4 research outputs found

    Elektronik spor alanının sektörel ve akademik bağlamda değerlendirilmesine yönelik bir araştırma

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    xii, 95 sayfatablo, şekil : 29 cm. 1 CDÖZETDeğişen alışkanlıkların insan hayatını etkilediği noktalardan biri, bilgisayaroyunlarıdır. Son 10 yıldır büyüyen ve kitlesi artan bir alan olan rekabetçi oyunlar,büyüyen ekonomi ile birlikte espor endüstrisi olarak anılmaya başlanmıştır. Esporkavramını tarihsel, teorik ve sektörel açılardan incelemeyi hedefleyen buaraştırmanın amacıespor alanının sektörel ve akademik bağlamda genel birdeğerlendirmesini yapmaktır. Sektörel analiz kısmında, sektör raporlarındanfaydalanılmış ve betimsel bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Akademik analizde ise,bibliyometri ve sosyal ağ analizi kullanılmıştır. Sektörel analizde, endemik pazararaştırma firmalarının ücretsiz raporları kullanılırkenakademik analizde ise,“espor”, “e-spor” ve “elektronik spor” kelimelerinin anahtar kelime ve başlıklardataranması sonucu elde edilen ve İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi kütüphaneveritabanında yer alan makaleler dikkate alınmıştır. Akademik analizin bibliyometrikısmında makaleleryayınlandıkları yıllara, kullanılan araştırma yöntemine vebasıldıkları dergilere göre incelenmiştir. Ardından söz konusu makaleler, sosyal ağanalizine tabi tutulmuş ve espor yazını haritalandırılmıştır. Araştırmanın sektörelanaliz bulguları bağlamındaespor endüstrisinin büyüklüğü 2018 yılı sonu için 906milyon dolar olarak öngörülmüş, dünya genelinde espor izleyicisi sayısının 380milyon düzeyinde olduğu saptanmış, yine dünya genelinde espor takipçi kitlesinin31’inin kadın, 69’unun erkek olduğu tespit edilmiş ve Türkiye’de lisanslıesporcu sayısının 4000’i geçmiş olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Akademik analiz bağlamındaise, yerli yazında 12yabancı yazında 90 adet makaleye ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmalarınyoğunlaştığı yıllar, her iki yazın açısından da 2017 ve 2018’dir.ABSTRACTOne of the points that affect the lives of people changing habits are computergames. Competitive games, which have been growing and growing in the last 10years, have become known as the esports industry along with the growing economy.The purpose of this research which aims to examine the concept of esports from thehistorical, theoretical and sectoral perspectivesto make a general evaluation of theesports field in sectoral and academic context. In the section of sectoral analysis,sector reports were used and a descriptive assessment was made. In the academicanalysis, bibliometry and social network analysis were used. In the sectoral analysis,free reports of endemic market research firms are usedin the academic analysis,articles which are obtained as a result of scanning the words of “esports”, “e-sports”and “electronic sports” in the keywords and titles and in the library database of İzmirKâtip Çelebi University are taken into consideration. In bibliometry part of academicanalysisarticles were examined according to the years they were published, theresearch method used and the journals they were published. Subsequently thesearticles were subjected to social network analysis and esports literature was mapped.In the context of the sectoral analysis findings of the researchthe size of the esportsindustry was projected to be 906 million dollars for the end of 2018, number ofworldwide esports viewer determined to be 380 million, yet 31 of women and 69of men have been found to and number of licensed esports athletes in Turkey hasexceeded 4000. In the context of academic analysis, domestic literature have beenreached 12 articles90 articles have been reached in the foreign literature. The yearsin which the studies were concentrated were both 2017 and 2018 in terms of both ofthem

    Perceptions of video gaming careers and its implications on parental mediation

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    Since its advent in the 1970s, the video game industry has superseded its film counterpart, sporting a growth rate quadrupling that of other media and entertainment sectors. In contemporary times, video gaming occupations — namely game designers, professional gamers and YouTubers — have gained prominence, bolstered by the support of the media industry and government agencies. Yet, little remains known about the perceptions of these careers from the standpoint of parents and young gamers. This dearth of knowledge thus provides an impetus for research since parents’ perceptions could arguably influence the management of their children’s video gaming consumption. Results yielded through qualitative interviews with 35 respondents revealed that parental mediation was practiced via ‘distant mediation’. This is characterised by parents ostensibly withdrawing or remaining remotely detached from their children’s video gaming whilst monitoring them from afar. When perspectives of gaming careers were further scrutinised through a comparative scope, the findings also reflected that parents and children shared accommodating attitudes toward vocations in the video gaming sector

    Esports: the consumers’ awareness levels of esports in South Africa.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Esports is a growing industry that has many misconceptions that create a lack of awareness and a negative perception of esports in South Africa. The study aims to examine the consumers’ awareness, knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of esport activities in South Africa and how these factors affect the esports businesses ability to attract the esport consumer. The target sample size of the population was 384 consumers. This study used a quantitative approach to gather data through a selfadministered online questionnaire that was developed using google forms, this enabled the responses to be recorded anonymously. Two hundred and one respondents responded to the questionnaire. The misconception of consumers not knowing about esports, was proven wrong due to consumers gaining knowledge mainly through online gaming communities. The awareness of esports amongst consumers were high, however the associations and organisations were not as well known. It was evident that 99.5% were aware of esports and 93.5% would classify esports as a sport. It is important for consumers to be aware of other associations as these associations help to ensure the level of esports is at a professional level and will enable them to identify which organizations are credible. The respondents’ attitudes attitude towards esports was positive and that they were not affected by external social factors towards the sport. The study revealed that advertising in the esports market is not as effective as it should be as consumers felt they were not as impactful as mainstream techniques. The study recommends the creation of awareness about esports to the greater populace via more traditional media to penetrate and correct the various social norms

    Cadenland: An Ethnographic Case Study Exploring a Male's Videogaming Literacies on Crayta Within the Larger Stadia Culture

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    As content creation becomes more accessible and social through gaming, defying hardware barriers, not deterred by software interfaces, moving gaming into the cloud has made it a massive multiplier for players to explore their literacies and creativity without the clutter of the physical space. Videogaming's popularity has sparked controversy, especially the perception of videogames as violent and having a negative influence on players or having no social value in it. Hence, the need to create a balance by focusing on the merits inherent in videogames. This virtual ethnographic case study explored the literacies found in a 26-year-old male gamer's videogaming on Crayta within a larger Stadia cloud gaming community. The methodology included observations, semistructured and unstructured interviews, in-game chats, game-based artifacts, and thematic analysis to analyze the data gathered from the participant. Findings reveal how videogaming experience enhanced the participant's engagement, resulting in four significant literacy outcomes. Results are discussed regarding implications for collaboration, creativity and innovation, critical strategic thinking, and social skills. Included is a hybrid theoretical framework of layered literacies and the feedback loop for examining the lived-in experiences of the participant