2 research outputs found

    Computation of smooth manifolds via rigorous multi-parameter continuation in infinite dimensions

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    In this paper, we introduce a constructive rigorous numerical method to compute smooth manifolds implicitly defined by infinite-dimensional nonlinear operators. We compute a simplicial triangulation of the manifold using a multi-parameter continuation method on a finite-dimensional projection. The triangulation is then used to construct local charts and an atlas of the manifold in the infinite-dimensional domain of the operator. The idea behind the construction of the smooth charts is to use the radii polynomial approach to verify the hypotheses of the uniform contraction principle over a simplex. The construction of the manifold is globalized by proving smoothness along the edge of adjacent simplices. We apply the method to compute portions of a two-dimensional manifold of equilibria of the Cahn–Hilliard equation

    Path following by SVD

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    Abstract. In this paper, we propose a path-following method for computing a curve of equilibria of a dynamical system, based upon the smooth Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the Jacobian matrix. Our method is capable of detecting fold points, and continuing past folds. It is also able to detect branch points and to switch branches at such points. Algorithmic details and examples are given.