204 research outputs found

    Accelerating Real-Time, High-Resolution Depth Upsampling on FPGAs

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    While the popularity of high-resolution, computer-vision applications (e.g. mixed reality, autonomous vehicles) is increasing, there have been complementary advances in time-of-flight (ToF) depth-sensor resolution and quality. These advances in ToF sensors provide a platform that can enable real-time, depth-upsampling algorithms targeted for high-resolution video systems with low-latency requirements. This thesis demonstrates that filter-based upsampling algorithms are feasible for real-time, low-power scenarios, such as those on HMDs. Specifically, the author profiled, parallelized, and accelerated a filter-based depth-upsampling algorithm on an FPGA using high-level synthesis tools from Xilinx. We show that our accelerated algorithm can accurately upsample the resolution and reduce the noise of ToF sensors. We also demonstrate that this algorithm exceeds the real-time requirements of 90 frames-per-second (FPS) and 11 ms latency of mixed-reality hardware, achieving a lower-bound speedup of 40 times over the fastest CPU-only version and a 4.7 times speedup over the original GPU implementation

    Energy-Efficiency Evaluation of FPGAs for Floating-Point Intensive Workloads

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    In this work we describe a method to measure the computing performance and energy-efficiency to be expected of an FPGA device. The motivation of this work is given by their possible usage as accelerators in the context of floating-point intensive HPC workloads. In fact, FPGA devices in the past were not considered an efficient option to address floating-point intensive computations, but more recently, with the advent of dedicated DSP units and the increased amount of resources in each chip, the interest towards these devices raised. Another obstacle to a wide adoption of FPGAs in the HPC field has been the low level hardware knowledge commonly required to program them, using Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Also this issue has been recently mitigated by the introduction of higher level programming framework, adopting so called High Level Synthesis approaches, reducing the development time and shortening the gap between the skills required to program FPGAs wrt the skills commonly owned by HPC software developers. In this work we apply the proposed method to estimate the maximum floating-point performance and energy-efficiency of the FPGA embedded in a Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC hosted on a Trenz board

    Real-Time neural signal decoding on heterogeneous MPSocs based on VLIW ASIPs

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    An important research problem, at the basis of the development of embedded systems for neuroprosthetic applications, is the development of algorithms and platforms able to extract the patient's motion intention by decoding the information encoded in neural signals. At the state of the art, no portable and reliable integrated solutions implementing such a decoding task have been identified. To this aim, in this paper, we investigate the possibility of using the MPSoC paradigm in this application domain. We perform a design space exploration that compares different custom MPSoC embedded architectures, implementing two versions of a on-line neural signal decoding algorithm, respectively targeting decoding of single and multiple acquisition channels. Each considered design points features a different application configuration, with a specific partitioning and mapping of parallel software tasks, executed on customized VLIW ASIP processing cores. Experimental results, obtained by means of FPGA-based prototyping and post-floorplanning power evaluation on a 40nm technology library, assess the performance and hardware-related costs of the considered configurations. The reported power figures demonstrate the usability of the MPSoC paradigm within the processing of bio-electrical signals and show the benefits achievable by the exploitation of the instruction-level parallelism within tasks

    Evaluation of Single-Chip, Real-Time Tomographic Data Processing on FPGA - SoC Devices

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    A novel approach to tomographic data processing has been developed and evaluated using the Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) scanner as an example. We propose a system in which there is no need for powerful, local to the scanner processing facility, capable to reconstruct images on the fly. Instead we introduce a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) System-on-Chip (SoC) platform connected directly to data streams coming from the scanner, which can perform event building, filtering, coincidence search and Region-Of-Response (ROR) reconstruction by the programmable logic and visualization by the integrated processors. The platform significantly reduces data volume converting raw data to a list-mode representation, while generating visualization on the fly.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 17 May 201

    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010 - ReCoSoC\u2710 - May 17-19, 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7551)

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    ReCoSoC is intended to be a periodic annual meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise as well as state of the art research around SoC related topics through plenary invited papers and posters. The workshop aims to provide a prospective view of tomorrow\u27s challenges in the multibillion transistor era, taking into account the emerging techniques and architectures exploring the synergy between flexible on-chip communication and system reconfigurability

    Towards Intelligent Data Acquisition Systems with Embedded Deep Learning on MPSoC

