169 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Aided Static Malware Analysis: A Survey and Tutorial

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    Malware analysis and detection techniques have been evolving during the last decade as a reflection to development of different malware techniques to evade network-based and host-based security protections. The fast growth in variety and number of malware species made it very difficult for forensics investigators to provide an on time response. Therefore, Machine Learning (ML) aided malware analysis became a necessity to automate different aspects of static and dynamic malware investigation. We believe that machine learning aided static analysis can be used as a methodological approach in technical Cyber Threats Intelligence (CTI) rather than resource-consuming dynamic malware analysis that has been thoroughly studied before. In this paper, we address this research gap by conducting an in-depth survey of different machine learning methods for classification of static characteristics of 32-bit malicious Portable Executable (PE32) Windows files and develop taxonomy for better understanding of these techniques. Afterwards, we offer a tutorial on how different machine learning techniques can be utilized in extraction and analysis of a variety of static characteristic of PE binaries and evaluate accuracy and practical generalization of these techniques. Finally, the results of experimental study of all the method using common data was given to demonstrate the accuracy and complexity. This paper may serve as a stepping stone for future researchers in cross-disciplinary field of machine learning aided malware forensics.Comment: 37 Page

    Design and Performance Analysis of an Anti-Malware System based on Generative Adversarial Network Framework

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    The cyber realm is overwhelmed with dynamic malware that promptly penetrates all defense mechanisms, operates unapprehended to the user, and covertly causes damage to sensitive data. The current generation of cyber users is being victimized by the interpolation of malware each day due to the pervasive progression of Internet connectivity. Malware is dispersed to infiltrate the security, privacy, and integrity of the system. Conventional malware detection systems do not have the potential to detect novel malware without the accessibility of their signatures, which gives rise to a high False Negative Rate (FNR). Previously, there were numerous attempts to address the issue of malware detection, but none of them effectively combined the capabilities of signature-based and machine learning-based detection engines. To address this issue, we have developed an integrated Anti-Malware System (AMS) architecture that incorporates both conventional signature-based detection and AI-based detection modules. Our approach employs a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based Malware Classifier Optimizer (MCOGAN) framework, which can optimize a malware classifier. This framework utilizes GANs to generate fabricated benign files that can be used to train external discriminators for optimization purposes. We describe our proposed framework and anti-malware system in detail to provide a better understanding of how a malware detection system works. We evaluate our approach using the Figshare dataset and state-of-the-art models as discriminators, and our results demonstrate improved malware detection performance compared to existing models

    Intra-procedural Path-insensitive Grams (i-grams) and Disassembly Based Features for Packer Tool Classification and Detection

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    The DoD relies on over seven million computing devices worldwide to accomplish a wide range of goals and missions. Malicious software, or malware, jeopardizes these goals and missions. However, determining whether an arbitrary software executable is malicious can be difficult. Obfuscation tools, called packers, are often used to hide the malicious intent of malware from anti-virus programs. Therefore detecting whether or not an arbitrary executable file is packed is a critical step in software security. This research uses machine learning methods to build a system, the Polymorphic and Non-Polymorphic Packer Detection (PNPD) system, that detects whether an executable is packed using both sequences of instructions, called i-grams, and disassembly information as features for machine learning. Both i-grams and disassembly features successfully detect packed executables with top configurations achieving average accuracies above 99.5\%, average true positive rates above 0.977, and average false positive rates below 1.6e-3 when detecting polymorphic packers

    Adaptive rule-based malware detection employing learning classifier systems

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    Efficient and accurate malware detection is increasingly becoming a necessity for society to operate. Existing malware detection systems have excellent performance in identifying known malware for which signatures are available, but poor performance in anomaly detection for zero day exploits for which signatures have not yet been made available or targeted attacks against a specific entity. The primary goal of this thesis is to provide evidence for the potential of learning classier systems to improve the accuracy of malware detection. A customized system based on a state-of-the-art learning classier system is presented for adaptive rule-based malware detection, which combines a rule-based expert system with evolutionary algorithm based reinforcement learning, thus creating a self-training adaptive malware detection system which dynamically evolves detection rules. This system is analyzed on a benchmark of malicious and non-malicious files. Experimental results show that the system can outperform C4.5, a well-known non-adaptive machine learning algorithm, under certain conditions. The results demonstrate the system\u27s ability to learn effective rules from repeated presentations of a tagged training set and show the degree of generalization achieved on an independent test set. This thesis is an extension and expansion of the work published in the Security, Trust, and Privacy for Software Applications workshop in COMPSAC 2011 - the 35th Annual IEEE Signature Conference on Computer Software and Applications --Abstract, page iii

