434 research outputs found

    A Survey on Physical Adversarial Attack in Computer Vision

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    Over the past decade, deep learning has revolutionized conventional tasks that rely on hand-craft feature extraction with its strong feature learning capability, leading to substantial enhancements in traditional tasks. However, deep neural networks (DNNs) have been demonstrated to be vulnerable to adversarial examples crafted by malicious tiny noise, which is imperceptible to human observers but can make DNNs output the wrong result. Existing adversarial attacks can be categorized into digital and physical adversarial attacks. The former is designed to pursue strong attack performance in lab environments while hardly remaining effective when applied to the physical world. In contrast, the latter focus on developing physical deployable attacks, thus exhibiting more robustness in complex physical environmental conditions. Recently, with the increasing deployment of the DNN-based system in the real world, strengthening the robustness of these systems is an emergency, while exploring physical adversarial attacks exhaustively is the precondition. To this end, this paper reviews the evolution of physical adversarial attacks against DNN-based computer vision tasks, expecting to provide beneficial information for developing stronger physical adversarial attacks. Specifically, we first proposed a taxonomy to categorize the current physical adversarial attacks and grouped them. Then, we discuss the existing physical attacks and focus on the technique for improving the robustness of physical attacks under complex physical environmental conditions. Finally, we discuss the issues of the current physical adversarial attacks to be solved and give promising directions

    Adversarial attacks hidden in plain sight

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    Convolutional neural networks have been used to achieve a string of successes during recent years, but their lack of interpretability remains a serious issue. Adversarial examples are designed to deliberately fool neural networks into making any desired incorrect classification, potentially with very high certainty. Several defensive approaches increase robustness against adversarial attacks, demanding attacks of greater magnitude, which lead to visible artifacts. By considering human visual perception, we compose a technique that allows to hide such adversarial attacks in regions of high complexity, such that they are imperceptible even to an astute observer. We carry out a user study on classifying adversarially modified images to validate the perceptual quality of our approach and find significant evidence for its concealment with regards to human visual perception

    Attacking Image Splicing Detection and Localization Algorithms Using Synthetic Traces

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    Recent advances in deep learning have enabled forensics researchers to develop a new class of image splicing detection and localization algorithms. These algorithms identify spliced content by detecting localized inconsistencies in forensic traces using Siamese neural networks, either explicitly during analysis or implicitly during training. At the same time, deep learning has enabled new forms of anti-forensic attacks, such as adversarial examples and generative adversarial network (GAN) based attacks. Thus far, however, no anti-forensic attack has been demonstrated against image splicing detection and localization algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new GAN-based anti-forensic attack that is able to fool state-of-the-art splicing detection and localization algorithms such as EXIF-Net, Noiseprint, and Forensic Similarity Graphs. This attack operates by adversarially training an anti-forensic generator against a set of Siamese neural networks so that it is able to create synthetic forensic traces. Under analysis, these synthetic traces appear authentic and are self-consistent throughout an image. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate that our attack is capable of fooling forensic splicing detection and localization algorithms without introducing visually detectable artifacts into an attacked image. Additionally, we demonstrate that our attack outperforms existing alternative attack approaches.
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