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    Large-scale scientific experiments rely on dedicated high-performance data-acquisition systems to sample, readout, analyse, and store experimental data. However, with the rapid development in detector technology in various fields, the number of channels and the data rate are increasing. For trigger and control tasks data acquisition systems needs to satisfy real-time constraints, enable short-time latency and provide the possibility to integrate intelligent data processing. During recent years machine learning approaches have been used successfully in many applications. This dissertation will study how machine learning techniques can be integrated already in the data acquisition of large-scale experiments. A universal data acquisition platform for multiple data channels has been developed. Different machine learning implementation methods and application have been realized using this system. On the hardware side, recent FPGAs do not only provide high-performance parallel logic but more and more additional features, like ultra-fast transceivers and embedded ARM processors. TSMC\u27s 16nm FinFET Plus (16FF+) 3D transistor technology enables Xilinx in the Zynq UltraScale+ FPGA devices to increase the performance/watt ratio by 2 to 5 times compared to their previous generation. The selected main processor ZU11EG owns 32 GTH transceivers where each one could operate up to 16.316.3 Gb/s and 16 GTY transceivers where each of them could operate up to 32.7532.75 Gb/s. These transceivers are routed to x16 lanes Gen 33/44 PCIe, 1212 lanes full-duplex FireFly electrical/optical data link and VITA 57.4 FMC+ connector. The new Zynq UltraScale+ device provides at least three major advantages for advanced data acquisition systems: First, the 16nm FinFET+ programmable logic (PL) provides high-speed readout capabilities by high-speed transceivers; second, built-in quad-core 64-bit ARM Cortex-A53 processor enable host embedded Linux system. Thus, webservers, slow control and monitoring application could be realized in a embedded processor environment; third, the Zynq Multiprocessor System-on-Chip technology connects programmable logic and microprocessors. In this thesis, the benefits of such architectures for the integration of machine learning algorithms in data acquisition systems and control application are demonstrated. On the algorithm side, there have been many achievements in the field of machine learning over the last decades. Existing machine learning algorithms split into several categories depending on how the learning phase is organized: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Semi-Supervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning. Most commonly used in scientific applications are supervised learning and reinforcement learning. Supervised learning learns from the labelled input and output, and generates a function that could predict the future different input to the appropriate output. A common application instance is a classification. They have a wide difference in basic math theory, training, inference, and their implementation. One of the natural solutions is Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Artificial Intelligence (AI) chips. A typical example is the Google Tensor Processing Unit (TPU), it could cover the training and inference for both supervised learning and reinforcement learning. One of the major issues is that such chip could not provide high data transferring bandwidth other than high compute power. As a comparison, the Xilinx UltraScale+ FPGA could also provide raw compute power and efficiency for all different data types down to a single bit. From a deployment point of view, the training part of supervised learning is typically performed by CPU/GPU/TPU on a fixed dataset. For reinforcement learning, the training phase is more complex. The algorithm needs to periodically interact with the controlled system and execute a Markov Decision Process (MDP). There is no static training dataset, but it is obtained in real-time. The time slot between each step depends on the dynamics of the controlled system. The inference is also bound to this sampling time because the algorithm needs to interact with the environment and decide the appropriate action for a response, then a higher demand on time is proposed. This thesis gives solutions for both training and inference of reinforcement learning. At first, the requirements are analyzed, then the algorithm is deduced from scratch, and training on the PS part of Zynq device is implemented, meanwhile the inference at FPGA side is proposed which is similar solution compared with supervised learning. The results for Policy Gradient show a lot of improvement over a CPU/GPU-based machine learning framework. The Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient also has improvement regarding both training latency and stability. This implementation method provides a low-latency approach for reinforcement learning on-field training process

    Land Cover Classification Implemented in FPGA

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    The main focus of the dissertation is Land Use/Land Cover Classification, implemented in FPGA, taking advantage of its parallelism, improving time between mathematical operations. The classifiers implemented will be Decision Tree and Minimum Distance reviewed in State of the Art Chapter. The results obtained pretend to contribute in fire prevention and fire combat, due to the information they extract about the fields where the implementation is applied to. The region of interest will Sado estuary, with future application to Mação, Santarém, inserted in FORESTER project, that had a lot of its area burnt in 2017 fires. Also, the data acquired from the implementation can help to update the previous land classification of the region. Image processing can be performed in a variety of platforms, such as CPU, GPU and FPGAs, with different advantages and disadvantages for each one. Image processing can be referred as massive data processing data in a visual context, due to its large amount of information per photo. Several studies had been made in accelerate classification techniques in hardware, but not so many have been applied in the same context of this dissertation. The outcome of this work shows the advantages of high data processing in hardware, in time and accuracy aspects. How the classifiers handle the region of study and can right classify it will be seen in this dissertation and the major advantages of accelerating some parts or the full classifier in hardware. The results of implementing the classifiers in hardware, done in the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC board, will be compared against the equivalent CPU implementation

