168 research outputs found

    On Efficiently Detecting Overlapping Communities over Distributed Dynamic Graphs

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    Modern networks are of huge sizes as well as high dynamics, which challenges the efficiency of community detection algorithms. In this paper, we study the problem of overlapping community detection on distributed and dynamic graphs. Given a distributed, undirected and unweighted graph, the goal is to detect overlapping communities incrementally as the graph is dynamically changing. We propose an efficient algorithm, called \textit{randomized Speaker-Listener Label Propagation Algorithm} (rSLPA), based on the \textit{Speaker-Listener Label Propagation Algorithm} (SLPA) by relaxing the probability distribution of label propagation. Besides detecting high-quality communities, rSLPA can incrementally update the detected communities after a batch of edge insertion and deletion operations. To the best of our knowledge, rSLPA is the first algorithm that can incrementally capture the same communities as those obtained by applying the detection algorithm from the scratch on the updated graph. Extensive experiments are conducted on both synthetic and real-world datasets, and the results show that our algorithm can achieve high accuracy and efficiency at the same time.Comment: A short version of this paper will be published as ICDE'2018 poste

    Node-Centric Detection of Overlapping Communities in Social Networks

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    We present NECTAR, a community detection algorithm that generalizes Louvain method's local search heuristic for overlapping community structures. NECTAR chooses dynamically which objective function to optimize based on the network on which it is invoked. Our experimental evaluation on both synthetic benchmark graphs and real-world networks, based on ground-truth communities, shows that NECTAR provides excellent results as compared with state of the art community detection algorithms

    Parallel Toolkit for Measuring the Quality of Network Community Structure

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    Many networks display community structure which identifies groups of nodes within which connections are denser than between them. Detecting and characterizing such community structure, which is known as community detection, is one of the fundamental issues in the study of network systems. It has received a considerable attention in the last years. Numerous techniques have been developed for both efficient and effective community detection. Among them, the most efficient algorithm is the label propagation algorithm whose computational complexity is O(|E|). Although it is linear in the number of edges, the running time is still too long for very large networks, creating the need for parallel community detection. Also, computing community quality metrics for community structure is computationally expensive both with and without ground truth. However, to date we are not aware of any effort to introduce parallelism for this problem. In this paper, we provide a parallel toolkit to calculate the values of such metrics. We evaluate the parallel algorithms on both distributed memory machine and shared memory machine. The experimental results show that they yield a significant performance gain over sequential execution in terms of total running time, speedup, and efficiency.Comment: 8 pages; in Network Intelligence Conference (ENIC), 2014 Europea

    A maximal clique based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for overlapping community detection

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    Detecting community structure has become one im-portant technique for studying complex networks. Although many community detection algorithms have been proposed, most of them focus on separated communities, where each node can be-long to only one community. However, in many real-world net-works, communities are often overlapped with each other. De-veloping overlapping community detection algorithms thus be-comes necessary. Along this avenue, this paper proposes a maxi-mal clique based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for over-lapping community detection. In this algorithm, a new represen-tation scheme based on the introduced maximal-clique graph is presented. Since the maximal-clique graph is defined by using a set of maximal cliques of original graph as nodes and two maximal cliques are allowed to share the same nodes of the original graph, overlap is an intrinsic property of the maximal-clique graph. Attributing to this property, the new representation scheme al-lows multiobjective evolutionary algorithms to handle the over-lapping community detection problem in a way similar to that of the separated community detection, such that the optimization problems are simplified. As a result, the proposed algorithm could detect overlapping community structure with higher partition accuracy and lower computational cost when compared with the existing ones. The experiments on both synthetic and real-world networks validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm

    Selecting a suitable Parallel Label-propagation based algorithm for Disjoint Community Detection

