41 research outputs found

    MFTV: A Zoomable Multifaceted Tree Viewer

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    In this paper, we describe a zoomable visualization tool for large-scale hierarchical ambiguous data structures. The tool uses different techniques such as a multifaceted tree representation, semantic zooming, detail and overview windows, subtree hiding, a space-efficient layout scheme, and a search ability. (UMIACS-TR-2003-96

    Toolkit Design for Interactive Structured Graphics

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    In this paper, we analyze toolkit designs for building graphical applications with rich user interfaces, comparing polylithic and monolithic toolkit-based solutions. Polylithic toolkits encourage extension by composition and follow a design philosophy similar to 3D scene graphs supported by toolkits including Java3D and OpenInventor. Monolithic toolkits, on the other hand, encourage extension by inheritance, and are more akin to 2D Graphical User Interface toolkits such as Swing or MFC. We describe Jazz (a polylithic toolkit) and Piccolo (a monolithic toolkit), each of which we built to support interactive 2D structured graphics applications in general, and Zoomable User Interface applications in particular. We examine the trade offs of each approach in terms of performance, memory requirements, and programmability. We conclude that a polylithic approach is most suitable for toolkit builders, visual design software where code is automatically generated, and application builders where there is much customization of the toolkit

    Toolkit Design for Interactive Structured Graphics

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    Evaluating Large Image Support for DSpace

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    Access to large images in digital libraries is desirable from a preservation perspective and may even be a requirement in some domains, such as cartography. However, providing access to large images often poses a problem as a result of the size of the images as well as the limited screen real-estate for displaying the images. Even when these issues are addressed, there is a lack of evidence about how well large image related tasks can be performed in a digital library. In investigating this, a survey was conducted in order to identify well-performing large image support tools and the best of these tools was integrated into DSpace. A user study was conducted in order to evaluate how well large images could be supported in a digital library and it was found that users were able to successfully and easily perform tasks related to large images

    Genomorama: genome visualization and analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ability to visualize genomic features and design experimental assays that can target specific regions of a genome is essential for modern biology. To assist in these tasks, we present Genomorama, a software program for interactively displaying multiple genomes and identifying potential DNA hybridization sites for assay design.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Useful features of Genomorama include genome search by DNA hybridization (probe binding and PCR amplification), efficient multi-scale display and manipulation of multiple genomes, support for many genome file types and the ability to search for and retrieve data from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Entrez server.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Genomorama provides an efficient computational platform for visualizing and analyzing multiple genomes.</p

    Data zooming--a new physics for information navigation

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    Building KidPad: An Application for Children's Collaborative Storytelling

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    Collaborating in small groups can be beneficial to children's learning and socializing. However, there is currently little computer support for children's collaborative activities. This was our motivation for building KidPad, a collaborative storytelling tool for children. KidPad provides children with drawing, typing, and hyperlinking capabilities in a large, two-dimensional canvas. It supports collaboration by accepting input from multiple mice. In building KidPad, we developed solutions to problems common to all single-display groupware applications for children: obtaining input from multiple devices, and using an intuitive user interface metaphor that can support collaboration. Our solution for obtaining input from multiple devices was MID, an architecture written in Java. We addressed the need for an appropriate user interface metaphor byusing the local tools metaphor. This paper describes our work on MID and local tools in the context of building of KidPad, and aims to provide developers with valuable insights into how to develop collaborative applications for children. (UMIACS-TR-2003-44) (HCIL-2003-18

    A graphical environment for gestural computer-aided composition

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 102-103).I have designed and implemented a software environment, a Windows application called Hyperscore, that presents a novel, easy-to-learn interface for composing richly textured music through line gestures. The program allows the user to command a set of music-manipulation algorithms written by Mary Farbood [Farbood, 2001]. The interface is both compelling and interesting for musically untrained users, and rich enough that such users, after sufficient practice, can create music that professional musicians find to be of high quality. While many musical composition programs geared for musically untrained users exist, it is its unique user interface, its use of freely drawn line-gestures, zooming navigation, and simple symbolic icons, that helps make this program unique. The program was designed to enable musically untrained children, ages ten or older, to compose three-minute pieces for a string orchestra, given only a week or so of two-hour daily workshops. The program succeeded in this, and has been presented to audiences in Berlin, Dublin, and Glasgow as a part of Toy Symphony. The program has also been made available for download.by Egon Pasztor.S.M

    Design and Display of Enhancing Information in Desktop Information-Rich Virtual Environments: Challenges and Techniques

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    Information-Rich Virtual Environments (IRVEs) have been described as environments in which perceptual information is enhanced with abstract (or symbolic) information such as text, numbers, images, audio, video, or hyperlinked resources. Desktop VE applications present the same information design and layout challenges as immersive VEs, but in addition, they may also be integrated with external windows or frames commonly used in desktop interfaces. This paper enumerates design approaches for the display of enhancing information both internal and external to the virtual world?s render volume. Using standard web-based software frameworks, we explore a number of implicit and explicit spatial layout methods for the display and linking of abstract information, especially text. Within the virtual environment view, we demonstrate both Heads-Up-Displays and encapsulated scenegraph behaviors we call Semantic Objects. For desktop displays, which support information display venues external to the scene, we demonstrate the linking and integration of the scene with web browsers and the Snap-Together visualization a system. Finally, we describe the application of these techniques in the PathSim Visualizer, an IRVE interface for the biomedical domain. These design techniques are relevant for instructional and informative interfaces for a wide variety of desktop VE applications