207 research outputs found

    Evaluation of color representation for texture analysis

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    Since more than 50 years texture in image material is a topic of research. Hereby, color was ignored mostly. This study compares 70 different configurations for texture analysis, using four features. For the configurations we used: (i) a gray value texture descriptor: the co-occurrence matrix and a color texture descriptor: the color correlogram, (ii) six color spaces, and (iii) several quantization schemes. A three classifier combination was used to classify the output of the configurations on the VisTex texture database. The results indicate that the use of a coarse HSV color space quantization can substantially improve texture recognition compared to various other gray and color quantization schemes

    SenseCam image localisation using hierarchical SURF trees

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    The SenseCam is a wearable camera that automatically takes photos of the wearer's activities, generating thousands of images per day. Automatically organising these images for efficient search and retrieval is a challenging task, but can be simplified by providing semantic information with each photo, such as the wearer's location during capture time. We propose a method for automatically determining the wearer's location using an annotated image database, described using SURF interest point descriptors. We show that SURF out-performs SIFT in matching SenseCam images and that matching can be done efficiently using hierarchical trees of SURF descriptors. Additionally, by re-ranking the top images using bi-directional SURF matches, location matching performance is improved further

    VGAN-Based Image Representation Learning for Privacy-Preserving Facial Expression Recognition

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    Reliable facial expression recognition plays a critical role in human-machine interactions. However, most of the facial expression analysis methodologies proposed to date pay little or no attention to the protection of a user's privacy. In this paper, we propose a Privacy-Preserving Representation-Learning Variational Generative Adversarial Network (PPRL-VGAN) to learn an image representation that is explicitly disentangled from the identity information. At the same time, this representation is discriminative from the standpoint of facial expression recognition and generative as it allows expression-equivalent face image synthesis. We evaluate the proposed model on two public datasets under various threat scenarios. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that our approach strikes a balance between the preservation of privacy and data utility. We further demonstrate that our model can be effectively applied to other tasks such as expression morphing and image completion

    Perception and steering control in paired bat flight

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    Animals within groups need to coordinate their reactions to perceived environmental features and to each other in order to safely move from one point to another. This paper extends our previously published work on the flight patterns of Myotis velifer that have been observed in a habitat near Johnson City, Texas. Each evening, these bats emerge from a cave in sequences of small groups that typically contain no more than three or four individuals, and they thus provide ideal subjects for studying leader-follower behaviors. By analyzing the flight paths of a group of M. velifer, the data show that the flight behavior of a follower bat is influenced by the flight behavior of a leader bat in a way that is not well explained by existing pursuit laws, such as classical pursuit, constant bearing and motion camouflage. Thus we propose an alternative steering law based on virtual loom, a concept we introduce to capture the geometrical configuration of the leader-follower pair. It is shown that this law may be integrated with our previously proposed vision-enabled steering laws to synthesize trajectories, the statistics of which fit with those of the bats in our data set. The results suggest that bats use perceived information of both the environment and their neighbors for navigation.2018-08-0

    Automating the construction of scene classifiers for content-based video retrieval

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    This paper introduces a real time automatic scene classifier within content-based video retrieval. In our envisioned approach end users like documentalists, not image processing experts, build classifiers interactively, by simply indicating positive examples of a scene. Classification consists of a two stage procedure. First, small image fragments called patches are classified. Second, frequency vectors of these patch classifications are fed into a second classifier for global scene classification (e.g., city, portraits, or countryside). The first stage classifiers can be seen as a set of highly specialized, learned feature detectors, as an alternative to letting an image processing expert determine features a priori. We present results for experiments on a variety of patch and image classes. The scene classifier has been used successfully within television archives and for Internet porn filtering

    Morphological Network: How Far Can We Go with Morphological Neurons?

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    In recent years, the idea of using morphological operations as networks has received much attention. Mathematical morphology provides very efficient and useful image processing and image analysis tools based on basic operators like dilation and erosion, defined in terms of kernels. Many other morphological operations are built up using the dilation and erosion operations. Although the learning of structuring elements such as dilation or erosion using the backpropagation algorithm is not new, the order and the way these morphological operations are used is not standard. In this paper, we have theoretically analyzed the use of morphological operations for processing 1D feature vectors and shown that this gets extended to the 2D case in a simple manner. Our theoretical results show that a morphological block represents a sum of hinge functions. Hinge functions are used in many places for classification and regression tasks (Breiman (1993)). We have also proved a universal approximation theorem -- a stack of two morphological blocks can approximate any continuous function over arbitrary compact sets. To experimentally validate the efficacy of this network in real-life applications, we have evaluated its performance on satellite image classification datasets since morphological operations are very sensitive to geometrical shapes and structures. We have also shown results on a few tasks like segmentation of blood vessels from fundus images, segmentation of lungs from chest x-ray and image dehazing. The results are encouraging and further establishes the potential of morphological networks.Comment: 35 pages, 19 figures, 7 table