1 research outputs found

    Retrieval of firn thickness by means of polarisation phase differences in L-band SAR data

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    The knowledge of ice zones extent and their temporal variations is fundamental for the retrieval of surface mass balance of glaciers and ice sheets. In this context, a key parameter is the firn line (FL), the lower boundary of the firn zone, whose location is an indicator of time-integrated mass balance changes. Several approaches have been developed in the last decades to map the FL by means of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery, mainly exploiting backscatter intensities and their seasonal variations. In this paper, an alternative approach is proposed, based on co-polarization phase differences (CPDs). In particular, CPDs are interpreted as the result of propagation through anisotropic firn layers and are, therefore, proposed as an indicator of the presence of firn. A model is employed to demonstrate the link between CPDs and firn depth, indicating the potential of polarimetric SAR to improve firn characterization beyond spatial extent and FL detection. The proposed approach is demonstrated on L-band airborne data acquired by the F-SAR sensor of DLR in West Greenland during the ARCTIC15 campaign and validated with in-situ reference information available from other studies