7 research outputs found

    Parameter-Free Online Convex Optimization with Sub-Exponential Noise

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    We consider the problem of unconstrained online convex optimization (OCO) with sub-exponential noise, a strictly more general problem than the standard OCO. In this setting, the learner receives a subgradient of the loss functions corrupted by sub-exponential noise and strives to achieve optimal regret guarantee, without knowledge of the competitor norm, i.e., in a parameter-free way. Recently, Cutkosky and Boahen (COLT 2017) proved that, given unbounded subgradients, it is impossible to guarantee a sublinear regret due to an exponential penalty. This paper shows that it is possible to go around the lower bound by allowing the observed subgradients to be unbounded via stochastic noise. However, the presence of unbounded noise in unconstrained OCO is challenging; existing algorithms do not provide near-optimal regret bounds or fail to have a guarantee. So, we design a novel parameter-free OCO algorithm for Banach space, which we call BANCO, via a reduction to betting on noisy coins. We show that BANCO achieves the optimal regret rate in our problem. Finally, we show the application of our results to obtain a parameter-free locally private stochastic subgradient descent algorithm, and the connection to the law of iterated logarithms.Comment: v1: Accepted to COLT'19, v2: adjusted Theorem 3, w_t closed form solution, and typo

    Improved Regret Bounds of (Multinomial) Logistic Bandits via Regret-to-Confidence-Set Conversion

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    Logistic bandit is a ubiquitous framework of modeling users' choices, e.g., click vs. no click for advertisement recommender system. We observe that the prior works overlook or neglect dependencies in Sβ‰₯βˆ₯θ⋆βˆ₯2S \geq \lVert \theta_\star \rVert_2, where ΞΈβ‹†βˆˆRd\theta_\star \in \mathbb{R}^d is the unknown parameter vector, which is particularly problematic when SS is large, e.g., Sβ‰₯dS \geq d. In this work, we improve the dependency on SS via a novel approach called {\it regret-to-confidence set conversion (R2CS)}, which allows us to construct a convex confidence set based on only the \textit{existence} of an online learning algorithm with a regret guarantee. Using R2CS, we obtain a strict improvement in the regret bound w.r.t. SS in logistic bandits while retaining computational feasibility and the dependence on other factors such as dd and TT. We apply our new confidence set to the regret analyses of logistic bandits with a new martingale concentration step that circumvents an additional factor of SS. We then extend this analysis to multinomial logistic bandits and obtain similar improvements in the regret, showing the efficacy of R2CS. While we applied R2CS to the (multinomial) logistic model, R2CS is a generic approach for developing confidence sets that can be used for various models, which can be of independent interest.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Adaptive, Doubly Optimal No-Regret Learning in Strongly Monotone and Exp-Concave Games with Gradient Feedback

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    Online gradient descent (OGD) is well known to be doubly optimal under strong convexity or monotonicity assumptions: (1) in the single-agent setting, it achieves an optimal regret of Θ(log⁑T)\Theta(\log T) for strongly convex cost functions; and (2) in the multi-agent setting of strongly monotone games, with each agent employing OGD, we obtain last-iterate convergence of the joint action to a unique Nash equilibrium at an optimal rate of Θ(1T)\Theta(\frac{1}{T}). While these finite-time guarantees highlight its merits, OGD has the drawback that it requires knowing the strong convexity/monotonicity parameters. In this paper, we design a fully adaptive OGD algorithm, \textsf{AdaOGD}, that does not require a priori knowledge of these parameters. In the single-agent setting, our algorithm achieves O(log⁑2(T))O(\log^2(T)) regret under strong convexity, which is optimal up to a log factor. Further, if each agent employs \textsf{AdaOGD} in strongly monotone games, the joint action converges in a last-iterate sense to a unique Nash equilibrium at a rate of O(log⁑3TT)O(\frac{\log^3 T}{T}), again optimal up to log factors. We illustrate our algorithms in a learning version of the classical newsvendor problem, where due to lost sales, only (noisy) gradient feedback can be observed. Our results immediately yield the first feasible and near-optimal algorithm for both the single-retailer and multi-retailer settings. We also extend our results to the more general setting of exp-concave cost functions and games, using the online Newton step (ONS) algorithm.Comment: Accepted by Operations Research; 47 page

    Estimating means of bounded random variables by betting

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    This paper derives confidence intervals (CI) and time-uniform confidence sequences (CS) for the classical problem of estimating an unknown mean from bounded observations. We present a general approach for deriving concentration bounds, that can be seen as a generalization (and improvement) of the celebrated Chernoff method. At its heart, it is based on deriving a new class of composite nonnegative martingales, with strong connections to testing by betting and the method of mixtures. We show how to extend these ideas to sampling without replacement, another heavily studied problem. In all cases, our bounds are adaptive to the unknown variance, and empirically vastly outperform existing approaches based on Hoeffding or empirical Bernstein inequalities and their recent supermartingale generalizations. In short, we establish a new state-of-the-art for four fundamental problems: CSs and CIs for bounded means, when sampling with and without replacement.Comment: 68 pages, 18 figures; Python implementation: https://github.com/wannabesmith/confse