116,425 research outputs found

    Three Essays on Big Data Consumer Analytics in E-Commerce

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    Consumers are increasingly spending more time and money online. Business to consumer e-commerce is growing on average of 20 percent each year and has reached 1.5 trillion dollars globally in 2014. Given the scale and growth of consumer online purchase and usage data, firms\u27 ability to understand and utilize this data is becoming an essential competitive strategy. But, large-scale data analytics in e-commerce is still at its nascent stage and there is much to be learned in all aspects of e-commerce. Successful analytics on big data often require a combination of both data mining and econometrics: data mining to reduce or structure (from unstructured data such as text, photo, and video) large-scale data and econometric analyses to truly understand and assign causality to interesting patterns. In my dissertation, I study how firms can better utilize big data analytics and specific applications of machine learning techniques for improved e-commerce using theory-driven econometrical and experimental studies. I show that e-commerce managers can now formulate data-driven strategies for many aspect of business including cross-selling via recommenders on sales sites to increasing brand awareness and leads via social media content-engineered-marketing. These results are readily actionable with far-reaching economical consequences


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    The rapid development of technology in economics and business is changing the patterns and lifestyles of consumptive humans towards the use of online shopping applications, shopping services via the internet that are easy and practical of course make consumers become accustomed to and continue to use them from the many online shopping applications of course each customer has his own experience in using related applications, this research also combines neuromarketing science. The study aims to obtain customer assessments of the use of the blibli.com online application by combining neuromarketing theory according to Hausel's theory. This research uses quantitative methods with questionnaire data collection techniques and is processed through Microsoft Excel and SPSS applications. The results showed that marketplace consumers according to Hausel's Limbic Type are Connoisseurs, Hedonists and Harmonists, while Blibli's Limbic Map is balance. The domain name, Blibli.com, has a positive and significant effect on consumer preferences in the Blibli.com market place, although other variables do not have a significant effect, but overall the components have a positive effect on the total Y. The research explains that consumer preferences for the Blibli.com market place or e-commerce get a percentage of 77.7%

    Customer purchase behavior prediction in E-commerce: a conceptual framework and research agenda

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    Digital retailers are experiencing an increasing number of transactions coming from their consumers online, a consequence of the convenience in buying goods via E-commerce platforms. Such interactions compose complex behavioral patterns which can be analyzed through predictive analytics to enable businesses to understand consumer needs. In this abundance of big data and possible tools to analyze them, a systematic review of the literature is missing. Therefore, this paper presents a systematic literature review of recent research dealing with customer purchase prediction in the E-commerce context. The main contributions are a novel analytical framework and a research agenda in the field. The framework reveals three main tasks in this review, namely, the prediction of customer intents, buying sessions, and purchase decisions. Those are followed by their employed predictive methodologies and are analyzed from three perspectives. Finally, the research agenda provides major existing issues for further research in the field of purchase behavior prediction online

    ICT loves agglomeration The urban impacts of ICT in the Netherlands

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has had an undeniable impact on our society. Some people argue that technology has projected us onto a new wave of social and cultural change. Nevertheless, despite the growth of technology and the social significance of its applications, we have only a poor grasp of its actual impact on the use of physical space. The key question addressed in this paper is therefore: how will ICT influence the spatial-economic patterns of business activities in the Netherlands? In offering answers to this question, the paper develops a conceptual framework that distinguishes two roles of ICT in spatial-economic development: that of a ‘motor’, enhancing productivity and encourages the development of economic sectors, and that of an ‘enabler’ (of e-work, e-commerce and e-business), which may lead households and firms to adopt a different attitude to space requirements. The paper is based on a thorough survey of the current literature on the subject, the results of a recent survey of ICT’s impact on society, and original empirical research into specific factors such as ICT companies’ location preferences and the willingness of knowledge workers to commute. The paper presents an assessment of the usefulness of these concepts in terms of the Dutch situation, both today and in the future. We conclude that Information and Communication Technology has not yet had a marked visible impact on the use of space. To the contrary, despite predictions neither Dutch companies (particularly those in the ICT sector) nor knowledge workers display any unusual degree of mobility at the local or regional s 2perfect substitute for ‘traditional’ behavioural patterns. Nevertheless, there are clear indications that the ‘spatial order’ of the Netherlands is likely to change. Although it is likely that ICT will consolidate underlying spatial patterns, on the regional aggregate changes are occurring within those patterns. While (inner) cities have traditionally been the breeding ground for new ICT companies, this function has now largely been taken over by the outlying city regions, in which multiple clusters of economic activity are emerging: a process of ‘splintering urbanism’. However, despite this regionalized pattern of deconcentration, the traditional city centres continue to fulfil a number of essential functions. These centres remain the meeting places, and the shopping and entertainment centres for businesses and households (the ‘Consumer City’). In the processes of deconcentration and multimodality, ICT should be seen to play an important facilitating and strengthening role. cale. ICT does not function as a 2perfect substitute for ‘traditional’ behavioural patterns. Nevertheless, there are clear indications that the ‘spatial order’ of the Netherlands is likely to change. Although it is likely that ICT will consolidate underlying spatial patterns, on the regional aggregate changes are occurring within those patterns. While (inner) cities have traditionally been the breeding ground for new ICT companies, this function has now largely been taken over by the outlying city regions, in which multiple clusters of economic activity are emerging: a process of ‘splintering urbanism’. However, despite this regionalized pattern of deconcentration, the traditional city centres continue to fulfil a number of essential functions. These centres remain the meeting places, and the shopping and entertainment centres for businesses and households (the ‘Consumer City’). In the processes of deconcentration and multimodality, ICT should be seen to play an important facilitating and strengthening role.

