4,403 research outputs found

    Computing Vertex Centrality Measures in Massive Real Networks with a Neural Learning Model

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    Vertex centrality measures are a multi-purpose analysis tool, commonly used in many application environments to retrieve information and unveil knowledge from the graphs and network structural properties. However, the algorithms of such metrics are expensive in terms of computational resources when running real-time applications or massive real world networks. Thus, approximation techniques have been developed and used to compute the measures in such scenarios. In this paper, we demonstrate and analyze the use of neural network learning algorithms to tackle such task and compare their performance in terms of solution quality and computation time with other techniques from the literature. Our work offers several contributions. We highlight both the pros and cons of approximating centralities though neural learning. By empirical means and statistics, we then show that the regression model generated with a feedforward neural networks trained by the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is not only the best option considering computational resources, but also achieves the best solution quality for relevant applications and large-scale networks. Keywords: Vertex Centrality Measures, Neural Networks, Complex Network Models, Machine Learning, Regression ModelComment: 8 pages, 5 tables, 2 figures, version accepted at IJCNN 2018. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1810.1176

    Scalable Online Betweenness Centrality in Evolving Graphs

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    Betweenness centrality is a classic measure that quantifies the importance of a graph element (vertex or edge) according to the fraction of shortest paths passing through it. This measure is notoriously expensive to compute, and the best known algorithm runs in O(nm) time. The problems of efficiency and scalability are exacerbated in a dynamic setting, where the input is an evolving graph seen edge by edge, and the goal is to keep the betweenness centrality up to date. In this paper we propose the first truly scalable algorithm for online computation of betweenness centrality of both vertices and edges in an evolving graph where new edges are added and existing edges are removed. Our algorithm is carefully engineered with out-of-core techniques and tailored for modern parallel stream processing engines that run on clusters of shared-nothing commodity hardware. Hence, it is amenable to real-world deployment. We experiment on graphs that are two orders of magnitude larger than previous studies. Our method is able to keep the betweenness centrality measures up to date online, i.e., the time to update the measures is smaller than the inter-arrival time between two consecutive updates.Comment: 15 pages, 9 Figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineerin

    Modular design of data-parallel graph algorithms

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    Amorphous Data Parallelism has proven to be a suitable vehicle for implementing concurrent graph algorithms effectively on multi-core architectures. In view of the growing complexity of graph algorithms for information analysis, there is a need to facilitate modular design techniques in the context of Amorphous Data Parallelism. In this paper, we investigate what it takes to formulate algorithms possessing Amorphous Data Parallelism in a modular fashion enabling a large degree of code re-use. Using the betweenness centrality algorithm, a widely popular algorithm in the analysis of social networks, we demonstrate that a single optimisation technique can suffice to enable a modular programming style without loosing the efficiency of a tailor-made monolithic implementation

    A Self-Organization Framework for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks as Small Worlds

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    Motivated by the benefits of small world networks, we propose a self-organization framework for wireless ad hoc networks. We investigate the use of directional beamforming for creating long-range short cuts between nodes. Using simulation results for randomized beamforming as a guideline, we identify crucial design issues for algorithm design. Our results show that, while significant path length reduction is achievable, this is accompanied by the problem of asymmetric paths between nodes. Subsequently, we propose a distributed algorithm for small world creation that achieves path length reduction while maintaining connectivity. We define a new centrality measure that estimates the structural importance of nodes based on traffic flow in the network, which is used to identify the optimum nodes for beamforming. We show, using simulations, that this leads to significant reduction in path length while maintaining connectivity.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Fast network centrality analysis using GPUs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the exploding volume of data generated by continuously evolving high-throughput technologies, biological network analysis problems are growing larger in scale and craving for more computational power. General Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) provides a cost-effective technology for the study of large-scale biological networks. Designing algorithms that maximize data parallelism is the key in leveraging the power of GPUs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We proposed an efficient data parallel formulation of the All-Pairs Shortest Path problem, which is the key component for shortest path-based centrality computation. A betweenness centrality algorithm built upon this formulation was developed and benchmarked against the most recent GPU-based algorithm. Speedup between 11 to 19% was observed in various simulated scale-free networks. We further designed three algorithms based on this core component to compute closeness centrality, eccentricity centrality and stress centrality. To make all these algorithms available to the research community, we developed a software package <it>gpu</it>-<it>fan </it>(GPU-based Fast Analysis of Networks) for CUDA enabled GPUs. Speedup of 10-50× compared with CPU implementations was observed for simulated scale-free networks and real world biological networks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>gpu</it>-<it>fan </it>provides a significant performance improvement for centrality computation in large-scale networks. Source code is available under the GNU Public License (GPL) at <url>http://bioinfo.vanderbilt.edu/gpu-fan/</url>.</p

