510 research outputs found

    Fourientations and the Tutte polynomial

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    A fourientation of a graph is a choice for each edge of the graph whether to orient that edge in either direction, leave it unoriented, or biorient it. Fixing a total order on the edges and a reference orientation of the graph, we investigate properties of cuts and cycles in fourientations which give trivariate generating functions that are generalized Tutte polynomial evaluations of the form (k + m)[superscript n−1](k + l)[superscript gT](αk + βl + m/k + m , γ k + l + δm/ k + l) for α, γ ∈ {0, 1, 2} and β, δ ∈ {0, 1}. We introduce an intersection lattice of 64 cut–cycle fourientation classes enumerated by generalized Tutte polynomial evaluations of this form. We prove these enumerations using a single deletion–contraction argument and classify axiomatically the set of fourientation classes to which our deletion–contraction argument applies. This work unifies and extends earlier results for fourientations due to Gessel and Sagan (Electron J Combin 3(2):Research Paper 9, 1996), results for partial orientations due to Backman (Adv Appl Math, forthcoming, 2014. arXiv:1408.3962), and Hopkins and Perkinson (Trans Am Math Soc 368(1):709–725, 2016), as well as results for total orientations due to Stanley (Discrete Math 5:171–178, 1973; Higher combinatorics (Proceedings of NATO Advanced Study Institute, Berlin, 1976). NATO Advanced Study Institute series, series C: mathematical and physical sciences, vol 31, Reidel, Dordrecht, pp 51–62, 1977), Las Vergnas (Progress in graph theory (Proceedings, Waterloo silver jubilee conference 1982), Academic Press, New York, pp 367–380, 1984), Greene and Zaslavsky (Trans Am Math Soc 280(1):97–126, 1983), and Gioan (Eur J Combin 28(4):1351–1366, 2007), which were previously unified by Gioan (2007), Bernardi (Electron J Combin 15(1):Research Paper 109, 2008), and Las Vergnas (Tutte polynomial of a morphism of matroids 6. A multi-faceted counting formula for hyperplane regions and acyclic orientations, 2012. arXiv:1205.5424). We conclude by describing how these classes of fourientations relate to geometric, combinatorial, and algebraic objects including bigraphical arrangements, cycle–cocycle reversal systems, graphic Lawrence ideals, Riemann–Roch theory for graphs, zonotopal algebra, and the reliability polynomial. Keywords: Partial graph orientations, Tutte polynomial, Deletion–contraction, Hyperplane arrangements, Cycle–cocycle reversal system, Chip-firing, G-parking functions, Abelian sandpile model, Riemann–Roch theory for graphs, Lawrence ideals, Zonotopal algebra, Reliability polynomialNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1122374

    The Tutte Polynomial of a Morphism of Matroids 6. A Multi-Faceted Counting Formula for Hyperplane Regions and Acyclic Orientations

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    We show that the 4-variable generating function of certain orientation related parameters of an ordered oriented matroid is the evaluation at (x + u, y+v) of its Tutte polynomial. This evaluation contains as special cases the counting of regions in hyperplane arrangements and of acyclic orientations in graphs. Several new 2-variable expansions of the Tutte polynomial of an oriented matroid follow as corollaries. This result hold more generally for oriented matroid perspectives, with specific special cases the counting of bounded regions in hyperplane arrangements or of bipolar acyclic orientations in graphs. In corollary, we obtain expressions for the partial derivatives of the Tutte polynomial as generating functions of the same orientation parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Bigraphical Arrangements

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    We define the bigraphical arrangement of a graph and show that the Pak-Stanley labels of its regions are the parking functions of a closely related graph, thus proving conjectures of Duval, Klivans, and Martin and of Hopkins and Perkinson. A consequence is a new proof of a bijection between labeled graphs and regions of the Shi arrangement first given by Stanley. We also give bounds on the number of regions of a bigraphical arrangement.Comment: Added Remark 19 addressing arbitrary G-parking functions; minor revision

    On the Number of Circuit-cocircuit Reversal Classes of an Oriented Matroid

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    The first author introduced the circuit-cocircuit reversal system of an oriented matroid, and showed that when the underlying matroid is regular, the cardinalities of such system and its variations are equal to special evaluations of the Tutte polynomial (e.g., the total number of circuit-cocircuit reversal classes equals t(M;1,1)t(M;1,1), the number of bases of the matroid). By relating these classes to activity classes studied by the first author and Las Vergnas, we give an alternative proof of the above results and a proof of the converse statements that these equalities fail whenever the underlying matroid is not regular. Hence we extend the above results to an equivalence of matroidal properties, thereby giving a new characterization of regular matroids.Comment: 7 pages. v2: simplified proof, with new statements concerning other special evaluations of the Tutte polynomia

    Moving to Extremal Graph Parameters

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    Which graphs, in the class of all graphs with given numbers n and m of edges and vertices respectively, minimizes or maximizes the value of some graph parameter? In this paper we develop a technique which provides answers for several different parameters: the numbers of edges in the line graph, acyclic orientations, cliques, and forests. (We minimize the first two and maximize the third and fourth.) Our technique involves two moves on the class of graphs. A compression move converts any graph to a form we call fully compressed: the fully compressed graphs are split graphs in which the neighbourhoods of points in the independent set are nested. A second consolidation move takes each fully compressed graph to one particular graph which we call H(n,m). We show monotonicity of the parameters listed for these moves in many cases, which enables us to obtain our results fairly simply. The paper concludes with some open problems and future directions
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