12,652 research outputs found

    On Modelling and Prediction of Total CPU Usage for Applications in MapReduce Environments

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    Recently, businesses have started using MapReduce as a popular computation framework for processing large amount of data, such as spam detection, and different data mining tasks, in both public and private clouds. Two of the challenging questions in such environments are (1) choosing suitable values for MapReduce configuration parameters -e.g., number of mappers, number of reducers, and DFS block size-, and (2) predicting the amount of resources that a user should lease from the service provider. Currently, the tasks of both choosing configuration parameters and estimating required resources are solely the users' responsibilities. In this paper, we present an approach to provision the total CPU usage in clock cycles of jobs in MapReduce environment. For a MapReduce job, a profile of total CPU usage in clock cycles is built from the job past executions with different values of two configuration parameters e.g., number of mappers, and number of reducers. Then, a polynomial regression is used to model the relation between these configuration parameters and total CPU usage in clock cycles of the job. We also briefly study the influence of input data scaling on measured total CPU usage in clock cycles. This derived model along with the scaling result can then be used to provision the total CPU usage in clock cycles of the same jobs with different input data size. We validate the accuracy of our models using three realistic applications (WordCount, Exim MainLog parsing, and TeraSort). Results show that the predicted total CPU usage in clock cycles of generated resource provisioning options are less than 8% of the measured total CPU usage in clock cycles in our 20-node virtual Hadoop cluster.Comment: This paper has been accepted to 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2012

    HPDedup: A Hybrid Prioritized Data Deduplication Mechanism for Primary Storage in the Cloud

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    Eliminating duplicate data in primary storage of clouds increases the cost-efficiency of cloud service providers as well as reduces the cost of users for using cloud services. Existing primary deduplication techniques either use inline caching to exploit locality in primary workloads or use post-processing deduplication running in system idle time to avoid the negative impact on I/O performance. However, neither of them works well in the cloud servers running multiple services or applications for the following two reasons: Firstly, the temporal locality of duplicate data writes may not exist in some primary storage workloads thus inline caching often fails to achieve good deduplication ratio. Secondly, the post-processing deduplication allows duplicate data to be written into disks, therefore does not provide the benefit of I/O deduplication and requires high peak storage capacity. This paper presents HPDedup, a Hybrid Prioritized data Deduplication mechanism to deal with the storage system shared by applications running in co-located virtual machines or containers by fusing an inline and a post-processing process for exact deduplication. In the inline deduplication phase, HPDedup gives a fingerprint caching mechanism that estimates the temporal locality of duplicates in data streams from different VMs or applications and prioritizes the cache allocation for these streams based on the estimation. HPDedup also allows different deduplication threshold for streams based on their spatial locality to reduce the disk fragmentation. The post-processing phase removes duplicates whose fingerprints are not able to be cached due to the weak temporal locality from disks. Our experimental results show that HPDedup clearly outperforms the state-of-the-art primary storage deduplication techniques in terms of inline cache efficiency and primary deduplication efficiency.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MSST201

    A Supervised Learning Methodology for Real-Time Disguised Face Recognition in the Wild

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    Facial recognition has always been a challeng- ing task for computer vision scientists and experts. Despite complexities arising due to variations in camera parameters, illumination and face orientations, significant progress has been made in the field with deep learning algorithms now competing with human-level accuracy. But in contrast to the recent advances in face recognition techniques, Disguised Facial Identification continues to be a tougher challenge in the field of computer vision. The modern day scenario, where security is of prime concern, regular face identification techniques do not perform as required when the faces are disguised, which calls for a different approach to handle situations where intruders have their faces masked. Along the same lines, we propose a deep learning architecture for disguised facial recognition (DFR). The algorithm put forward in this paper detects 20 facial key-points in the first stage, using a 14-layered convolutional neural network (CNN). These facial key-points are later utilized by a support vector machine (SVM) for classifying the disguised faces based on the euclidean distance ratios and angles between different facial key-points. This overall architecture imparts a basic intelligence to our system. Our key-point feature prediction accuracy is 65% while the classification rate is 72.4%. Moreover, the architecture works at 19 FPS, thereby performing in almost real-time. The efficiency of our approach is also compared with the state-of-the-art Disguised Facial Identification methods.Comment: Accepted at 2018 International Conference on Robotics and Computer Visio

    Zero-Shot Learning with Generative Latent Prototype Model

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    Zero-shot learning, which studies the problem of object classification for categories for which we have no training examples, is gaining increasing attention from community. Most existing ZSL methods exploit deterministic transfer learning via an in-between semantic embedding space. In this paper, we try to attack this problem from a generative probabilistic modelling perspective. We assume for any category, the observed representation, e.g. images or texts, is developed from a unique prototype in a latent space, in which the semantic relationship among prototypes is encoded via linear reconstruction. Taking advantage of this assumption, virtual instances of unseen classes can be generated from the corresponding prototype, giving rise to a novel ZSL model which can alleviate the domain shift problem existing in the way of direct transfer learning. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets show our proposed model can achieve state-of-the-art results.Comment: This work was completed in Oct, 201

    Physics-based polynomial neural networks for one-shot learning of dynamical systems from one or a few samples

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    This paper discusses an approach for incorporating prior physical knowledge into the neural network to improve data efficiency and the generalization of predictive models. If the dynamics of a system approximately follows a given differential equation, the Taylor mapping method can be used to initialize the weights of a polynomial neural network. This allows the fine-tuning of the model from one training sample of real system dynamics. The paper describes practical results on real experiments with both a simple pendulum and one of the largest worldwide X-ray source. It is demonstrated in practice that the proposed approach allows recovering complex physics from noisy, limited, and partial observations and provides meaningful predictions for previously unseen inputs. The approach mainly targets the learning of physical systems when state-of-the-art models are difficult to apply given the lack of training data