    Predictable multi-processor system on chip design for multimedia applications

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    The design of multimedia systems has become increasingly complex due to consumer requirements. Consumers demand the functionalities offered by a huge desktop from these systems. Many of these systems are mobile. Therefore, power consumption and size of these devices should be small. These systems are increasingly becoming multi-processor based (MPSoCs) for the reasons of power and performance. Applications execute on these systems in different combinations also known as use-cases. Applications may have different performance requirements in each use-case. Currently, verification of all these use-cases takes bulk of the design effort. There is a need for analysis based techniques so that the platforms have a predictable behaviour and in turn provide guarantees on performance without expending precious man hours on verification. In this dissertation, techniques and architectures have been developed to design and manage these multi-processor based systems efficiently. The dissertation presents predictable architectural components for MPSoCs, a Predictable MPSoC design strategy, automatic platform synthesis tool, a run-time system and an MPSoC simulation technique. The introduction of predictability helps in rapid design of MPSoC platforms. Chapter 1 of the thesis studies the trends in modern multimedia applications and processor architectures. The chapter further highlights the problems in the design of MPSoC platforms and emphasizes the need of predictable design techniques. Predictable design techniques require predictable application and architectural components. The chapter further elaborates on Synchronous Data Flow Graphs which are used to model the applications throughout this thesis. The chapter presents the architecture template used in this thesis and enlists the contributions of the thesis. One of the contributions of this thesis is the design of a predictable component called communication assist. Chapter 2 of the thesis describes the architecture of this communication assist. The communication assist presented in this thesis not only decouples the communication from computation but also provides timing guarantees. Based on this communication assist, an MPSoC platform generation technique has been presented that can design MPSoC platforms capable of satisfying the throughput constraints of multiple applications in all use-cases. The technique is presented in Chapter 3. The design strategy uses three simple steps for platform design. In the first step it finds the required number of processors. The second step minimizes the communication interconnect between the processors and the third step minimizes the communication memory requirement of the platform. Further in Chapter 4, a tool has been developed to generate CA-based platforms for FPGAs. The output of this tool can be used to synthesize platforms on real hardware with the help of FPGA synthesis tools. The applications executing on these platforms often exhibit dynamism e.g. variation in task execution times and change in application throughput requirements. Further, new applications may often be added by consumers at run-time. Resource managers have been presented in literature to handle such dynamic situations. However, the scalability of these resource managers becomes an issue with the increase in number of processors and applications. Chapter 5 presents distributed run-time resource management techniques. Two versions of distributed resource managers have been presented which are scalable with the number of applications and processors. MPSoC platforms for real-time applications are designed assuming worst-case task execution times. It is known that the difference between average-case and worst-case behaviour can be quite large. Therefore, knowing the average case performance is also important for the system designer, and software simulation is often employed to estimate this. However, simulation in software is slow and does not scale with the number of applications and processing elements. In Chapter 6, a fast and scalable simulation methodology is introduced that can simulate the execution of multiple applications on an MPSoC platform. It is based on parallel execution of SDF (Synchronous Data Flow) models of applications. The simulation methodology uses Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) primitives and it is termed as "Smart Conservative PDES". The methodology generates a parallel simulator which is synthesizable on FPGAs. The framework can also be used to model dynamic arbitration policies which are difficult to analyse using models. The generated platform is also useful in carrying out Design Space Exploration as shown in the thesis. Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the main findings and (practical) implications of the studies described in previous chapters of this dissertation. Using the contributions mentioned in the thesis, a designer can design and implement predictable multiprocessor based systems capable of satisfying throughput constraints of multiple applications in given set of use-cases, and employ resource management strategies to deal with dynamism in the applications. The chapter also describes the main limitations of this dissertation and makes suggestions for future research