1 research outputs found

    Parallel Hardware/Software Architecture for the BWT and LZ77 Lossless Data Compression Algorithms Arquitectura Hardware/Software Paralela para los Algoritmos de CompresiĆ³n de Datos sin

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    Nowadays, the use of digital communication systems has increased in such a way that network bandwidth is affected. This problem can be solved by implementing data compression algorithms in communication devices to reduce the amount of data to be transmitted. However, the design of large hardware data compression models implies to consider an efficient use of the silicon area. This work proposes the conjunction of two different hardware lossless data compression approaches which share common hardware elements. The project also involves the design of a hardware/software architecture to exploit parallelism increasing execution speed while keeping flexibility. A custom coprocessor unit executes the compute-intense tasks of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform and the Lempel-Ziv lossless data compression schemes. This coprocessor unit is controlled by a SPARC V8 compatible general purpose microprocessor called LEON2