4 research outputs found

    MedLDA: A General Framework of Maximum Margin Supervised Topic Models

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    Supervised topic models utilize document's side information for discovering predictive low dimensional representations of documents. Existing models apply the likelihood-based estimation. In this paper, we present a general framework of max-margin supervised topic models for both continuous and categorical response variables. Our approach, the maximum entropy discrimination latent Dirichlet allocation (MedLDA), utilizes the max-margin principle to train supervised topic models and estimate predictive topic representations that are arguably more suitable for prediction tasks. The general principle of MedLDA can be applied to perform joint max-margin learning and maximum likelihood estimation for arbitrary topic models, directed or undirected, and supervised or unsupervised, when the supervised side information is available. We develop efficient variational methods for posterior inference and parameter estimation, and demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively the advantages of MedLDA over likelihood-based topic models on movie review and 20 Newsgroups data sets.Comment: 27 Page

    Max-margin Deep Generative Models

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    Deep generative models (DGMs) are effective on learning multilayered representations of complex data and performing inference of input data by exploring the generative ability. However, little work has been done on examining or empowering the discriminative ability of DGMs on making accurate predictions. This paper presents max-margin deep generative models (mmDGMs), which explore the strongly discriminative principle of max-margin learning to improve the discriminative power of DGMs, while retaining the generative capability. We develop an efficient doubly stochastic subgradient algorithm for the piecewise linear objective. Empirical results on MNIST and SVHN datasets demonstrate that (1) max-margin learning can significantly improve the prediction performance of DGMs and meanwhile retain the generative ability; and (2) mmDGMs are competitive to the state-of-the-art fully discriminative networks by employing deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as both recognition and generative models

    Maximum Entropy Discrimination Markov Networks

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    In this paper, we present a novel and general framework called {\it Maximum Entropy Discrimination Markov Networks} (MaxEnDNet), which integrates the max-margin structured learning and Bayesian-style estimation and combines and extends their merits. Major innovations of this model include: 1) It generalizes the extant Markov network prediction rule based on a point estimator of weights to a Bayesian-style estimator that integrates over a learned distribution of the weights. 2) It extends the conventional max-entropy discrimination learning of classification rule to a new structural max-entropy discrimination paradigm of learning the distribution of Markov networks. 3) It subsumes the well-known and powerful Maximum Margin Markov network (M3^3N) as a special case, and leads to a model similar to an L1L_1-regularized M3^3N that is simultaneously primal and dual sparse, or other types of Markov network by plugging in different prior distributions of the weights. 4) It offers a simple inference algorithm that combines existing variational inference and convex-optimization based M3^3N solvers as subroutines. 5) It offers a PAC-Bayesian style generalization bound. This work represents the first successful attempt to combine Bayesian-style learning (based on generative models) with structured maximum margin learning (based on a discriminative model), and outperforms a wide array of competing methods for structured input/output learning on both synthetic and real data sets.Comment: 39 page

    Partially Observed Maximum Entropy Discrimination Markov Networks

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    Learning graphical models with hidden variables can offer semantic insights to complex data and lead to salient structured predictors without relying on expensive, sometime unattainable fully annotated training data. While likelihood-based methods have been extensively explored, to our knowledge, learning structured prediction models with latent variables based on the max-margin principle remains largely an open problem. In this paper, we present a partially observed Maximum Entropy Discrimination Markov Network (PoMEN) model that attempts to combine the advantages of Bayesian and margin based paradigms for learning Markov networks from partially labeled data. PoMEN leads to an averaging prediction rule that resembles a Bayes predictor that is more robust to overfitting, but is also built on the desirable discriminative laws resemble those of the M 3 N. We develop an EM-style algorithm utilizing existing convex optimization algorithms for M 3 N as a subroutine. We demonstrate competent performance of PoMEN over existing methods on a real-world web data extraction task.