4 research outputs found

    Development of a Counting System Method for Managing Crowd Using Image Sensing Device

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    Counting of people and collecting good data is a major problem in every organization. Counting of people may be manual or automatic. In order to create an efficient counting system, this study focused on automatic counting system to sense, count and collect data using image sensing device technology. The image sensing device was able to sense, and count people. Also, adaptive algorithm was developed to ensure accurate counting for both indoor and outdoor counting. Background Subtraction is also considered for varying shadows and lighting conditions. This was done using MATLAB. Finally the method of image processing, gives good result of quick sensing, and rapid countin

    People counting by learning their appearance in a multi-view camera environment

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    We present a people counting system that, based on the information gathered by multiple cameras, is able to tackle occlusions and lack of visibility that are typical in crowded and cluttered scenes. In our method, evidence of the foreground likelihood in each available view is obtained through a bio-inspired mechanism of self-organizing background subtraction, that is robust against well known foreground detection challenges and is able to detect both moving and stationary foreground objects. This information is gathered into a synergistic framework, that exploits the homography associated to each scene view and the scene ground plane, thus allowing to reconstruct people feet positions in a single “feet map” image. Finally, people counting is obtained by a k-NN classification, based on learning the count estimates from the feet maps, supported by a tracking mechanism that keeps track of people movements and of their identities along time, also enabling tolerance to occasional misdetections. Experimental results with detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis and comparisons with state-of-the-art methods are provided on publicly available benchmark datasets with different crowd densities and environmental conditions