6 research outputs found

    Univerzális dependencia és morfológia magyar nyelvre

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    Ebben a cikkben beszámolunk az univerzális dependencia és morfológia elveinek magyarra történő alkalmazásáról, és bemutatjuk a kihívást jelentő nyelvi jelenségeket és az azokra nyújtott megoldásainkat. A kidolgozott elvek alapján részben automatikus, részben kézi átalakítás segítségével létrehozzuk a Szeged Treebank egy újabb változatát

    A Universal Phrase Tagset for Multilingual Treebanks

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    XII. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia

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    Parallel Syntactic Annotation of Multiple Languages

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    This paper describes an effort to investigate the incrementally deepening development of an interlingua notation, validated by human annotation of texts in English plus six languages. We begin with deep syntactic annotation, and in this paper present a series of annotation manuals for six different languages at the deep-syntactic level of representation. Many syntactic differences between languages are removed in the proposed syntactic annotation, making them useful resources for multilingual NLP project with semantic components. 1. Background: Goals of Annotation The IAMTC project (Farwell et al., 2004) aims at defining a level of interlingual annotation (the information needed to translate a text from one language to the next) based on annotating parallel multilingual texts (i.e., multiple translations into English of source texts in six foreign languages). As a first step in the sequence of annotations, we annotate texts for syntax. This level of annotation is called IL0. Subsequently, we augment IL0 with semantic disambiguation annotations, namely concepts from an ontology and semanti