    Malware Task Identification: A Data Driven Approach

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    Identifying the tasks a given piece of malware was designed to perform (e.g. logging keystrokes, recording video, establishing remote access, etc.) is a difficult and time-consuming operation that is largely human-driven in practice. In this paper, we present an automated method to identify malware tasks. Using two different malware collections, we explore various circumstances for each - including cases where the training data differs significantly from test; where the malware being evaluated employs packing to thwart analytical techniques; and conditions with sparse training data. We find that this approach consistently out-performs the current state-of-the art software for malware task identification as well as standard machine learning approaches - often achieving an unbiased F1 score of over 0.9. In the near future, we look to deploy our approach for use by analysts in an operational cyber-security environment.Comment: 8 pages full paper, accepted FOSINT-SI (2015

    Semantic Part Detection via Matching: Learning to Generalize to Novel Viewpoints from Limited Training Data

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    Detecting semantic parts of an object is a challenging task in computer vision, particularly because it is hard to construct large annotated datasets due to the difficulty of annotating semantic parts. In this paper we present an approach which learns from a small training dataset of annotated semantic parts, where the object is seen from a limited range of viewpoints, but generalizes to detect semantic parts from a much larger range of viewpoints. Our approach is based on a matching algorithm for finding accurate spatial correspondence between two images, which enables semantic parts annotated on one image to be transplanted to another. In particular, this enables images in the training dataset to be matched to a virtual 3D model of the object (for simplicity, we assume that the object viewpoint can be estimated by standard techniques). Then a clustering algorithm is used to annotate the semantic parts of the 3D virtual model. This virtual 3D model can be used to synthesize annotated images from a large range of viewpoint. These can be matched to images in the test set, using the same matching algorithm, to detect semantic parts in novel viewpoints of the object. Our algorithm is very simple, intuitive, and contains very few parameters. We evaluate our approach in the car subclass of the VehicleSemanticPart dataset. We show it outperforms standard deep network approaches and, in particular, performs much better on novel viewpoints. For facilitating the future research, code is available: https://github.com/ytongbai/SemanticPartDetectio

    On the Complexity of One-class SVM for Multiple Instance Learning

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    In traditional multiple instance learning (MIL), both positive and negative bags are required to learn a prediction function. However, a high human cost is needed to know the label of each bag---positive or negative. Only positive bags contain our focus (positive instances) while negative bags consist of noise or background (negative instances). So we do not expect to spend too much to label the negative bags. Contrary to our expectation, nearly all existing MIL methods require enough negative bags besides positive ones. In this paper we propose an algorithm called "Positive Multiple Instance" (PMI), which learns a classifier given only a set of positive bags. So the annotation of negative bags becomes unnecessary in our method. PMI is constructed based on the assumption that the unknown positive instances in positive bags be similar each other and constitute one compact cluster in feature space and the negative instances locate outside this cluster. The experimental results demonstrate that PMI achieves the performances close to or a little worse than those of the traditional MIL algorithms on benchmark and real data sets. However, the number of training bags in PMI is reduced significantly compared with traditional MIL algorithms

    On Preempting Advanced Persistent Threats Using Probabilistic Graphical Models

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    This paper presents PULSAR, a framework for pre-empting Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). PULSAR employs a probabilistic graphical model (specifically a Factor Graph) to infer the time evolution of an attack based on observed security events at runtime. PULSAR (i) learns the statistical significance of patterns of events from past attacks; (ii) composes these patterns into FGs to capture the progression of the attack; and (iii) decides on preemptive actions. PULSAR's accuracy and its performance are evaluated in three experiments at SystemX: (i) a study with a dataset containing 120 successful APTs over the past 10 years (PULSAR accurately identifies 91.7%); (ii) replaying of a set of ten unseen APTs (PULSAR stops 8 out of 10 replayed attacks before system integrity violation, and all ten before data exfiltration); and (iii) a production deployment of PULSAR (during a month-long deployment, PULSAR took an average of one second to make a decision)

    Modular Resource Centric Learning for Workflow Performance Prediction

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    Workflows provide an expressive programming model for fine-grained control of large-scale applications in distributed computing environments. Accurate estimates of complex workflow execution metrics on large-scale machines have several key advantages. The performance of scheduling algorithms that rely on estimates of execution metrics degrades when the accuracy of predicted execution metrics decreases. This in-progress paper presents a technique being developed to improve the accuracy of predicted performance metrics of large-scale workflows on distributed platforms. The central idea of this work is to train resource-centric machine learning agents to capture complex relationships between a set of program instructions and their performance metrics when executed on a specific resource. This resource-centric view of a workflow exploits the fact that predicting execution times of sub-modules of a workflow requires monitoring and modeling of a few dynamic and static features. We transform the input workflow that is essentially a directed acyclic graph of actions into a Physical Resource Execution Plan (PREP). This transformation enables us to model an arbitrarily complex workflow as a set of simpler programs running on physical nodes. We delegate a machine learning model to capture performance metrics for each resource type when it executes different program instructions under varying degrees of resource contention. Our algorithm takes the prediction metrics from each resource agent and composes the overall workflow performance metrics by utilizing the structure of the corresponding Physical Resource Execution Plan.Comment: This paper was presented at: 6th Workshop on Big Data Analytics: Challenges, and Opportunities (BDAC) at the 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC 2015