    Formalizing evasion attacks against machine learning security detectors

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    Recent work has shown that adversarial examples can bypass machine learning-based threat detectors relying on static analysis by applying minimal perturbations. To preserve malicious functionality, previous attacks either apply trivial manipulations (e.g. padding), potentially limiting their effectiveness, or require running computationally-demanding validation steps to discard adversarial variants that do not correctly execute in sandbox environments. While machine learning systems for detecting SQL injections have been proposed in the literature, no attacks have been tested against the proposed solutions to assess the effectiveness and robustness of these methods. In this thesis, we overcome these limitations by developing RAMEn, a unifying framework that (i) can express attacks for different domains, (ii) generalizes previous attacks against machine learning models, and (iii) uses functions that preserve the functionality of manipulated objects. We provide new attacks for both Windows malware and SQL injection detection scenarios by exploiting the format used for representing these objects. To show the efficacy of RAMEn, we provide experimental results of our strategies in both white-box and black-box settings. The white-box attacks against Windows malware detectors show that it takes only the 2% of the input size of the target to evade detection with ease. To further speed up the black-box attacks, we overcome the issues mentioned before by presenting a novel family of black-box attacks that are both query-efficient and functionality-preserving, as they rely on the injection of benign content, which will never be executed, either at the end of the malicious file, or within some newly-created sections, encoded in an algorithm called GAMMA. We also evaluate whether GAMMA transfers to other commercial antivirus solutions, and surprisingly find that it can evade many commercial antivirus engines. For evading SQLi detectors, we create WAF-A-MoLE, a mutational fuzzer that that exploits random mutations of the input samples, keeping alive only the most promising ones. WAF-A-MoLE is capable of defeating detectors built with different architectures by using the novel practical manipulations we have proposed. To facilitate reproducibility and future work, we open-source our framework and corresponding attack implementations. We conclude by discussing the limitations of current machine learning-based malware detectors, along with potential mitigation strategies based on embedding domain knowledge coming from subject-matter experts naturally into the learning process

    Malware detection based on call graph similarities

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    S rostoucím množstvím škodlivých souborů se stalo využití strojového učení pro jejich detekci nezbytností. Autoři škodlivých souborů vytváří důmyslnější programy, aby překonali stále se zlepšující antivirovou ochranu. Windows OS zůstává nejčastějším cílem útoků. Viry se často šíří ve formátu Portable Executable (PE). PE soubory mohou být zkoumány pomocí metod statické analýzy, které se hodí pro zpracovávání velkého množství dat. Mnoho antivirových systémů disassembluje soubory a zkoumá jejich kód, který nabízí vhled do funkcionality souboru. Assembly kód je členěn do funkcí. Vztahy mezi funkcemi zachycuje graf volání funkcí (GVF). Tento graf byl zkoumán v literatuře a jeho struktura byla využita k hledání podobností mezi soubory. V poslední době začaly být úspěšně využívány grafové neuronové sítě (GNN) ke zpracování těchto grafů. V naší práci zkoumáme různé druhy a architektury GNN a vzájemně je porovnáváme. Po tom, co vybereme nejlepší GNN model, ho srovnáme s modelem, který nevyužívá grafovou strukturu GVF, abychom zjistili zda tato struktura zlepšuje klasifikační modely. Naši studii provádíme na velkém datasetu o více než 5 milionech PE souborů.Machine learning-powered malware detection systems became a necessity to fight the rising volume of malware. Malware authors create more sophisticated programs to overcome always improving antivirus engines. Windows OS remains the most targeted system, and the malicious payload commonly comes in the Portable executable (PE) file format. PE files can be analyzed with the static analysis methods, which are suitable for processing large amounts of data. Many engines disassemble binaries and study the code, which carries valuable insight into binary behavior. The assembly code is divided into functions that carry the functionality. The relations between functions form a Function Call Graph (FCG). FCG has been studied in the literature, and the graph structure was employed to find similarities between files. Recently, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been adapted to work upon FCGs and are claimed to be performing well. In this work, we study and compare different GNN models and their architectures. After selecting the best GNN model, we compare it with a non-structural model to verify if an FCG structure improves classification models. We perform our empirical study on a large dataset of more than 5 million PE files