1,586,186 research outputs found

    Nuclear Quadrupole Hyperfine Structure in HC14N/H14NC and DC15N/D15NC Isomerization: A Diagnostic Tool for Characterizing Vibrational Localization

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    Large-amplitude molecular motions which occur during isomerization can cause significant changes in electronic structure. These variations in electronic properties can be used to identify vibrationally-excited eigenstates which are localized along the potential energy surface. This work demonstrates that nuclear quadrupole hyperfine interactions can be used as a diagnostic marker of progress along the isomerization path in both the HC14N/H14NC and DC15N/D15NC chemical systems. Ab initio calculations at the CCSD(T)/cc-pCVQZ level indicate that the hyperfine interaction is extremely sensitive to the chemical bonding of the quadrupolar 14N nucleus and can therefore be used to determine in which potential well the vibrational wavefunction is localized. A natural bonding orbital analysis along the isomerization path further demonstrates that hyperfine interactions arise from the asphericity of the electron density at the quadrupolar nucleus. Using the CCSD(T) potential surface, the quadrupole coupling constants of highly-excited vibrational states are computed from a one-dimensional internal coordinate path Hamiltonian. The excellent agreement between ab initio calculations and recent measurements demonstrates that nuclear quadrupole hyperfine structure can be used as a diagnostic tool for characterizing localized HCN and HNC vibrational states.Comment: Accepted by Physical Chemistry Chemical Physic

    Interaction and communication among autonomous agents in multiagent systems

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    The main goal of this doctoral thesis is to investigate a fundamental topic of research within the Multiagent Systems paradigm: the problem of defining open, heterogeneous, and dynamic interaction frameworks. That is to realize interaction systems where multiple agents can enter and leave dynamically and where no assumptions are made on the internal structure of the interacting agents. Such topic of research has received much attention in the past few years. In particular the need to realize applications where artificial agents can interact negotiate, exchange information, resources, and services has become more and more important thanks to the advent of Internet. I started my studies by developing a trading agent that took part to an international trading on-line game: the First Trading Agent Competition (TAC). During the design and development phase of the trading agent some crucial and critical troubles emerged: the problem of accurately understanding the rules that govern the different auctions; and the problem of understanding the meaning of the numerous messages. Another general problem is that the internal structure of the developed trading agent have been strongly determined by the peculiar interface of the interaction system, consequently without any changes in its code, it would not be able to take part to any other competition on the Web. Furthermore the trading agent would not have been able to exploit opportunities, to handle unexpected situations, or to reason about the rules of the various auctions, since it is not able to understand the meaning o the exchanged messages. The presence of all those problems bears out the need to find a standard common accepted way to define open interaction systems. The most important component of every interaction framework, as is remarked also by philosophical studies on human communication is the institution of language. Therefore I start to investigate the problem of defining a standard and common accepted semantics for Agent Communication Languages (ACL). The solutions proposed so far are at best partial, and are considered as unsatisfactory by a large number of specialists. In particular, they are unable to support verifiable compliance to standards and to make agents responsible for their communicative actions. Furthermore such proposals make the strong assumption that every interacting agent may be modeled as a Belief-Desire-Intention agent. What is required is an approach focused on externally observable events as opposed to the unobservable internal states of agents. Following Speech Act Theory that views language use as a form of action, I propose an operational specification for the definition of a standard ACL based on the notion of social commitment. In such a proposal the meaning of basic communicative acts is defined as the effect that it has on the social relationship between the sender and the receiver described through operation on an unambiguous, objective, and public "object": the commitment. The adoption of the notion of commitment is crucial to stabilize the interaction among agents, to create an expectation on other agents behavior, to enable agents to reason about their and other agents actions. The proposed ACL is verifiable, that is, it is possible to determine if an agent is behaving in accordance to its communicative actions; the semantics is objective, independent of the agent's internal structure, flexible and extensible, simple, yet enough expressive. A complete operational specification of an interaction framework using the proposed commitment-based ACL is presented. In particular some sample applications of how to use the proposed framework to formalize interaction protocols are reported. A list of soundness conditions to test if a protocol is sound is proposed

    Le brouillon collaboratif: analyse de productions d’élèvesde 5ème HarmoS

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    Ce travail cherche à intégrer le dispositif du brouillon collaboratif dans une séquence de production écrite de langue 1 dans trois classes de 5ème HarmoS dans le canton de Fribourg en début d’année scolaire. La majeure partie de ce travail réside dans l’analyse quantitative des nombreuses productions textuelles d’élèves ayant participé à notre séquence inédite. Créée spécialement en fonction des planifications des enseignantes, celle-ci traite aussi bien du texte d’itinéraire que du texte transmettant des savoirs à travers des expériences. Notre travail montre que le dispositif du brouillon collaboratif couplé à la révision collaborative permet aux élèves de produire des textes variés et correspondant aux genres textuels abordés, leur apportant donc une aide effective. Il s’agit donc d’un outil didactique qui prend tout son sens dans l’enseignement du français au cycle 2 et qui mérite d’être d’avantage mis en pratique

    Contribution to the understanding of the Ionian Basin sedimentary evolution along the eastern edge of Apulia during the Late Cretaceous in Albania

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    Integrated in the peri-Adriatic domain, the Ionian Basin extended along a NW-SE direction during the Late Cretaceous, limited on its sides by the Apulian and the Kruja platforms. The basinal/slope succession was studied in seven outcrops exposed in the Albanian fold-and-thrust belt. Sedimentological investigations, supported by bio- and chronostratigraphy were performed on calcareous Upper Cretaceous hemipelagites, gravity-flow deposits and slumps. The western part of the basin was studied, revealing a strong influence of the Apulian margin, alternatively shedding sediment basinward, by means of a tectonically controlled edge. The Late Albian to Cenomanian period is characterized by the settling of muddy debrites along the margin. A deep basinal environment characterizes this period which prolongs until the Santonian, with no significant influx of the platform basinward. This sedimentary setting abruptly changed at the end of the Santonian, with an important influx derived from both platforms. Coarsening and thickening upward sequences show a progressive increase in sediment shedding during the Campanian. The Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian period points out a major change on the resedimentation processes with the settling of several slumped units reworking thick sediment packages. The latter can be traced along the Apulian margin, testifying of instabilities along the edge of Apulia
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