1 research outputs found

    Patterns that induce advice in remote cooking support via first person vision communication

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    Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 2015 IEEE International Conference, June 29 2015 - July 3 2015, Turin.In this study, we introduce a novel scheme for distance learning that aims to teach people how to cook, thereby reaching people who are unable to join online cooking classes, supporting rehabilitation and care for single-living elderly people, and handing down dietary knowledge and culture. Our scheme utilizes a framework of working support through first person vision (FPV) communication, in which a worker with a head-mounted camera works under the guidance of an experienced mentor monitoring the FPV from a distance. To make this scheme fully effective, we investigated the communication that takes place in this environment, i.e., how typical response patterns and absence pauses induce advice. Through experiments, temporal characteristics of such features are found to be tightly related to the occurrences of advice