16 research outputs found

    Consistent Online Gaussian Process Regression Without the Sample Complexity Bottleneck

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    Gaussian processes provide a framework for nonlinear nonparametric Bayesian inference widely applicable across science and engineering. Unfortunately, their computational burden scales cubically with the training sample size, which in the case that samples arrive in perpetuity, approaches infinity. This issue necessitates approximations for use with streaming data, which to date mostly lack convergence guarantees. Thus, we develop the first online Gaussian process approximation that preserves convergence to the population posterior, i.e., asymptotic posterior consistency, while ameliorating its intractable complexity growth with the sample size. We propose an online compression scheme that, following each a posteriori update, fixes an error neighborhood with respect to the Hellinger metric centered at the current posterior, and greedily tosses out past kernel dictionary elements until its boundary is hit. We call the resulting method Parsimonious Online Gaussian Processes (POG). For diminishing error radius, exact asymptotic consistency is preserved (Theorem 1(i)) at the cost of unbounded memory in the limit. On the other hand, for constant error radius, POG converges to a neighborhood of the population posterior (Theorem 1(ii))but with finite memory at-worst determined by the metric entropy of the feature space (Theorem 2). Experimental results are presented on several nonlinear regression problems which illuminates the merits of this approach as compared with alternatives that fix the subspace dimension defining the history of past points

    Intelligent Autonomous Things on the Battlefield

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    Numerous, artificially intelligent, networked things will populate the battlefield of the future, operating in close collaboration with human warfighters, and fighting as teams in highly adversarial environments. This chapter explores the characteristics, capabilities and intelli-gence required of such a network of intelligent things and humans - Internet of Battle Things (IOBT). The IOBT will experience unique challenges that are not yet well addressed by the current generation of AI and machine learning.Comment: This is a much expanded version of an earlier conference paper available at arXiv:803.1125

    Sparse multiresolution representations with adaptive kernels

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    Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs) are key elements of many non-parametric tools successfully used in signal processing, statistics, and machine learning. In this work, we aim to address three issues of the classical RKHS based techniques. First, they require the RKHS to be known a priori, which is unrealistic in many applications. Furthermore, the choice of RKHS affects the shape and smoothness of the solution, thus impacting its performance. Second, RKHSs are ill-equipped to deal with heterogeneous degrees of smoothness, i.e., with functions that are smooth in some parts of their domain but vary rapidly in others. Finally, the computational complexity of evaluating the solution of these methods grows with the number of data points, rendering these techniques infeasible for many applications. Though kernel learning, local kernel adaptation, and sparsity have been used to address these issues, many of these approaches are computationally intensive or forgo optimality guarantees. We tackle these problems by leveraging a novel integral representation of functions in RKHSs that allows for arbitrary centers and different kernels at each center. To address the complexity issues, we then write the function estimation problem as a sparse functional program that explicitly minimizes the support of the representation leading to low complexity solutions. Despite their non-convexity and infinite dimensionality, we show these problems can be solved exactly and efficiently by leveraging duality, and we illustrate this new approach in simulated and real data

    Optimally Compressed Nonparametric Online Learning

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    Batch training of machine learning models based on neural networks is now well established, whereas to date streaming methods are largely based on linear models. To go beyond linear in the online setting, nonparametric methods are of interest due to their universality and ability to stably incorporate new information via convexity or Bayes' Rule. Unfortunately, when used online, nonparametric methods suffer a "curse of dimensionality" which precludes their use: their complexity scales at least with the time index. We survey online compression tools which bring their memory under control and attain approximate convergence. The asymptotic bias depends on a compression parameter that trades off memory and accuracy. Further, the applications to robotics, communications, economics, and power are discussed, as well as extensions to multi-agent systems

    Policy Evaluation in Continuous MDPs with Efficient Kernelized Gradient Temporal Difference

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    We consider policy evaluation in infinite-horizon discounted Markov decision problems (MDPs) with infinite spaces. We reformulate this task a compositional stochastic program with a function-valued decision variable that belongs to a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). We approach this problem via a new functional generalization of stochastic quasi-gradient methods operating in tandem with stochastic sparse subspace projections. The result is an extension of gradient temporal difference learning that yields nonlinearly parameterized value function estimates of the solution to the Bellman evaluation equation. Our main contribution is a memory-efficient non-parametric stochastic method guaranteed to converge exactly to the Bellman fixed point with probability 11 with attenuating step-sizes. Further, with constant step-sizes, we obtain mean convergence to a neighborhood and that the value function estimates have finite complexity. In the Mountain Car domain, we observe faster convergence to lower Bellman error solutions than existing approaches with a fraction of the required memory

    Stochastic Policy Gradient Ascent in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

