2 research outputs found

    AODV-UI with Malicious Node Detection and Removal for Public MANET

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    A node in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) solely depends on neighbor nodes for its connectivity to the outer networks. It is completely different with fixed network connection where a central infrastructure is providing connectivity to the outside network for all mobile nodes there. This kind of situation makes MANET easier to build rather than fixed network with certain infrastructure. However, this nature of MANET makes it very vulnerable to various attacks, especially by nodes within the MANET that is called malicious nodes. This paper provides a preliminary result for MANET security enhancement based on AODV-UI routing protocol. In this work we implement an algorithm to detect and remove malicious nodes in AODV-UI routing protocol. We evaluate our work in different scenarios by varying the number of nodes, the number of malicious node, the sending rate of the node in concern, and the type of the attack i.e. route poisoning, black hole, packet spoofing. Our experiment shows that on average, an attack can be completely removed within 0.48 seconds in the worst case, with the traffic rate of 100 kbps, and 0.04 seconds in the best case, with the sending rate of 10 kbps

    AODV-UI Proof of Concept on MIPS-based Wireless Router

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    AODV routing protocol facilitates changing and simple-to-setup network environment. It helps setting up a network without sufficient infrastructure, such as in disaster area. Development of AODV protocol has gathered a worldwide research interest. However, not many researches implement AODV routing protocol in real mobile nodes and real MANET. In addition, real implementation deals with other works concerning underlying protocol, firmware and hardware configuration, as well as detailed topology both in logical and physical arrangement. This work aims to implements Ad-hoc On-demand Distant Vector – particularly University of Indonesia AODV (AODV-UI) routing protocol on low-end inexpensive generic wireless routers as a proof of concept. AODV-UI is an improved version of AODV routing protocol that implements gateway interconnection and reverse route capability. This routing protocol has been previously successfully tested in NS-2. In this work, current AODV-UI protocol is ported to OpenWRT + MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) little endian architecture then tested on the real networking environment. Underlying media access layer is also altered to provide the protocol greater control over the network. Performance of this implementation is measured in terms of energy consumption, routing overhead, end-to-end delay, protocol reliability and packet delivery ratio