1 research outputs found

    Partially-Dependent Functional Decomposition with Applications in FPGA Synthesis and Mapping

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    In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of partially-dependent functional decomposition and develop new algorithms to compute such decompositions. We apply our method to the synthesis and mapping for Xilinx XC4000 FPGA's which contain non-uniform sizes of LUT's in its architecture. We develop a new mapping algorithm named PDDMAP which uses CLB's to cover nodes on critical paths for depth minimization and uses LUT's to cover non-critical nodes for area minimization. On average, PDDMAP is able to reduce the depth by 13% with only 1% of increase in area comparing to the results by FlowMap followed by a CLB generation procedure match_4k. We also develop a postmapping procedure named PDDSYN which resynthesizes mapping solutions to reduce the mapping area. On average, PDDSYN is able to improve PDDMAP mapping solutions by 5% in depth and 7% in CLB count, and achieves 8% smaller depth and 11% fewer CLB count comparing to FlowSyn followed by match_4k