528 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Relaying Schemes with Decode-and-Forward over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

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    Utilizing relaying techniques to improve performance of wireless systems is a promising avenue. However, it is crucial to understand what type of relaying schemes should be used for achieving different performance objectives under realistic fading conditions. In this paper, we present a general framework for modelling and evaluating the performance of relaying schemes based on the decode-and-forward (DF) protocol over independent and not necessarily identically distributed (INID) Nakagami-m fading channels. In particular, we present closed-form expressions for the statistics of the instantaneous output signal-to-noise ratio of four significant relaying schemes with DF; two based on repetitive transmission and the other two based on relay selection (RS). These expressions are then used to obtain closed-form expressions for the outage probability and the average symbol error probability for several modulations of all considered relaying schemes over INID Nakagami-m fading. Importantly, it is shown that when the channel state information for RS is perfect, RS-based transmission schemes always outperform repetitive ones. Furthermore, when the direct link between the source and the destination nodes is sufficiently strong, relaying may not result in any gains and in this case it should be switched-off.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communication

    Power Allocation and Cooperative Diversity in Two-Way Non-Regenerative Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this paper, we investigate the performance of a dual-hop block fading cognitive radio network with underlay spectrum sharing over independent but not necessarily identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) Nakagami-mm fading channels. The primary network consists of a source and a destination. Depending on whether the secondary network which consists of two source nodes have a single relay for cooperation or multiple relays thereby employs opportunistic relay selection for cooperation and whether the two source nodes suffer from the primary users' (PU) interference, two cases are considered in this paper, which are referred to as Scenario (a) and Scenario (b), respectively. For the considered underlay spectrum sharing, the transmit power constraint of the proposed system is adjusted by interference limit on the primary network and the interference imposed by primary user (PU). The developed new analysis obtains new analytical results for the outage capacity (OC) and average symbol error probability (ASEP). In particular, for Scenario (a), tight lower bounds on the OC and ASEP of the secondary network are derived in closed-form. In addition, a closed from expression for the end-to-end OC of Scenario (a) is achieved. With regards to Scenario (b), a tight lower bound on the OC of the secondary network is derived in closed-form. All analytical results are corroborated using Monte Carlo simulation method

    MIMO CDMA-based Optical SATCOMs: A New Solution

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    A new scheme for MIMO CDMA-based optical satellite communications (OSATCOMs) is presented. Three independent problems are described for up-link and down- link in terms of two distinguished optimization problems. At first, in up-link, Pulse-width optimization is proposed to reduce dispersions over fibers as the terrestrial part. This is performed for return-to-zero (RZ) modulation that is supposed to be used as an example in here. This is carried out by solving the first optimization problem, while minimizing the probability of overlapping for the Gaussian pulses that are used to produce RZ. Some constraints are assumed such as a threshold for the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). In down-link, the second and the third problems are discussed as follows, jointly as a closed-form solution. Solving the second optimization problem, an objective function is obtained, namely the MIMO CDMA-based satellite weight-matrix as a conventional adaptive beam-former. The Satellite link is stablished over flat un-correlated Nakagami-m/Suzuki fading channels as the second problem. On the other hand, the mentioned optimization problem is robustly solved as the third important problem, while considering inter-cell interferences in the multi-cell scenario. Robust solution is performed due to the partial knowledge of each cell from the others in which the link capacity is maximized. Analytical results are conducted to investigate the merit of system.Comment: IEEE PCITC 2015 (15-17 Oct, India

    Outage and Rate Evaluation of Drone based Decode and Forward Cooperation for Hybrid Fading Channels

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    In this paper, we consider a drone as a relay in Cooperative Communication (CC) to improve the network performance in an upcoming wireless network. Drone Assisted CC (DACC) is more useful when the central coordinator (base station) gets disrupted. In such a scenario, the drone works as an aerial relay and provides CC diversity to the end-users. In this article, a Decode-and-Forward (DF) protocol is used as a relaying scheme at the drone, and the Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) scheme is used at the end-users for combining the direct and relayed signal. Here, we assume Nakagami faded channel among Airto- Ground (A2G) links and Rayleigh faded distribution between Ground-to-Ground (G2G) links. The performance of DA-CC is evaluated in a hybrid channel environment and compared based on drone height, rate, horizontal distance, and transmitted power with the existing Rayleigh and Nakagami faded distributions. The analytical expression of outage probability and the rate have been derived for analysis purposes, and Monte-Carlo simulations are used to verify the analytical results. This work can have security and surveillance applications to improve the network performance in the absence of a central base station
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