1,214 research outputs found

    Borel sets with large squares

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    For a cardinal mu we give a sufficient condition (*)_mu (involving ranks measuring existence of independent sets) for: [(**)_mu] if a Borel set B subseteq R x R contains a mu-square (i.e. a set of the form A x A, |A|= mu) then it contains a 2^{aleph_0}-square and even a perfect square, and also for [(***)_mu] if psi in L_{omega_1, omega} has a model of cardinality mu then it has a model of cardinality continuum generated in a nice, absolute way. Assuming MA + 2^{aleph_0}> mu for transparency, those three conditions ((*)_mu, (**)_mu and (***)_mu) are equivalent, and by this we get e.g.: for all alpha= aleph_alpha => not (**)_{aleph_alpha}, and also min {mu :(*)_mu}, if <2^{aleph_0}, has cofinality aleph_1. We deal also with Borel rectangles and related model theoretic problems

    The complexity of classification problems for models of arithmetic

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    We observe that the classification problem for countable models of arithmetic is Borel complete. On the other hand, the classification problems for finitely generated models of arithmetic and for recursively saturated models of arithmetic are Borel; we investigate the precise complexity of each of these. Finally, we show that the classification problem for pairs of recursively saturated models and for automorphisms of a fixed recursively saturated model are Borel complete.Comment: 15 page

    Existence of optimal ultrafilters and the fundamental complexity of simple theories

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    In the first edition of Classification Theory, the second author characterized the stable theories in terms of saturation of ultrapowers. Prior to this theorem, stability had already been defined in terms of counting types, and the unstable formula theorem was known. A contribution of the ultrapower characterization was that it involved sorting out the global theory, and introducing nonforking, seminal for the development of stability theory. Prior to the present paper, there had been no such characterization of an unstable class. In the present paper, we first establish the existence of so-called optimal ultrafilters on Boolean algebras, which are to simple theories as Keisler's good ultrafilters are to all theories. Then, assuming a supercompact cardinal, we characterize the simple theories in terms of saturation of ultrapowers. To do so, we lay the groundwork for analyzing the global structure of simple theories, in ZFC, via complexity of certain amalgamation patterns. This brings into focus a fundamental complexity in simple unstable theories having no real analogue in stability.Comment: The revisions aim to separate the set theoretic and model theoretic aspects of the paper to make it accessible to readers interested primarily in one side. We thank the anonymous referee for many thoughtful comment