3,802 research outputs found

    Temporal Proximity induces Attributes Similarity

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    Users consume their favorite content in temporal proximity of consumption bundles according to their preferences and tastes. Thus, the underlying attributes of items implicitly match user preferences, however, current recommender systems largely ignore this fundamental driver in identifying matching items. In this work, we introduce a novel temporal proximity filtering method to enable items-matching. First, we demonstrate that proximity preferences exist. Second, we present an induced similarity metric in temporal proximity driven by user tastes and third, we show that this induced similarity can be used to learn items pairwise similarity in attribute space. The proposed model does not rely on any knowledge outside users' consumption bundles and provide a novel way to devise user preferences and tastes driven novel items recommender

    Fairness in Recommendation Ranking through Pairwise Comparisons

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    Recommender systems are one of the most pervasive applications of machine learning in industry, with many services using them to match users to products or information. As such it is important to ask: what are the possible fairness risks, how can we quantify them, and how should we address them? In this paper we offer a set of novel metrics for evaluating algorithmic fairness concerns in recommender systems. In particular we show how measuring fairness based on pairwise comparisons from randomized experiments provides a tractable means to reason about fairness in rankings from recommender systems. Building on this metric, we offer a new regularizer to encourage improving this metric during model training and thus improve fairness in the resulting rankings. We apply this pairwise regularization to a large-scale, production recommender system and show that we are able to significantly improve the system's pairwise fairness

    Graph-based Collaborative Ranking

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    Data sparsity, that is a common problem in neighbor-based collaborative filtering domain, usually complicates the process of item recommendation. This problem is more serious in collaborative ranking domain, in which calculating the users similarities and recommending items are based on ranking data. Some graph-based approaches have been proposed to address the data sparsity problem, but they suffer from two flaws. First, they fail to correctly model the users priorities, and second, they cannot be used when the only available data is a set of ranking instead of rating values. In this paper, we propose a novel graph-based approach, called GRank, that is designed for collaborative ranking domain. GRank can correctly model users priorities in a new tripartite graph structure, and analyze it to directly infer a recommendation list. The experimental results show a significant improvement in recommendation quality compared to the state of the art graph-based recommendation algorithms and other collaborative ranking techniques

    IteRank: An iterative network-oriented approach to neighbor-based collaborative ranking

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    Neighbor-based collaborative ranking (NCR) techniques follow three consecutive steps to recommend items to each target user: first they calculate the similarities among users, then they estimate concordance of pairwise preferences to the target user based on the calculated similarities. Finally, they use estimated pairwise preferences to infer the total ranking of items for the target user. This general approach faces some problems as the rank data is usually sparse as users usually have compared only a few pairs of items and consequently, the similarities among users is calculated based on limited information and is not accurate enough for inferring true values of preference concordance and can lead to an invalid ranking of items. This article presents a novel framework, called IteRank, that models the data as a bipartite network containing users and pairwise preferences. It then simultaneously refines users' similarities and preferences' concordances using a random walk method on this graph structure. It uses the information in this first step in another network structure for simultaneously adjusting the concordances of preferences and rankings of items. Using this approach, IteRank can overcome some existing problems caused by the sparsity of the data. Experimental results show that IteRank improves the performance of recommendation compared to the state of the art NCR techniques that use the traditional NCR framework for recommendation

    Visually-aware Recommendation with Aesthetic Features

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    Visual information plays a critical role in human decision-making process. While recent developments on visually-aware recommender systems have taken the product image into account, none of them has considered the aesthetic aspect. We argue that the aesthetic factor is very important in modeling and predicting users' preferences, especially for some fashion-related domains like clothing and jewelry. This work addresses the need of modeling aesthetic information in visually-aware recommender systems. Technically speaking, we make three key contributions in leveraging deep aesthetic features: (1) To describe the aesthetics of products, we introduce the aesthetic features extracted from product images by a deep aesthetic network. We incorporate these features into recommender system to model users' preferences in the aesthetic aspect. (2) Since in clothing recommendation, time is very important for users to make decision, we design a new tensor decomposition model for implicit feedback data. The aesthetic features are then injected to the basic tensor model to capture the temporal dynamics of aesthetic preferences (e.g., seasonal patterns). (3) We also use the aesthetic features to optimize the learning strategy on implicit feedback data. We enrich the pairwise training samples by considering the similarity among items in the visual space and graph space; the key idea is that a user may likely have similar perception on similar items. We perform extensive experiments on several real-world datasets and demonstrate the usefulness of aesthetic features and the effectiveness of our proposed methods.Comment: Accepted by VLDBJ. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1809.0582

    Reliable graph-based collaborative ranking

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    GRank is a recent graph-based recommendation approach the uses a novel heterogeneous information network to model users' priorities and analyze it to directly infer a recommendation list. Unfortunately, GRank neglects the semantics behind different types of paths in the network and during the process, it may use unreliable paths that are inconsistent with the general idea of similarity in neighborhood collaborative ranking. That negligence undermines the reliability of the recommendation list generated by GRank. This paper seeks to present a novel framework for reliable graph-based collaborative ranking, called ReGRank, that ranks items based on reliable recommendation paths that are in harmony with the semantics behind different approaches in neighborhood collaborative ranking. To our knowledge, ReGRank is the first unified framework for neighborhood collaborative ranking that in addition to traditional user-based collaborative ranking, can also be adapted for preference-based and representative-based collaborative ranking as well. Experimental results show that ReGRank significantly improves the state-of-the art neighborhood and graph-based collaborative ranking algorithms.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 3 Table

