13,949 research outputs found

    Exploring Adapter-based Transfer Learning for Recommender Systems: Empirical Studies and Practical Insights

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    Adapters, a plug-in neural network module with some tunable parameters, have emerged as a parameter-efficient transfer learning technique for adapting pre-trained models to downstream tasks, especially for natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV) fields. Meanwhile, learning recommendation models directly from raw item modality features -- e.g., texts of NLP and images of CV -- can enable effective and transferable recommender systems (called TransRec). In view of this, a natural question arises: can adapter-based learning techniques achieve parameter-efficient TransRec with good performance? To this end, we perform empirical studies to address several key sub-questions. First, we ask whether the adapter-based TransRec performs comparably to TransRec based on standard full-parameter fine-tuning? does it hold for recommendation with different item modalities, e.g., textual RS and visual RS. If yes, we benchmark these existing adapters, which have been shown to be effective in NLP and CV tasks, in the item recommendation settings. Third, we carefully study several key factors for the adapter-based TransRec in terms of where and how to insert these adapters? Finally, we look at the effects of adapter-based TransRec by either scaling up its source training data or scaling down its target training data. Our paper provides key insights and practical guidance on unified & transferable recommendation -- a less studied recommendation scenario. We promise to release all code & datasets for future research

    Adapters: A Unified Library for Parameter-Efficient and Modular Transfer Learning

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    We introduce Adapters, an open-source library that unifies parameter-efficient and modular transfer learning in large language models. By integrating 10 diverse adapter methods into a unified interface, Adapters offers ease of use and flexible configuration. Our library allows researchers and practitioners to leverage adapter modularity through composition blocks, enabling the design of complex adapter setups. We demonstrate the library's efficacy by evaluating its performance against full fine-tuning on various NLP tasks. Adapters provides a powerful tool for addressing the challenges of conventional fine-tuning paradigms and promoting more efficient and modular transfer learning. The library is available via https://adapterhub.ml/adapters.Comment: EMNLP 2023: Systems Demonstration

    SMART: Robust and Efficient Fine-Tuning for Pre-trained Natural Language Models through Principled Regularized Optimization

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    Transfer learning has fundamentally changed the landscape of natural language processing (NLP) research. Many existing state-of-the-art models are first pre-trained on a large text corpus and then fine-tuned on downstream tasks. However, due to limited data resources from downstream tasks and the extremely large capacity of pre-trained models, aggressive fine-tuning often causes the adapted model to overfit the data of downstream tasks and forget the knowledge of the pre-trained model. To address the above issue in a more principled manner, we propose a new computational framework for robust and efficient fine-tuning for pre-trained language models. Specifically, our proposed framework contains two important ingredients: 1. Smoothness-inducing regularization, which effectively manages the capacity of the model; 2. Bregman proximal point optimization, which is a class of trust-region methods and can prevent knowledge forgetting. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on multiple NLP benchmarks.Comment: The 58th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2020

    Tensorized Self-Attention: Efficiently Modeling Pairwise and Global Dependencies Together

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    Neural networks equipped with self-attention have parallelizable computation, light-weight structure, and the ability to capture both long-range and local dependencies. Further, their expressive power and performance can be boosted by using a vector to measure pairwise dependency, but this requires to expand the alignment matrix to a tensor, which results in memory and computation bottlenecks. In this paper, we propose a novel attention mechanism called "Multi-mask Tensorized Self-Attention" (MTSA), which is as fast and as memory-efficient as a CNN, but significantly outperforms previous CNN-/RNN-/attention-based models. MTSA 1) captures both pairwise (token2token) and global (source2token) dependencies by a novel compatibility function composed of dot-product and additive attentions, 2) uses a tensor to represent the feature-wise alignment scores for better expressive power but only requires parallelizable matrix multiplications, and 3) combines multi-head with multi-dimensional attentions, and applies a distinct positional mask to each head (subspace), so the memory and computation can be distributed to multiple heads, each with sequential information encoded independently. The experiments show that a CNN/RNN-free model based on MTSA achieves state-of-the-art or competitive performance on nine NLP benchmarks with compelling memory- and time-efficiency

    Finding Answers from the Word of God: Domain Adaptation for Neural Networks in Biblical Question Answering

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    Question answering (QA) has significantly benefitted from deep learning techniques in recent years. However, domain-specific QA remains a challenge due to the significant amount of data required to train a neural network. This paper studies the answer sentence selection task in the Bible domain and answer questions by selecting relevant verses from the Bible. For this purpose, we create a new dataset BibleQA based on bible trivia questions and propose three neural network models for our task. We pre-train our models on a large-scale QA dataset, SQuAD, and investigate the effect of transferring weights on model accuracy. Furthermore, we also measure the model accuracies with different answer context lengths and different Bible translations. We affirm that transfer learning has a noticeable improvement in the model accuracy. We achieve relatively good results with shorter context lengths, whereas longer context lengths decreased model accuracy. We also find that using a more modern Bible translation in the dataset has a positive effect on the task.Comment: The paper has been accepted at IJCNN 201
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