2 research outputs found

    Improving transductive data selection algorithms for machine translation

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    In this work, we study different ways of improving Machine Translation models by using the subset of training data that is the most relevant to the test set. This is achieved by using Transductive Algoritms (TA) for data selection. In particular, we explore two methods: Infrequent N-gram Recovery (INR) and Feature Decay Algorithms (FDA). Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) models do not always perform better when more data are used for training. Using these techniques to extract the training sentences leads to a better performance of the models for translating a particular test set than using the complete training dataset. Neural Machine Translation (NMT) can outperform SMT models, but they require more data to achieve the best performance. In this thesis, we explore how INR and FDA can also be beneficial to improving NMT models with just a fraction of the available data. On top of that, we propose several improvements for these data-selection methods by exploiting the information on the target side. First, we use the alignment between words in the source and target sides to modify the selection criteria of these methods. Those sentences containing n-grams that are more difficult to translate should be promoted so that more occurrences of these n-grams are selected. Another extension proposed is to select sentences based not on the test set but on an MT-generated approximated translation (so the target-side of the sentences are considered in the selection criteria). Finally, target-language sentences can be translated into the source-language so that INR and FDA have more candidates to select sentences from

    Findings of the 2016 Conference on Machine Translation.

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    This paper presents the results of the WMT16 shared tasks, which included five machine translation (MT) tasks (standard news, IT-domain, biomedical, multimodal, pronoun), three evaluation tasks (metrics, tuning, run-time estimation of MT quality), and an automatic post-editing task and bilingual document alignment task. This year, 102 MT systems from 24 institutions (plus 36 anonymized online systems) were submitted to the 12 translation directions in the news translation task. The IT-domain task received 31 submissions from 12 institutions in 7 directions and the Biomedical task received 15 submissions systems from 5 institutions. Evaluation was both automatic and manual (relative ranking and 100-point scale assessments). The quality estimation task had three subtasks, with a total of 14 teams, submitting 39 entries. The automatic post-editing task had a total of 6 teams, submitting 11 entries