    Body language, security and e-commerce

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    Security is becoming an increasingly more important concern both at the desktop level and at the network level. This article discusses several approaches to authenticating individuals through the use of biometric devices. While libraries might not implement such devices, they may appear in the near future of desktop computing, particularly for access to institutional computers or for access to sensitive information. Other approaches to computer security focus on protecting the contents of electronic transmissions and verification of individual users. After a brief overview of encryption technologies, the article examines public-key cryptography which is getting a lot of attention in the business world in what is called public key infrastructure. It also examines other efforts, such as IBM’s Cryptolope, the Secure Sockets Layer of Web browsers, and Digital Certificates and Signatures. Secure electronic transmissions are an important condition for conducting business on the Net. These business transactions are not limited to purchase orders, invoices, and contracts. This could become an important tool for information vendors and publishers to control access to the electronic resources they license. As license negotiators and contract administrators, librarians need to be aware of what is happening in these new technologies and the impact that will have on their operations

    E-logistics of agribusiness organisations

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    Logistics is one of the most important agribusiness functions due to the idiosyncrasy of food products and the structure of food supply chain. Companies in the food sector typically operate with poor production forecasting, inefficient inventory management, lack of coordination with supply partners. Further, markets are characterised by stern competition, increasing consumer demands and stringent regulation for food quality and safety. Large agribusiness corporations have already turned to e-logistics solutions as a means to sustain competitive advantage and meet consumer demands. There are four types of e-logistics applications: (a) Vertical alliances where supply partners forge long-term strategic alliances based on electronic sharing of critical logistics information such as sales forecasts and inventory volume. Vertical alliances often apply supply chain management (SCM) which is concerned with the relationship between a company and its suppliers and customers. The prime characteristic of SCM is interorganizational coordination: agribusiness companies working jointly with their customers and suppliers to integrate activities along the supply chain to effectively supply food products to customers. E-logistics solutions engender the systematic integration among supply partners by allowing more efficient and automatic information flow. (b) e-tailing, in which retailers give consumers the ability to order food such as groceries from home electronically i.e. using the Internet and the subsequent delivery of those ordered goods at home. (c) Efficient Foodservice Response (EFR), which is a strategy designed to enable foodservice industry to achieve profitable growth by looking at ways to save money for each level of the supply chain by eliminating inefficient practices. EFR provides solutions to common logistics problems, such as transactional inefficiency, inefficient plant scheduling, out-of-stocks, and expedited transportation. (d) Contracting, a means of coordinating procurement of food, beverages and their associated supplies. Many markets and supply chains in agriculture are buyer-driven where the buyers in the market tend to set prices and terms of trade. Those terms can include the use of electronic means of communication to support automatic replenishment of goods, management of supply and inventory. The results of the current applications of e-logistics in food sector are encouraging for Greek agribusiness. Companies need to become aware of and evaluate the value-added by those applications which are a sustainable competitive advantage, optimisation of supply chain flows, and meeting consumer demands and food safety regulations. E-business diffusion has shown that typically first-movers gain a significant competitive advantage and the rest companies either eventually adopt the new systems or see a significant decline in their trading partners and perish. E-logistics solutions typically require huge investments in hardware and software and skilled personnel, which is an overt barrier for most Greek companies. Large companies typically are first-movers but small and medium enterprises (SMEs) need institutional support in order to become aware that e-logistics systems can be fruitful for them as well