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    Reinforcement learning consists of finding policies that maximize an expected cumulative long-term reward in a Markov decision process with unknown transition probabilities and instantaneous rewards. In this paper, we consider the problem of finding such optimal policies while assuming they are continuous functions belonging to a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). To learn the optimal policy we introduce a stochastic policy gradient ascent algorithm with three unique novel features: (i) The stochastic estimates of policy gradients are unbiased. (ii) The variance of stochastic gradients is reduced by drawing on ideas from numerical differentiation. (iii) Policy complexity is controlled using sparse RKHS representations. Novel feature (i) is instrumental in proving convergence to a stationary point of the expected cumulative reward. Novel feature (ii) facilitates reasonable convergence times. Novel feature (iii) is a necessity in practical implementations which we show can be done in a way that does not eliminate convergence guarantees. Numerical examples in standard problems illustrate successful learning of policies with low complexity representations which are close to stationary points of the expected cumulative reward

    Asynchronous Incremental Stochastic Dual Descent Algorithm for Network Resource Allocation

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    Stochastic network optimization problems entail finding resource allocation policies that are optimum on an average but must be designed in an online fashion. Such problems are ubiquitous in communication networks, where resources such as energy and bandwidth are divided among nodes to satisfy certain long-term objectives. This paper proposes an asynchronous incremental dual decent resource allocation algorithm that utilizes delayed stochastic {gradients} for carrying out its updates. The proposed algorithm is well-suited to heterogeneous networks as it allows the computationally-challenged or energy-starved nodes to, at times, postpone the updates. The asymptotic analysis of the proposed algorithm is carried out, establishing dual convergence under both, constant and diminishing step sizes. It is also shown that with constant step size, the proposed resource allocation policy is asymptotically near-optimal. An application involving multi-cell coordinated beamforming is detailed, demonstrating the usefulness of the proposed algorithm

    Nonparametric Compositional Stochastic Optimization for Risk-Sensitive Kernel Learning

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    In this work, we address optimization problems where the objective function is a nonlinear function of an expected value, i.e., compositional stochastic {strongly convex programs}. We consider the case where the decision variable is not vector-valued but instead belongs to a reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), motivated by risk-aware formulations of supervised learning and Markov Decision Processes defined over continuous spaces. We develop the first memory-efficient stochastic algorithm for this setting, which we call Compositional Online Learning with Kernels (COLK). COLK, at its core a two-time-scale stochastic approximation method, addresses the fact that (i) compositions of expected value problems cannot be addressed by classical stochastic gradient due to the presence of the inner expectation; and (ii) the RKHS-induced parameterization has complexity which is proportional to the iteration index which is mitigated through greedily constructed subspace projections. We establish almost sure convergence of COLK with attenuating step-sizes, and linear convergence in mean to a neighborhood with constant step-sizes, as well as the fact that its complexity is at-worst finite. The experiments with robust formulations of supervised learning demonstrate that COLK reliably converges, attains consistent performance across training runs, and thus overcomes overfitting

    Continuous-time Value Function Approximation in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

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    Motivated by the success of reinforcement learning (RL) for discrete-time tasks such as AlphaGo and Atari games, there has been a recent surge of interest in using RL for continuous-time control of physical systems (cf. many challenging tasks in OpenAI Gym and DeepMind Control Suite). Since discretization of time is susceptible to error, it is methodologically more desirable to handle the system dynamics directly in continuous time. However, very few techniques exist for continuous-time RL and they lack flexibility in value function approximation. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for model-based continuous-time value function approximation in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. The resulting framework is so flexible that it can accommodate any kind of kernel-based approach, such as Gaussian processes and kernel adaptive filters, and it allows us to handle uncertainties and nonstationarity without prior knowledge about the environment or what basis functions to employ. We demonstrate the validity of the presented framework through experiments.Comment: NeurIPS 2018 - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (with the supplementary document

    Federated Classification using Parsimonious Functions in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

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    Federated learning forms a global model using data collected from a federation agent. This type of learning has two main challenges: the agents generally don't collect data over the same distribution, and the agents have limited capabilities of storing and transmitting data. Therefore, it is impractical for each agent to send the entire data over the network. Instead, each agent must form a local model and decide what information is fundamental to the learning problem, which will be sent to a central unit. The central unit can then form the global model using only the information received from the agents. We propose a method that tackles these challenges. First each agent forms a local model using a low complexity reproducing kernel Hilbert space representation. From the model the agents identify the fundamental samples which are sent to the central unit. The fundamental samples are obtained by solving the dual problem. The central unit then forms the global model. We show that the solution of the federated learner converges to that of the centralized learner asymptotically as the sample size increases. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using experiments with both simulated data and real data sets from an activity recognition task, for which the data is collected from a wearable device. The experimentation results show that the accuracy of our method converges to that of a centralized learner with increasing sample size