2,535 research outputs found

    Advanced signal processing solutions for ATR and spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems

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    Previously held under moratorium from 11 September 2017 until 16 February 2022This Thesis presents advanced signal processing solutions for Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) operations and for spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems. Two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ATR algorithms are described for full- and single-polarimetric images, and tested on the GOTCHA and the MSTAR datasets. The first one exploits the Krogager polarimetric decomposition in order to enhance peculiar scattering mechanisms from manmade targets, used in combination with the pseudo-Zernike image moments. The second algorithm employs the Krawtchouk image moments, that, being discrete defined, provide better representations of targets’ details. The proposed image moments based framework can be extended to the availability of several images from multiple sensors through the implementation of a simple fusion rule. A model-based micro-Doppler algorithm is developed for the identification of helicopters. The approach relies on the proposed sparse representation of the signal scattered from the helicopter’s rotor and received by the radar. Such a sparse representation is obtained through the application of a greedy sparse recovery framework, with the goal of estimating the number, the length and the rotation speed of the blades, parameters that are peculiar for each helicopter’s model. The algorithm is extended to deal with the identification of multiple helicopters flying in formation that cannot be resolved in another domain. Moreover, a fusion rule is presented to integrate the results of the identification performed from several sensors in a distributed radar system. Tests performed both on simulated signals and on real signals acquired from a scale model of a helicopter, confirm the validity of the algorithm. Finally, a waveform design framework for joint radar-communication systems is presented. The waveform is composed by quasi-orthogonal chirp sub-carriers generated through the Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT), with the aim of preserving the radar performance of a typical Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) pulse while embedding data to be sent to a cooperative system. Techniques aimed at optimise the design parameters and mitigate the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) caused by the quasiorthogonality of the chirp sub-carriers are also described. The FrFT based waveform is extensively tested and compared with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and LFM waveforms, in order to assess both its radar and communication performance.This Thesis presents advanced signal processing solutions for Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) operations and for spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems. Two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ATR algorithms are described for full- and single-polarimetric images, and tested on the GOTCHA and the MSTAR datasets. The first one exploits the Krogager polarimetric decomposition in order to enhance peculiar scattering mechanisms from manmade targets, used in combination with the pseudo-Zernike image moments. The second algorithm employs the Krawtchouk image moments, that, being discrete defined, provide better representations of targets’ details. The proposed image moments based framework can be extended to the availability of several images from multiple sensors through the implementation of a simple fusion rule. A model-based micro-Doppler algorithm is developed for the identification of helicopters. The approach relies on the proposed sparse representation of the signal scattered from the helicopter’s rotor and received by the radar. Such a sparse representation is obtained through the application of a greedy sparse recovery framework, with the goal of estimating the number, the length and the rotation speed of the blades, parameters that are peculiar for each helicopter’s model. The algorithm is extended to deal with the identification of multiple helicopters flying in formation that cannot be resolved in another domain. Moreover, a fusion rule is presented to integrate the results of the identification performed from several sensors in a distributed radar system. Tests performed both on simulated signals and on real signals acquired from a scale model of a helicopter, confirm the validity of the algorithm. Finally, a waveform design framework for joint radar-communication systems is presented. The waveform is composed by quasi-orthogonal chirp sub-carriers generated through the Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT), with the aim of preserving the radar performance of a typical Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) pulse while embedding data to be sent to a cooperative system. Techniques aimed at optimise the design parameters and mitigate the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) caused by the quasiorthogonality of the chirp sub-carriers are also described. The FrFT based waveform is extensively tested and compared with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and LFM waveforms, in order to assess both its radar and communication performance

