2 research outputs found

    Educa??o em tempos de bolhas online : uma abordagem peirceana.

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    O desenvolvimento das redes sociais digitais e dos sistemas de busca na internet t?m nos levado a repensar os modos como interagimos e adquirimos informa??o na internet. Apesar de potencialmente a internet, como um reposit?rio gigantesco de dados, aumentar as possibilidades de acesso aos mais diversos dados, assim como o aumento da quantidade de informa??o, nossos modos de intera??o em rede hoje t?m mostrado algumas restri??es nesse universo de possibilidades. Neste artigo, analisaremos o surgimento das bolhas online como um fen?meno que mostra como certos modos de intera??o na internet podem nos levar a ficar fechados em universos muito restritos e familiares ao inv?s de nos proporcionar a experi?ncia com o desconhecido a fim de descobri-lo. Embora exista a for?a dos algoritmos que orientam intera??es e escolhas, ? poss?vel afirmar que a constru??o da recep??o e apropria??o de produtos culturais ? um processo social complexo, envolvendo uma atividade cont?nua de interpreta??o e assimila??o de conte?do significativo por indiv?duos e grupos. Assim, apesar de desempenharem um papel decisivo na limita??o da exposi??o a diferentes pontos de vista, ? poss?vel afirmar que os algoritmos n?o s?o o ?nico elemento determinante na filtragem de conte?do e ag?ncia individual. Diante disso, al?m do algoritmo, quais s?o os motivos do ?embubblement? fornecido pelo Facebook?The development of online social networks makes it possible to rethink how we interact and acquire information on the internet. Although potentially the internet as a vast repository of data, increasing chances of access to the various data, our modes of interaction on the net today show some restrictions in this universe of possibilities. In this text, we will show, how the emergence of bubbles online is one of those phenomena that show how certain modes of interaction on the internet can lead to very restricted worlds instead of providing us with the experience with the unknown to discover it. Although there is the strength of algorithms guiding interactions and choices, it is possible to affirm that construction of reception and appropriation of cultural products is a complex social process, involving a continuous activity of interpretation and assimilation of meaningful content by individuals and groups. Thus, although they play a decisive role in limiting exposure to different points of view, it is possible to affirm that algorithms are not the only determinant element in the filtering of content and individual agency. Given this, in addition to the algorithm, what are the reasons for the ?embubblement? provided by Facebook

    Patterns of Rationality: Recurring Inferences in Science, Social Cognition and Religious Thinking

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    This book proposes an applied epistemological framework for investigating science, social cognition and religious thinking based on inferential patterns that recur in the different domains. It presents human rationality as a tool that allows us to make sense of our (physical or social) surroundings. It shows that the resulting cognitive activity produces a broad spectrum of outputs, such as scientific models and experimentation, gossip and social networks, but also ancient and contemporary deities. The book consists of three parts, the first of which addresses scientific modeling and experimentation, and their application to the analysis of scientific rationality. Thus, this part continues the tradition of eco-cognitive epistemology and abduction studies. The second part deals with the relationship between social cognition and cognitive niche construction, i.e. the evolutionarily relevant externalization of knowledge onto the environment, while the third part focuses on what is commonly defined as “irrational”, thus being in a way dialectically opposed to the first part. Here, the author demonstrates that the “irrational” can be analyzed by applying the same epistemological approach used to study scientific rationality and social cognition; also in this case, we see the emergence of patterns of rationality that regulate the relationships between agents and their environment. All in all, the book offers a coherent and unitary account of human rationality, providing a basis for new conceptual connections and theoretical speculations