1 research outputs found

    Page-Mapping Techniques to Reduce Cache Conflicts on CC-NUMA Multiprocessors

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    Page-coloring and bin-hopping are two well-known page mapping schemes for reducing cache conflicts. Previous work found bin-hopping to have 4% less cache miss rate than page-coloring on uniprocessor machines. Using execution-driven simulations, we find that bin-hopping significantly outperforms simplistic page-coloring on CC-NUMA multiprocessors. In certain cases, bin-hopping has 32% to 58% less execution time and over 60% fewer cache misses. By using part of the memory ID bits to hash the page color during page-mapping, we improve the performance of page-coloring to match that of bin-hopping on CC-NUMA multiprocessors. Keywords: CC-NUMA multiprocessor, data-task affinity, page mapping, private cache 1 Introduction Cache-Coherent Non-Uniform Memory Access (CC-NUMA) multiprocessors become increasingly attractive as an architecture which provides a transparent access to local and remote memories and a good scalability. Stanford DASH [10] and FLASH [9], MIT Alewife [1], University of T..