17,226 research outputs found

    On Sobolev spaces and density theorems on Finsler manifolds

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    Let (M,F)(M,F) be a C∞C^\infty Finsler manifold, p≥1p\geq 1 a real number, kk a positive integer and Hkp(M)H_k^p (M) a certain Sobolev space determined by a Finsler structure FF. Here, it is shown that the set of all real C∞C^{\infty} functions with compact support on MM is dense in the Sobolev space H1p(M)H_1^p (M). This result permits to approximate certain solution of Dirichlet problem living on H1p(M)H_1^p (M) by C∞C^ \infty functions with compact support on (M,F)(M,F). Moreover, let W⊂MW \subset M be a regular domain with the CrC^r boundary ∂W\partial W, then the set of all real functions in Cr(W)∩C0(W‾)C^r (W) \cap C^0 (\overline W) is dense in Hkp(W)H_k^p (W), where k≤rk\leq r. This work is an extension of some density theorems of T. Aubin on Riemannian manifolds.Comment: 13 page

    CαC^{\alpha}-regularity of Laplace equation with singular data on boundary

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    In this paper we are interested in regularity CαC^{\alpha} and existence of solutions for Laplace equation on the upper half-space with nonlinear boundary condition with singular data in Morrey-type spaces. To overcome lack of real interpolation property and trace theorems, we introduce a new functional space in order to show existence and regularity. To this end, we prove sharp estimates for Riesz potential IδI_{\delta}. As a byproduct, in particular, we get C1−n/μ(R+n‾)C^{1-n/\mu}(\overline{\mathbb{R}^n_+})-regularity of solutions with singular data, covering known results in LpL^p and Morrey space Mpν\mathcal{M}_p^\nu.Comment: We have changed the title of the article and update introduction and sections, inspired by anonymous referee comment

    L\sp p-L\sp q regularity of Fourier integral operators with caustics

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    The caustics of Fourier integral operators are defined as caustics of the corresponding Schwartz kernels (Lagrangian distributions on X×YX\times Y). The caustic set Σ(C)\Sigma(C) of the canonical relation CC is characterized as the set of points where the rank of the projection π:C→X×Y\pi:C\to X\times Y is smaller than its maximal value, dim(X×Y)−1dim(X\times Y)-1. We derive the L\sp p(Y)\to L\sp q(X) estimates on Fourier integral operators with caustics of corank 1 (such as caustics of type A\sb{m+1}, m∈Nm\in\N). For the values of pp and qq outside of certain neighborhood of the line of duality, q=p′q=p', the L\sp p\to L\sp q estimates are proved to be caustics-insensitive. We apply our results to the analysis of the blow-up of the estimates on the half-wave operator just before the geodesic flow forms caustics.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur

    Regularity for the CR vector bundle problem II

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    We derive a \mathcal C^{k+\yt} H\"older estimate for PϕP\phi, where PP is either of the two solution operators in Henkin's local homotopy formula for ∂ˉb\bar\partial_b on a strongly pseudoconvex real hypersurface MM in Cn\mathbf C^{n}, ϕ\phi is a (0,q)(0,q)-form of class Ck\mathcal C^{k} on MM, and k≥0k\geq0 is an integer. We also derive a Ca\mathcal C^{a} estimate for PϕP\phi, when ϕ\phi is of class Ca\mathcal C^{a} and a≥0a\geq0 is a real number. These estimates require that MM be of class Ck+5/2\mathcal C^{k+{5/2}}, or Ca+2\mathcal C^{a+2}, respectively. The explicit bounds for the constants occurring in these estimates also considerably improve previously known such results. These estimates are then applied to the integrability problem for CR vector bundles to gain improved regularity. They also constitute a major ingredient in a forthcoming work of the authors on the local CR embedding problem

    PP-Paracompact and PP-Metrizable Spaces

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    Let PP be a directed set and XX a space. A collection C\mathcal{C} of subsets of XX is \emph{PP-locally finite} if C=⋃{Cp:p∈P}\mathcal{C}=\bigcup \{ \mathcal{C}_p : p \in P\} where (i) if p≤p′p \le p' then Cp⊆Cp′\mathcal{C}_p \subseteq \mathcal{C}_{p'} and (ii) each Cp\mathcal{C}_p is locally finite. Then XX is \emph{PP-paracompact} if every open cover has a PP-locally finite open refinement. Further, XX is \emph{PP-metrizable} if it has a (P×N)(P \times \mathbb{N})-locally finite base. This work provides the first detailed study of PP-paracompact and PP-metrizable spaces, particularly in the case when PP is a K(M)\mathcal{K}(M), the set of all compact subsets of a separable metrizable space MM ordered by set inclusion