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    Community detection is an essential task in network analysis as it helps identify groups and patterns within a network. High-speed community detection algorithms are necessary to analyze large-scale networks in a reasonable amount of time. Researchers have made significant contributions in the development of high-speed community detection algorithms, particularly in the area of label-propagation based disjoint community detection. These algorithms have been proven to be highly effective in analyzing large-scale networks in a reasonable amount of time. However, it is important to evaluate the performance and accuracy of these existing methods to determine which algorithm is best suited for a particular type of network and specific research problem. In this report, we investigate the RAK, COPRA, and SLPA, three label-propagation-based static community discovery techniques. We pay close attention to each algorithm's minute details as we implement both its single-threaded and multi-threaded OpenMP-based variants, making any necessary adjustments or optimizations and obtaining the right parameter values. The RAK algorithm is found to perform well with a tolerance of 0.05 and OpenMP-based strict RAK with 12 threads was 6.75x faster than the sequential non-strict RAK. The COPRA algorithm works well with a single label for road networks and max labels of 4-16 for other classes of graphs. The SLPA algorithm performs well with increasing memory size, but overall doesn't offer a favourable return on investment. The RAK algorithm is recommended for label-propagation based disjoint community detection.Comment: 11 pages, 1 tabl

    A parallel self-organizing community detection algorithm based on swarm intelligence for large scale complex networks

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    Community detection is a critical task for complex network analysis. It helps us to understand the properties of the system that a complex network represents and has significance to a wide range of applications. Nowadays, the challenges faced by community detection algorithms include overlapping community structure detection, large scale network analysis, dynamic changing of analyzed network topology and many more. In this paper a self-organizing community detection algorithm, based on the idea of swarm intelligence, was proposed and its parallel algorithm was designed on Giraph++ which is a semi-asynchronous parallel graph computation framework running on distributed environment. In the algorithm, a network of large size is firstly divided into a number of small sub-networks. Then, each sub-network is modeled as a self-evolving swarm intelligence sub-system, while each vertex within the sub-network acts iteratively to join into or leave from communities based on a set of predefined vertex action rules. Meanwhile, the local communities of a sub-network are sent to other sub-networks to make their members have a chance to join into, therefore connecting these self-evolving swarm intelligence sub-systems together as a whole, large and evolving, system. The vertex actions during evolution of a sub-network are sent as well to keep multiple community replicas being consistent. Thus network communication efficiency has a great impact on the algorithm’s performance. While there is no vertex changing in its belonging communities anymore, an optimal community structure of the whole network will have emerged as a result. In the algorithm it is natural that a vertex can join into multiple communities simultaneously, thus can be used for overlapping community detection. The algorithm deals with vertex and edge adding or deleting in the same way as the algorithm running, therefore inherently supports dynamic network analysis. The algorithm can be used for the analysis of large scale networks with its parallel version running on distributed environment. A variety of experiments conducted on synthesized networks have shown that the proposed algorithm can effectively detect community structures and its performance is much better than certain popular community detection algorithms

    Overlapping Community Detection in Networks: the State of the Art and Comparative Study

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    This paper reviews the state of the art in overlapping community detection algorithms, quality measures, and benchmarks. A thorough comparison of different algorithms (a total of fourteen) is provided. In addition to community level evaluation, we propose a framework for evaluating algorithms' ability to detect overlapping nodes, which helps to assess over-detection and under-detection. After considering community level detection performance measured by Normalized Mutual Information, the Omega index, and node level detection performance measured by F-score, we reached the following conclusions. For low overlapping density networks, SLPA, OSLOM, Game and COPRA offer better performance than the other tested algorithms. For networks with high overlapping density and high overlapping diversity, both SLPA and Game provide relatively stable performance. However, test results also suggest that the detection in such networks is still not yet fully resolved. A common feature observed by various algorithms in real-world networks is the relatively small fraction of overlapping nodes (typically less than 30%), each of which belongs to only 2 or 3 communities.Comment: This paper (final version) is accepted in 2012. ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 45, no. 4, 2013 (In press) Contact: [email protected]
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