to complex systems with vastly different performance characteristics of memory accesses depending on the location of the accessed data. Furthermore, it can be observed that the aggregated throughput of shared resources in multi-core processors does not necessarily scale linearly with the number of cores that access them concurrently, which limits the scalability of parallel applications. It is shown that the proposed methodology for the identification of meaningful hardware performance counters yields useful metrics for the localization of memory related performance limitations