15,343 research outputs found

    Discrete orbits, recurrence and solvable subgroups of Diff(C^2,0)

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    We discuss the local dynamics of a subgroup of Diff(C^2,0) possessing locally discrete orbits as well as the structure of the recurrent set for more general groups. It is proved, in particular, that a subgroup of Diff(C^2,0) possessing locally discrete orbits must be virtually solvable. These results are of considerable interest in problems concerning integrable systems.Comment: The first version of this paper and "A note on integrability and finite orbits for subgroups of Diff(C^n,0)" are an expanded version of our paper "Discrete orbits and special subgroups of Diff(C^n,0)". An intermediate version re-submitted to the journal on March 2015 is available at http://www.fep.up.pt/docentes/hreis/publications.htm where there is also a comparison between these 3 version

    Evaluating Matrix Circuits

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    The circuit evaluation problem (also known as the compressed word problem) for finitely generated linear groups is studied. The best upper bound for this problem is coRP\mathsf{coRP}, which is shown by a reduction to polynomial identity testing. Conversely, the compressed word problem for the linear group SL3(Z)\mathsf{SL}_3(\mathbb{Z}) is equivalent to polynomial identity testing. In the paper, it is shown that the compressed word problem for every finitely generated nilpotent group is in DET⊆NC2\mathsf{DET} \subseteq \mathsf{NC}^2. Within the larger class of polycyclic groups we find examples where the compressed word problem is at least as hard as polynomial identity testing for skew arithmetic circuits

    On the difficulty of presenting finitely presentable groups

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    We exhibit classes of groups in which the word problem is uniformly solvable but in which there is no algorithm that can compute finite presentations for finitely presentable subgroups. Direct products of hyperbolic groups, groups of integer matrices, and right-angled Coxeter groups form such classes. We discuss related classes of groups in which there does exist an algorithm to compute finite presentations for finitely presentable subgroups. We also construct a finitely presented group that has a polynomial Dehn function but in which there is no algorithm to compute the first Betti number of the finitely presentable subgroups.Comment: Final version. To appear in GGD volume dedicated to Fritz Grunewal

    Compact K\"ahler manifolds with automorphism groups of maximal rank

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    For an automorphism group G on an n-dimensional (n > 2) normal projective variety or a compact K\"ahler manifold X so that G modulo its subgroup N(G) of null entropy elements is an abelian group of maximal rank n-1, we show that N(G) is virtually contained in Aut_0(X), the X is a quotient of a complex torus T and G is mostly descended from the symmetries on the torus T, provided that both X and the pair (X, G) are minimal.Comment: Added Hypothesis (C) to Theorem 1.2. No change of the proof
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