2 research outputs found

    A note on the double-critical graph conjecture

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    A connected nn-chromatic graph GG is double-critical if for all the edges xyxy of GG, the graph G−x−yG-x-y is (n−2)(n-2)-chromatic. In 1966, Erd\H os and Lov\'asz conjectured that the only double-critical nn-chromatic graph is KnK_n. This conjecture remains unresolved for n≥6.n \ge 6. In this short note, we verify this conjecture for claw-free graphs GG of chromatic number 66

    Partitions and Edge Colourings of Multigraphs

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    Erdős and Lovász conjectured in 1968 that for every graph G with χ(G)> ω(G) and any two integers s, t ≥ 2 with s + t = χ(G) + 1, there is a partition (S, T) of the vertex set V (G) such that χ(G[S]) ≥ s and χ(G[T]) ≥ t. Except for a few cases, this conjecture is still unsolved. In this note we prove the conjecture for line graphs of multigraphs.