11 research outputs found

    Packing Coloring of Undirected and Oriented Generalized Theta Graphs

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    The packing chromatic number χ\chi ρ\rho (G) of an undirected (resp. oriented) graph G is the smallest integer k such that its set of vertices V (G) can be partitioned into k disjoint subsets V 1,..., V k, in such a way that every two distinct vertices in V i are at distance (resp. directed distance) greater than i in G for every i, 1 \le i \le k. The generalized theta graph Θ\Theta {\ell} 1,...,{\ell}p consists in two end-vertices joined by p \ge 2 internally vertex-disjoint paths with respective lengths 1 \le {\ell} 1 \le . . . \le {\ell} p. We prove that the packing chromatic number of any undirected generalized theta graph lies between 3 and max{5, n 3 + 2}, where n 3 = |{i / 1 \le i \le p, {\ell} i = 3}|, and that both these bounds are tight. We then characterize undirected generalized theta graphs with packing chromatic number k for every k \ge 3. We also prove that the packing chromatic number of any oriented generalized theta graph lies between 2 and 5 and that both these bounds are tight.Comment: Revised version. Accepted for publication in Australas. J. Combi

    Packing Coloring of Some Undirected and Oriented Coronae Graphs

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    The packing chromatic number χρ(G) of a graph G is the smallest integer k such that its set of vertices V(G) can be partitioned into k disjoint subsets V1, . . . , Vk, in such a way that every two distinct vertices in Vi are at distance greater than i in G for every i, 1 ≤ i ≤ k. For a given integer p ≥ 1, the p-corona of a graph G is the graph obtained from G by adding p degree-one neighbors to every vertex of G. In this paper, we determine the packing chromatic number of p-coronae of paths and cycles for every p ≥ 1

    Packing coloring of some undirected and oriented coronae graphs

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    International audienceThe packing chromatic number \pcn(G) of a graph GG is the smallest integer kk such that its set of vertices V(G)V(G) can be partitioned into kk disjoint subsets V1V_1, \ldots, VkV_k, in such a way that every two distinct vertices in ViV_i are at distance greater than ii in GG for every ii, 1ik1\le i\le k.For a given integer p1p \ge 1, the generalized corona GpK1G\odot pK_1 of a graph GG is the graph obtained from GG by adding pp degree-one neighbors to every vertex of GG.In this paper, we determine the packing chromatic number of generalized coronae of paths and cycles.Moreover, by considering digraphs and the (weak) directed distance between vertices, we get a natural extension of the notion of packing coloring to digraphs. We then determine the packing chromatic number of orientations of generalized coronae of paths and cycles

    Packing Coloring of Some Undirected and Oriented Coronae Graphs

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    The packing chromatic number χρ(G) of a graph G is the smallest integer k such that its set of vertices V(G) can be partitioned into k disjoint subsets V1, . . ., Vk, in such a way that every two distinct vertices in Vi are at distance greater than i in G for every i, 1 ≤ i ≤ k. For a given integer p ≥ 1, the p-corona of a graph G is the graph obtained from G by adding p degree-one neighbors to every vertex of G. In this paper, we determine the packing chromatic number of p-coronae of paths and cycles for every p ≥ 1. Moreover, by considering digraphs and the (weak) directed distance between vertices, we get a natural extension of the notion of packing coloring to digraphs. We then determine the packing chromatic number of orientations of p-coronae of paths and cycles

    Packing coloring of some undirected and oriented coronae graphs

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