    Unattended acoustic sensor systems for noise monitoring in national parks

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    2017 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Detection and classification of transient acoustic signals is a difficult problem. The problem is often complicated by factors such as the variety of sources that may be encountered, the presence of strong interference and substantial variations in the acoustic environment. Furthermore, for most applications of transient detection and classification, such as speech recognition and environmental monitoring, online detection and classification of these transient events is required. This is even more crucial for applications such as environmental monitoring as it is often done at remote locations where it is unfeasible to set up a large, general-purpose processing system. Instead, some type of custom-designed system is needed which is power efficient yet able to run the necessary signal processing algorithms in near real-time. In this thesis, we describe a custom-designed environmental monitoring system (EMS) which was specifically designed for monitoring air traffic and other sources of interest in national parks. More specifically, this thesis focuses on the capabilities of the EMS and how transient detection, classification and tracking are implemented on it. The Sparse Coefficient State Tracking (SCST) transient detection and classification algorithm was implemented on the EMS board in order to detect and classify transient events. This algorithm was chosen because it was designed for this particular application and was shown to have superior performance compared to other algorithms commonly used for transient detection and classification. The SCST algorithm was implemented on an Artix 7 FPGA with parts of the algorithm running as dedicated custom logic and other parts running sequentially on a soft-core processor. In this thesis, the partitioning and pipelining of this algorithm is explained. Each of the partitions was tested independently to very their functionality with respect to the overall system. Furthermore, the entire SCST algorithm was tested in the field on actual acoustic data and the performance of this implementation was evaluated using receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves and confusion matrices. In this test the FPGA implementation of SCST was able to achieve acceptable source detection and classification results despite a difficult data set and limited training data. The tracking of acoustic sources is done through successive direction of arrival (DOA) angle estimation using a wideband extension of the Capon beamforming algorithm. This algorithm was also implemented on the EMS in order to provide real-time DOA estimates for the detected sources. This algorithm was partitioned into several stages with some stages implemented in custom logic while others were implemented as software running on the soft-core processor. Just as with SCST, each partition of this beamforming algorithm was verified independently and then a full system test was conducted to evaluate whether it would be able to track an airborne source. For the full system test, a model airplane was flown at various trajectories relative to the EMS and the trajectories estimated by the system were compared to the ground truth. Although in this test the accuracy of the DOA estimates could not be evaluated, it was show that the algorithm was able to approximately form the general trajectory of a moving source which is sufficient for our application as only a general heading of the acoustic sources is desired

    Analysis and optimization of the satellite-to-plane link of an aeronautical global system

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    En aquest projecte s'ha analitzat i optimitzat l'enllaç satèl·lit amb avió per a un sistema aeronàutic global. Aquest nou sistema anomenat ANTARES està dissenyat per a comunicar avions amb estacions base mitjançant un satèl·lit. Aquesta és una iniciativa on hi participen institucions oficials en l'aviació com ara l'ECAC i que és desenvolupat en una col·laboració europea d'universitats i empreses. El treball dut a terme en el projecte compren bàsicament tres aspectes. El disseny i anàlisi de la gestió de recursos. La idoneïtat d'utilitzar correcció d'errors en la capa d'enllaç i en cas que sigui necessària dissenyar una opció de codificació preliminar. Finalment, estudiar i analitzar l'efecte de la interferència co-canal en sistemes multifeix. Tots aquests temes són considerats només per al "forward link". L'estructura que segueix el projecte és primer presentar les característiques globals del sistema, després centrar-se i analitzar els temes mencionats per a poder donar resultats i extreure conclusions.En este proyecto se ha analizado y optimizado el enlace satélite a avión para un sistema aeronáutico global. Este nuevo sistema, ANTARES, está diseñado para comunicar aviones y estaciones base mediante un satélite. Esta es una iniciativa europea en la que participan varias instituciones oficiales en aviación como el ECAC y es desarrollada en una colaboración europea de universidades y empresas. El trabajo llevado a cabo en este proyecto comprende básicamente tres aspectos. El diseño y análisis de la gestión de recursos. La idoneidad de usar corrección de errores en la capa de enlace y en caso que sea necesario diseñar una opción de codificación preliminar. Finalmente, estudiar y analizar el efecto de la interferencia co-canal en sistemas multihaz. Todos estos temas se consideran sólo en el "forward link". La estructura que sigue el trabajo es, primero presentar las características globales del sistema, luego centrarse y analizar los temas mencionados para finalmente dar resultados y extraer conclusiones.In this project it is analyzed and optimized the satellite-to-plane link of an aeronautical global system. This new upcoming system called ANTARES is intended for communicating airplanes and ground stations through a satellite system. This is a European initiative involving official institutions in terms of aviation such as the ECAC and developed in a European collaboration of universities and companies. The work carried out in the project comprehends basically three issues. The Radio Resource Management analysis and design. Analyze the suitability of using Link Layer-Forward Error Correction in the system and in case it is necessary design a preliminary coding option. Finally, study and analyze the effect of the co-channel interference in multibeam systems. All these issues are considered only for the forward link of the system. The structure of the project is as follows, first present the global characteristics of the system, then focus and analyze the mentioned subjects and finally give results and take conclusions on the work

    Index to NASA Tech Briefs, 1975

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    This index contains abstracts and four indexes--subject, personal author, originating Center, and Tech Brief number--for 1975 Tech Briefs