    Inhomogeneous Partition Regularity

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    We say that the system of equations Ax=bAx=b, where AA is an integer matrix and bb is a (non-zero) integer vector, is partition regular if whenever the integers are finitely coloured there is a monochromatic vector xx with Ax=bAx=b. Rado proved that the system Ax=bAx=b is partition regular if and only if it has a constant solution. Byszewski and Krawczyk asked if this remains true when the integers are replaced by a general ring RR. Our aim in this note is to answer this question in the affirmative. The main ingredient is a new `direct' proof of Rado's result

    Semiclassical functional calculus for hh-dependent functions

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    We study the functional calculus for operators of the form fh(P(h))f_h(P(h)) within the theory of semiclassical pseudodifferential operators, where {fh}h∈(0,1]⊂Cc∞(R)\{f_h\}_{h\in (0,1]}\subset C^\infty_c(\mathbb{R}) denotes a family of hh-dependent functions satisfying some regularity conditions, and P(h)P(h) is either an appropriate self-adjoint semiclassical pseudodifferential operator in L2(Rn)L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) or a Schr\"odinger operator in L2(M)L^2(M), MM being a closed Riemannian manifold of dimension nn. The main result is an explicit semiclassical trace formula with remainder estimate that is well-suited for studying the spectrum of P(h)P(h) in spectral windows of width of order hδh^\delta, where 0≤δ<120\leq \delta <\frac{1}{2}.Comment: v2: minor corrections, 33 page

    Estimates for the complex Green operator: symmetry, percolation, and interpolation

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    Let MM be a pseudoconvex, oriented, bounded and closed CR submanifold of Cn\mathbb{C}^{n} of hypersurface type. We show that Sobolev estimates for the complex Green operator hold simultaneously for forms of symmetric bidegrees, that is, they hold for (p,q)(p,q)--forms if and only if they hold for (m−p,m−1−q)(m-p,m-1-q)--forms. Here mm equals the CR dimension of MM plus one. Symmetries of this type are known to hold for compactness estimates. We further show that with the usual microlocalization, compactness estimates for the positive part percolate up the complex, i.e. if they hold for (p,q)(p,q)--forms, they also hold for (p,q+1)(p,q+1)--forms. Similarly, compactness estimates for the negative part percolate down the complex. As a result, if the complex Green operator is compact on (p,q1)(p,q_{1})--forms and on (p,q2)(p,q_{2})--forms (q1≤q2q_{1}\leq q_{2}), then it is compact on (p,q)(p,q)--forms for q1≤q≤q2q_{1}\leq q\leq q_{2}. It is interesting to contrast this behavior of the complex Green operator with that of the ∂‾\overline{\partial}--Neumann operator on a pseudoconvex domain.Comment: Added a reference to related work, removed a reference that was not quoted. To appear in Transactions of the American Mathematical Societ

    On regularity lemmas and their algorithmic applications

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    Szemer\'edi's regularity lemma and its variants are some of the most powerful tools in combinatorics. In this paper, we establish several results around the regularity lemma. First, we prove that whether or not we include the condition that the desired vertex partition in the regularity lemma is equitable has a minimal effect on the number of parts of the partition. Second, we use an algorithmic version of the (weak) Frieze--Kannan regularity lemma to give a substantially faster deterministic approximation algorithm for counting subgraphs in a graph. Previously, only an exponential dependence for the running time on the error parameter was known, and we improve it to a polynomial dependence. Third, we revisit the problem of finding an algorithmic regularity lemma, giving approximation algorithms for several co-NP-complete problems. We show how to use the weak Frieze--Kannan regularity lemma to approximate the regularity of a pair of vertex subsets. We also show how to quickly find, for each ϵ′>ϵ\epsilon'>\epsilon, an ϵ′\epsilon'-regular partition with kk parts if there exists an ϵ\epsilon-regular partition with kk parts. Finally, we give a simple proof of the permutation regularity lemma which improves the tower-type bound on the number of parts in the previous proofs to a single exponential bound.Comment: Erratum added at the end. See also arXiv:1801.0503

    C-image partition regularity near zero

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    In \cite{dehind1}, the concept of image partition regularity near zero was first instigated. In contrast to the finite case , infinite image partition regular matrices near zero are very fascinating to analyze. In this regard the abstraction of Centrally image partition regular matrices near zero was introduced in \cite{biswaspaul}. In this paper we propose the notion of matrices that are C-image partition regular near zero for dense subsemigropus of ((0,∞),+)((0,\infty),+).Comment: 13 pages. One Theorem remove
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