2 research outputs found

    Comparison of Methods for Smoothing Environmental Data with an Application to Particulate Matter PM10

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    Data smoothing is often required within the environmental data analysis. A number of methods and algorithms that can be applied for data smoothing have been proposed. This paper gives an overview and compares the performance of different smoothing procedures that estimate the trend in the data, based on the surrounding noisy observations that can be applied on environmental data. The considered methods include kernel regression with both global and local bandwidth, moving average, exponential smoothing, robust repeated median regression, trend filtering and approach based on discrete Fourier and discrete wavelet transform. The methods are applied to real data obtained by measurement of PM10 concentrations and compared in a simulation study.O

    Parabolic-cylindrical moving least squares surfaces

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    Moving least squares (MLS) surface approximation is a popular tool for the processing and reconstruction of non-structured and noisy point clouds. This paper introduces a new variant improving the approximation quality when the underlying surface is assumed to be locally developable, which is often the case in point clouds coming from the acquisition of manufactured objects. Our approach follows Levin's classical MLS procedure: the point cloud is locally approximated by a bivariate quadratic polynomial height-field defined in a local tangent frame. The a priori developability knowledge is introduced by constraining the fitted poly-nomials to have a zero-Gaussian curvature leading to the actual fit of so-called parabolic cylinders. When the local developability assumption cannot be made unambiguously, our fitted parabolic cylinders seamlessly degenerate to linear approximations. We show that our novel MLS kernel reconstructs more locally-developable surfaces than previous MLS methods while being faithful to the data.Virtual Museum Transnational Networ