2 research outputs found

    Partitioning graphs of supply and demand

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    Abstract. Suppose that each vertex of a graph G is either a supply vertex or a demand vertex and is assigned a positive real number, called the supply or the demand. Each demand vertex can receive “power” from at most one supply vertex through edges in G. One thus wishes to partition G into connected components so that each component C either has no supply vertex or has exactly one supply vertex whose supply is at least the sum of demands in C, and wishes to maximize the fulfillment, that is, the sum of demands in all components with supply vertices. This maximization problem is known to be NP-hard even for trees having exactly one supply vertex and strongly NP-hard for general graphs. In this paper, we focus on the approximability of the problem. We first show that the problem is MAXSNP-hard and hence there is no polynomialtime approximation scheme (PTAS) for general graphs unless P = NP. We then present a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for trees. The FPTAS can be extended for series-parallel graphs and partial k-trees, that is, graphs with bounded treewidth, if there is exactly one supply vertex in the graph. This is a joint work with E. Demaine, T. Nishizeki and X. Zhou