    Discriminative Distance-Based Network Indices with Application to Link Prediction

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    In large networks, using the length of shortest paths as the distance measure has shortcomings. A well-studied shortcoming is that extending it to disconnected graphs and directed graphs is controversial. The second shortcoming is that a huge number of vertices may have exactly the same score. The third shortcoming is that in many applications, the distance between two vertices not only depends on the length of shortest paths, but also on the number of shortest paths. In this paper, first we develop a new distance measure between vertices of a graph that yields discriminative distance-based centrality indices. This measure is proportional to the length of shortest paths and inversely proportional to the number of shortest paths. We present algorithms for exact computation of the proposed discriminative indices. Second, we develop randomized algorithms that precisely estimate average discriminative path length and average discriminative eccentricity and show that they give (ϵ,δ)(\epsilon,\delta)-approximations of these indices. Third, we perform extensive experiments over several real-world networks from different domains. In our experiments, we first show that compared to the traditional indices, discriminative indices have usually much more discriminability. Then, we show that our randomized algorithms can very precisely estimate average discriminative path length and average discriminative eccentricity, using only few samples. Then, we show that real-world networks have usually a tiny average discriminative path length, bounded by a constant (e.g., 2). Fourth, in order to better motivate the usefulness of our proposed distance measure, we present a novel link prediction method, that uses discriminative distance to decide which vertices are more likely to form a link in future, and show its superior performance compared to the well-known existing measures

    Multitask Learning on Graph Neural Networks: Learning Multiple Graph Centrality Measures with a Unified Network

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    The application of deep learning to symbolic domains remains an active research endeavour. Graph neural networks (GNN), consisting of trained neural modules which can be arranged in different topologies at run time, are sound alternatives to tackle relational problems which lend themselves to graph representations. In this paper, we show that GNNs are capable of multitask learning, which can be naturally enforced by training the model to refine a single set of multidimensional embeddings ∈Rd\in \mathbb{R}^d and decode them into multiple outputs by connecting MLPs at the end of the pipeline. We demonstrate the multitask learning capability of the model in the relevant relational problem of estimating network centrality measures, focusing primarily on producing rankings based on these measures, i.e. is vertex v1v_1 more central than vertex v2v_2 given centrality cc?. We then show that a GNN can be trained to develop a \emph{lingua franca} of vertex embeddings from which all relevant information about any of the trained centrality measures can be decoded. The proposed model achieves 89%89\% accuracy on a test dataset of random instances with up to 128 vertices and is shown to generalise to larger problem sizes. The model is also shown to obtain reasonable accuracy on a dataset of real world instances with up to 4k vertices, vastly surpassing the sizes of the largest instances with which the model was trained (n=128n=128). Finally, we believe that our contributions attest to the potential of GNNs in symbolic domains in general and in relational learning in particular.Comment: Published at ICANN2019. 10 pages, 3 Figure

    A Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality

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    The problem of efficiently computing the betweenness centrality of nodes has been researched extensively. To date, the best known exact and centralized algorithm for this task is an algorithm proposed in 2001 by Brandes. The contribution of our paper is Brandes++, an algorithm for exact efficient computation of betweenness centrality. The crux of our algorithm is that we create a sketch of the graph, that we call the skeleton, by replacing subgraphs with simpler graph structures. Depending on the underlying graph structure, using this skeleton and by keeping appropriate summaries Brandes++ we can achieve significantly low running times in our computations. Extensive experimental evaluation on real life datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm for different types of graphs. We release our code for benefit of the research community.Comment: Shorter version of this paper appeared in Siam Data Mining 201
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