    Audio Signal Processing Using Time-Frequency Approaches: Coding, Classification, Fingerprinting, and Watermarking

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    Audio signals are information rich nonstationary signals that play an important role in our day-to-day communication, perception of environment, and entertainment. Due to its non-stationary nature, time- or frequency-only approaches are inadequate in analyzing these signals. A joint time-frequency (TF) approach would be a better choice to efficiently process these signals. In this digital era, compression, intelligent indexing for content-based retrieval, classification, and protection of digital audio content are few of the areas that encapsulate a majority of the audio signal processing applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive array of TF methodologies that successfully address applications in all of the above mentioned areas. A TF-based audio coding scheme with novel psychoacoustics model, music classification, audio classification of environmental sounds, audio fingerprinting, and audio watermarking will be presented to demonstrate the advantages of using time-frequency approaches in analyzing and extracting information from audio signals.</p

    Contributions in inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging

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    Radar Technology

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    In this book “Radar Technology”, the chapters are divided into four main topic areas: Topic area 1: “Radar Systems” consists of chapters which treat whole radar systems, environment and target functional chain. Topic area 2: “Radar Applications” shows various applications of radar systems, including meteorological radars, ground penetrating radars and glaciology. Topic area 3: “Radar Functional Chain and Signal Processing” describes several aspects of the radar signal processing. From parameter extraction, target detection over tracking and classification technologies. Topic area 4: “Radar Subsystems and Components” consists of design technology of radar subsystem components like antenna design or waveform design

    Aeronautical Engineering: A continuing bibliography, supplement 120

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    This bibliography contains abstracts for 297 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in February 1980

    Review of radar classification and RCS characterisation techniques for small UAVs or drones

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    This review explores radar-based techniques currently utilised in the literature to monitor small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drones; several challenges have arisen due to their rapid emergence and commercialisation within the mass market. The potential security threats posed by these systems are collectively presented and the legal issues surrounding their successful integration are briefly outlined. Key difficulties involved in the identification and hence tracking of these `radar elusive' systems are discussed, along with how research efforts relating to drone detection, classification and radar cross section (RCS) characterisation are being directed in order to address this emerging challenge. Such methods are thoroughly analysed and critiqued; finally, an overall picture of the field in its current state is painted, alongside scope for future work over a broad spectrum

    Radar target classification by micro-Doppler contributions

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    This thesis studies non-cooperative automatic radar target classification. Recent developments in silicon-germanium and monolithic microwave integrated circuit technologies allows to build cheap and powerful continuous wave radars. Availability of radars opens new applications in different areas. One of these applications is security. Radars could be used for surveillance of huge areas and detect unwanted moving objects. Determination of the type of the target is essential for such systems. Microwave radars use high frequencies that reflect from objects of millimetre size. The micro-Doppler signature of a target is a time-varying frequency modulated contribution that arose in radar backscattering and caused by the relative movement of separate parts of the target. The micro-Doppler phenomenon allows to classify non-rigid moving objects by analysing their signatures. This thesis is focused on designing of automatic target classification systems based on analysis of micro-Doppler signatures. Analysis of micro-Doppler radar signatures is usually performed by second-order statistics, i.e. common energy-based power spectra and spectrogram. However, the information about phase coupling content in backscattering is totally lost in these energy-based statistics. This useful phase coupling content can be extracted by higher-order spectral techniques. We show that this content is useful for radar target classification in terms of improved robustness to various corruption factors. A problem of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) classification using continuous wave radar is covered in the thesis. All steps of processing required to make a decision out of the raw radar data are considered. A novel feature extraction method is introduced. It is based on eigenpairs extracted from the correlation matrix of the signature. Different classes of UAVs are successfully separated in feature space by support vector machine. Within experiments or real radar data, achieved high classification accuracy proves the efficiency of the proposed solutions. Thesis also covers several applications of the automotive radar due to very high growth in technologies for intelligent vehicle radar systems. Such radars are already build-in in the vehicle and ready for new applications. We consider two novel applications. First application is a multi-sensor fusion of video camera and radar for more efficient vehicle-to-vehicle video transmission. Second application is a frequency band invariant pedestrian classification by an automotive radar. This system allows us to use the same signal processing hardware/software for different countries where regulations vary and radars with different operating frequency are required. We consider different radar applications: ground moving target classification, aerial target classification, unmanned aerial vehicles classification, pedestrian classification. The highest priority is given to verification of proposed methods on real radar data collected with frequencies equal to 9.5, 10, 16.8, 24 and 33 GHz