    Yum-me: A Personalized Nutrient-based Meal Recommender System

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    Nutrient-based meal recommendations have the potential to help individuals prevent or manage conditions such as diabetes and obesity. However, learning people's food preferences and making recommendations that simultaneously appeal to their palate and satisfy nutritional expectations are challenging. Existing approaches either only learn high-level preferences or require a prolonged learning period. We propose Yum-me, a personalized nutrient-based meal recommender system designed to meet individuals' nutritional expectations, dietary restrictions, and fine-grained food preferences. Yum-me enables a simple and accurate food preference profiling procedure via a visual quiz-based user interface, and projects the learned profile into the domain of nutritionally appropriate food options to find ones that will appeal to the user. We present the design and implementation of Yum-me, and further describe and evaluate two innovative contributions. The first contriution is an open source state-of-the-art food image analysis model, named FoodDist. We demonstrate FoodDist's superior performance through careful benchmarking and discuss its applicability across a wide array of dietary applications. The second contribution is a novel online learning framework that learns food preference from item-wise and pairwise image comparisons. We evaluate the framework in a field study of 227 anonymous users and demonstrate that it outperforms other baselines by a significant margin. We further conducted an end-to-end validation of the feasibility and effectiveness of Yum-me through a 60-person user study, in which Yum-me improves the recommendation acceptance rate by 42.63%

    SibRank: Signed Bipartite Network Analysis for Neighbor-based Collaborative Ranking

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    Collaborative ranking is an emerging field of recommender systems that utilizes users' preference data rather than rating values. Unfortunately, neighbor-based collaborative ranking has gained little attention despite its more flexibility and justifiability. This paper proposes a novel framework, called SibRank that seeks to improve the state of the art neighbor-based collaborative ranking methods. SibRank represents users' preferences as a signed bipartite network, and finds similar users, through a novel personalized ranking algorithm in signed networks

    General factorization framework for context-aware recommendations

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    Context-aware recommendation algorithms focus on refining recommendations by considering additional information, available to the system. This topic has gained a lot of attention recently. Among others, several factorization methods were proposed to solve the problem, although most of them assume explicit feedback which strongly limits their real-world applicability. While these algorithms apply various loss functions and optimization strategies, the preference modeling under context is less explored due to the lack of tools allowing for easy experimentation with various models. As context dimensions are introduced beyond users and items, the space of possible preference models and the importance of proper modeling largely increases. In this paper we propose a General Factorization Framework (GFF), a single flexible algorithm that takes the preference model as an input and computes latent feature matrices for the input dimensions. GFF allows us to easily experiment with various linear models on any context-aware recommendation task, be it explicit or implicit feedback based. The scaling properties makes it usable under real life circumstances as well. We demonstrate the framework's potential by exploring various preference models on a 4-dimensional context-aware problem with contexts that are available for almost any real life datasets. We show in our experiments -- performed on five real life, implicit feedback datasets -- that proper preference modelling significantly increases recommendation accuracy, and previously unused models outperform the traditional ones. Novel models in GFF also outperform state-of-the-art factorization algorithms. We also extend the method to be fully compliant to the Multidimensional Dataspace Model, one of the most extensive data models of context-enriched data. Extended GFF allows the seamless incorporation of information into the fac[truncated]Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10618-015-0417-y. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 201

    A Multi-Objective Learning to re-Rank Approach to Optimize Online Marketplaces for Multiple Stakeholders

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    Multi-objective recommender systems address the difficult task of recommending items that are relevant to multiple, possibly conflicting, criteria. However these systems are most often designed to address the objective of one single stakeholder, typically, in online commerce, the consumers whose input and purchasing decisions ultimately determine the success of the recommendation systems. In this work, we address the multi-objective, multi-stakeholder, recommendation problem involving one or more objective(s) per stakeholder. In addition to the consumer stakeholder, we also consider two other stakeholders; the suppliers who provide the goods and services for sale and the intermediary who is responsible for helping connect consumers to suppliers via its recommendation algorithms. We analyze the multi-objective, multi-stakeholder, problem from the point of view of the online marketplace intermediary whose objective is to maximize its commission through its recommender system. We define a multi-objective problem relating all our three stakeholders which we solve with a novel learning-to-re-rank approach that makes use of a novel regularization function based on the Kendall tau correlation metric and its kernel version; given an initial ranking of item recommendations built for the consumer, we aim to re-rank it such that the new ranking is also optimized for the secondary objectives while staying close to the initial ranking. We evaluate our approach on a real-world dataset of hotel recommendations provided by Expedia where we show the effectiveness of our approach against a business-rules oriented baseline model.Comment: Presented at the 2017 Workshop on Value-Aware and Multistakeholder Recommendatio
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