3 research outputs found

    Pathway analysis of rare variants for the clustered phenotypes by using hierarchical structured components analysis

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    Backgrounds Recent large-scale genetic studies often involve clustered phenotypes such as repeated measurements. Compared to a series of univariate analyses of single phenotypes, an analysis of clustered phenotypes can be useful for substantially increasing statistical power to detect more genetic associations. Moreover, for the analysis of rare variants, incorporation of biological information can boost weak effects of the rare variants. Results Through simulation studies, we showed that the proposed method outperforms other method currently available for pathway-level analysis of clustered phenotypes. Moreover, a real data analysis using a large-scale whole exome sequencing dataset of 995 samples with metabolic syndrome-related phenotypes successfully identified the glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism pathway that could not be identified by the univariate analyses of single phenotypes and other existing method. Conclusion In this paper, we introduced a novel pathway-level association test by combining hierarchical structured components analysis and penalized generalized estimating equations. The proposed method analyzes all pathways in a single unified model while considering their correlations. C/C++ implementation of PHARAOH-GEE is publicly available at http://statgen.snu.ac.kr/software/pharaoh-gee/.Publication costs are funded by the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) grant (HI16C2037). Also, this work was supported by the Bio & Medical Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant (2013M3A9C4078158) and by grants of the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (grant number: HI16C2037, HI15C2165, HI16C2048)

    Pathway-based approach using hierarchical components of rare variants to analyze multiple phenotypes

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    Abstract Background As one possible solution to the “missing heritability” problem, many methods have been proposed that apply pathway-based analyses, using rare variants that are detected by next generation sequencing technology. However, while a number of methods for pathway-based rare-variant analysis of multiple phenotypes have been proposed, no method considers a unified model that incorporate multiple pathways. Results Simulation studies successfully demonstrated advantages of multivariate analysis, compared to univariate analysis, and comparison studies showed the proposed approach to outperform existing methods. Moreover, real data analysis of six type 2 diabetes-related traits, using large-scale whole exome sequencing data, identified significant pathways that were not found by univariate analysis. Furthermore, strong relationships between the identified pathways, and their associated metabolic disorder risk factors, were found via literature search, and one of the identified pathway, was successfully replicated by an analysis with an independent dataset. Conclusions Herein, we present a powerful, pathway-based approach to investigate associations between multiple pathways and multiple phenotypes. By reflecting the natural hierarchy of biological behavior, and considering correlation between pathways and phenotypes, the proposed method is capable of analyzing multiple phenotypes and multiple pathways simultaneously