26 research outputs found

    Single Frame Image super Resolution using Learned Directionlets

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    In this paper, a new directionally adaptive, learning based, single image super resolution method using multiple direction wavelet transform, called Directionlets is presented. This method uses directionlets to effectively capture directional features and to extract edge information along different directions of a set of available high resolution images .This information is used as the training set for super resolving a low resolution input image and the Directionlet coefficients at finer scales of its high-resolution image are learned locally from this training set and the inverse Directionlet transform recovers the super-resolved high resolution image. The simulation results showed that the proposed approach outperforms standard interpolation techniques like Cubic spline interpolation as well as standard Wavelet-based learning, both visually and in terms of the mean squared error (mse) values. This method gives good result with aliased images also.Comment: 14 pages,6 figure

    Cascaded Detail-Preserving Networks for Super-Resolution of Document Images

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    The accuracy of OCR is usually affected by the quality of the input document image and different kinds of marred document images hamper the OCR results. Among these scenarios, the low-resolution image is a common and challenging case. In this paper, we propose the cascaded networks for document image super-resolution. Our model is composed by the Detail-Preserving Networks with small magnification. The loss function with perceptual terms is designed to simultaneously preserve the original patterns and enhance the edge of the characters. These networks are trained with the same architecture and different parameters and then assembled into a pipeline model with a larger magnification. The low-resolution images can upscale gradually by passing through each Detail-Preserving Network until the final high-resolution images. Through extensive experiments on two scanning document image datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms recent state-of-the-art image super-resolution methods, and combining it with standard OCR system lead to signification improvements on the recognition results

    Image super-resolution using gradient profile prior

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    In this paper, we propose an image super-resolution approach using a novel generic image prior – gradient profile prior, which is a parametric prior describing the shape and the sharpness of the image gradients. Using the gradient profile prior learned from a large number of natural images, we can provide a constraint on image gradients when we estimate a hi-resolution image from a low-resolution image. With this simple but very effective prior, we are able to produce state-of-the-art results. The reconstructed hiresolution image is sharp while has rare ringing or jaggy artifacts

    S2R: Exploring a Double-Win Transformer-Based Framework for Ideal and Blind Super-Resolution

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    Nowadays, deep learning based methods have demonstrated impressive performance on ideal super-resolution (SR) datasets, but most of these methods incur dramatically performance drops when directly applied in real-world SR reconstruction tasks with unpredictable blur kernels. To tackle this issue, blind SR methods are proposed to improve the visual results on random blur kernels, which causes unsatisfactory reconstruction effects on ideal low-resolution images similarly. In this paper, we propose a double-win framework for ideal and blind SR task, named S2R, including a light-weight transformer-based SR model (S2R transformer) and a novel coarse-to-fine training strategy, which can achieve excellent visual results on both ideal and random fuzzy conditions. On algorithm level, S2R transformer smartly combines some efficient and light-weight blocks to enhance the representation ability of extracted features with relatively low number of parameters. For training strategy, a coarse-level learning process is firstly performed to improve the generalization of the network with the help of a large-scale external dataset, and then, a fast fine-tune process is developed to transfer the pre-trained model to real-world SR tasks by mining the internal features of the image. Experimental results show that the proposed S2R outperforms other single-image SR models in ideal SR condition with only 578K parameters. Meanwhile, it can achieve better visual results than regular blind SR models in blind fuzzy conditions with only 10 gradient updates, which improve convergence speed by 300 times, significantly accelerating the transfer-learning process in real-world situations

    Simple, Accurate, and Robust Nonparametric Blind Super-Resolution

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    This paper proposes a simple, accurate, and robust approach to single image nonparametric blind Super-Resolution (SR). This task is formulated as a functional to be minimized with respect to both an intermediate super-resolved image and a nonparametric blur-kernel. The proposed approach includes a convolution consistency constraint which uses a non-blind learning-based SR result to better guide the estimation process. Another key component is the unnatural bi-l0-l2-norm regularization imposed on the super-resolved, sharp image and the blur-kernel, which is shown to be quite beneficial for estimating the blur-kernel accurately. The numerical optimization is implemented by coupling the splitting augmented Lagrangian and the conjugate gradient (CG). Using the pre-estimated blur-kernel, we finally reconstruct the SR image by a very simple non-blind SR method that uses a natural image prior. The proposed approach is demonstrated to achieve better performance than the recent method by Michaeli and Irani [2] in both terms of the kernel estimation accuracy and image SR quality

    Adaptive rational fractal interpolation function for image super-resolution via local fractal analysis

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Image super-resolution aims to generate high-resolution image based on the given low-resolution image and to recover the details of the image. The common approaches include reconstruction-based methods and interpolation-based methods. However, these existing methods show difficulty in processing the regions of an image with complicated texture. To tackle such problems, fractal geometry is applied on image super-resolution, which demonstrates its advantages when describing the complicated details in an image. The common fractal-based method regards the whole image as a single fractal set. That is, it does not distinguish the complexity difference of texture across all regions of an image regardless of smooth regions or texture rich regions. Due to such strong presumption, it causes artificial errors while recovering smooth area and texture blurring at the regions with rich texture. In this paper, the proposed method produces rational fractal interpolation model with various setting at different regions to adapt to the local texture complexity. In order to facilitate such mechanism, the proposed method is able to segment the image region according to its complexity which is determined by its local fractal dimension. Thus, the image super-resolution process is cast to an optimization problem where local fractal dimension in each region is further optimized until the optimization convergence is reached. During the optimization (i.e. super-resolution), the overall image complexity (determined by local fractal dimension) is maintained. Compared with state-of-the-art method, the proposed method shows promising performance according to qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation