3,809 research outputs found

    An algorithmic and architectural study on Montgomery exponentiation in RNS

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    The modular exponentiation on large numbers is computationally intensive. An effective way for performing this operation consists in using Montgomery exponentiation in the Residue Number System (RNS). This paper presents an algorithmic and architectural study of such exponentiation approach. From the algorithmic point of view, new and state-of-the-art opportunities that come from the reorganization of operations and precomputations are considered. From the architectural perspective, the design opportunities offered by well-known computer arithmetic techniques are studied, with the aim of developing an efficient arithmetic cell architecture. Furthermore, since the use of efficient RNS bases with a low Hamming weight are being considered with ever more interest, four additional cell architectures specifically tailored to these bases are developed and the tradeoff between benefits and drawbacks is carefully explored. An overall comparison among all the considered algorithmic approaches and cell architectures is presented, with the aim of providing the reader with an extensive overview of the Montgomery exponentiation opportunities in RNS

    Generic design of Chinese remaindering schemes

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    We propose a generic design for Chinese remainder algorithms. A Chinese remainder computation consists in reconstructing an integer value from its residues modulo non coprime integers. We also propose an efficient linear data structure, a radix ladder, for the intermediate storage and computations. Our design is structured into three main modules: a black box residue computation in charge of computing each residue; a Chinese remaindering controller in charge of launching the computation and of the termination decision; an integer builder in charge of the reconstruction computation. We then show that this design enables many different forms of Chinese remaindering (e.g. deterministic, early terminated, distributed, etc.), easy comparisons between these forms and e.g. user-transparent parallelism at different parallel grains

    Secure and Efficient RNS Approach for Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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    Scalar multiplication, the main operation in elliptic curve cryptographic protocols, is vulnerable to side-channel (SCA) and fault injection (FA) attacks. An efficient countermeasure for scalar multiplication can be provided by using alternative number systems like the Residue Number System (RNS). In RNS, a number is represented as a set of smaller numbers, where each one is the result of the modular reduction with a given moduli basis. Under certain requirements, a number can be uniquely transformed from the integers to the RNS domain (and vice versa) and all arithmetic operations can be performed in RNS. This representation provides an inherent SCA and FA resistance to many attacks and can be further enhanced by RNS arithmetic manipulation or more traditional algorithmic countermeasures. In this paper, extending our previous work, we explore the potentials of RNS as an SCA and FA countermeasure and provide an description of RNS based SCA and FA resistance means. We propose a secure and efficient Montgomery Power Ladder based scalar multiplication algorithm on RNS and discuss its SCAFA resistance. The proposed algorithm is implemented on an ARM Cortex A7 processor and its SCA-FA resistance is evaluated by collecting preliminary leakage trace results that validate our initial assumptions

    Realizing arbitrary-precision modular multiplication with a fixed-precision multiplier datapath

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    Within the context of cryptographic hardware, the term scalability refers to the ability to process operands of any size, regardless of the precision of the underlying data path or registers. In this paper we present a simple yet effective technique for increasing the scalability of a fixed-precision Montgomery multiplier. Our idea is to extend the datapath of a Montgomery multiplier in such a way that it can also perform an ordinary multiplication of two n-bit operands (without modular reduction), yielding a 2n-bit result. This conventional (nxn->2n)-bit multiplication is then used as a “sub-routine” to realize arbitrary-precision Montgomery multiplication according to standard software algorithms such as Coarsely Integrated Operand Scanning (CIOS). We show that performing a 2n-bit modular multiplication on an n-bit multiplier can be done in 5n clock cycles, whereby we assume that the n-bit modular multiplication takes n cycles. Extending a Montgomery multiplier for this extra functionality requires just some minor modifications of the datapath and entails a slight increase in silicon area