112 research outputs found

    PIR with compressed queries and amortized query processing

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    Private information retrieval (PIR) is a key building block in many privacy-preserving systems. Unfortunately, existing constructions remain very expensive. This paper introduces two techniques that make the computational variant of PIR (CPIR) more efficient in practice. The first technique targets a recent class of CPU-efficient CPIR protocols where the query sent by the client contains a number of ciphertexts proportional to the size of the database. We show how to compresses this query, achieving size reductions of up to 274X. The second technique is a new data encoding called probabilistic batch codes (PBCs). We use PBCs to build a multi-query PIR scheme that allows the server to amortize its computational cost when processing a batch of requests from the same client. This technique achieves up to 40× speedup over processing queries one at a time, and is significantly more efficient than related encodings. We apply our techniques to the Pung private communication system, which relies on a custom multi-query CPIR protocol for its privacy guarantees. By porting our techniques to Pung, we find that we can simultaneously reduce network costs by 36× and increase throughput by 3X

    Batched differentially private information retrieval

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    Private Information Retrieval (PIR) allows several clients to query a database held by one or more servers, such that the contents of their queries remain private. Prior PIR schemes have achieved sublinear communication and computation by leveraging computational assumptions, federating trust among many servers, relaxing security to permit differentially private leakage, refactoring effort into an offline stage to reduce online costs, or amortizing costs over a large batch of queries. In this work, we present an efficient PIR protocol that combines all of the above techniques to achieve constant amortized communication and computation complexity in the size of the database and constant client work. We leverage differentially private leakage in order to provide better trade-offs between privacy and efficiency. Our protocol achieves speed-ups up to and exceeding 10x in practical settings compared to state of the art PIR protocols, and can scale to batches with hundreds of millions of queries on cheap commodity AWS machines. Our protocol builds upon a new secret sharing scheme that is both incremental and non-malleable, which may be of interest to a wider audience. Our protocol provides security up to abort against malicious adversaries that can corrupt all but one party.1414119 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1718135 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1931714 - National Science Foundation; HR00112020021 - Department of Defense/DARPA; 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000037211 - SRI Internationalhttps://www.usenix.org/system/files/sec22-albab.pdfPublished versio

    FrodoPIR: Simple, Scalable, Single-Server Private Information Retrieval

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    We design FrodoPIR\mathsf{FrodoPIR} — a highly configurable, stateful, single-server Private Information Retrieval (PIR) scheme that involves an offline phase that is completely client-independent. Coupled with small online overheads, it leads to much smaller amortized financial costs on the server-side than previous approaches. In terms of performance for a database of 11 million 11KB elements, FrodoPIR\mathsf{FrodoPIR} requires <1< 1 second for responding to a client query, has a server response size blow-up factor of <3.6×< 3.6\times, and financial costs are ∼$1\sim \$1 for answering 100,000100,000 client queries. Our experimental analysis is built upon a simple, non-optimized Rust implementation, illustrating that FrodoPIR\mathsf{FrodoPIR} is particularly suitable for deployments that involve large numbers of clients

    What Storage Access Privacy is Achievable with Small Overhead?

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    Oblivious RAM (ORAM) and private information retrieval (PIR) are classic cryptographic primitives used to hide the access pattern to data whose storage has been outsourced to an untrusted server. Unfortunately, both primitives require considerable overhead compared to plaintext access. For large-scale storage infrastructure with highly frequent access requests, the degradation in response time and the exorbitant increase in resource costs incurred by either ORAM or PIR prevent their usage. In an ideal scenario, a privacy-preserving storage protocols with small overhead would be implemented for these heavily trafficked storage systems to avoid negatively impacting either performance and/or costs. In this work, we study the problem of the best $\mathit{storage\ access\ privacy}thatisachievablewithonly that is achievable with only \mathit{small\ overhead}overplaintextaccess.Toanswerthisquestion,weconsider over plaintext access. To answer this question, we consider \mathit{differential\ privacy\ access}whichisageneralizationofthe which is a generalization of the \mathit{oblivious\ access}securitynotionthatareconsideredbyORAMandPIR.Quitesurprisingly,wepresentstrongevidencethatconstantoverheadstorageschemesmayonlybeachievedwithprivacybudgetsof security notion that are considered by ORAM and PIR. Quite surprisingly, we present strong evidence that constant overhead storage schemes may only be achieved with privacy budgets of \epsilon = \Omega(\log n).WepresentasymptoticallyoptimalconstructionsfordifferentiallyprivatevariantsofbothORAMandPIRwithprivacybudgets. We present asymptotically optimal constructions for differentially private variants of both ORAM and PIR with privacy budgets \epsilon = \Theta(\log n)withonly with only O(1)overhead.Inaddition,weconsideramorecomplexstorageprimitivecalledkey−valuestorageinwhichdataisindexedbykeysfromalargeuniverse(asopposedtoconsecutiveintegersinORAMandPIR).Wepresentadifferentiallyprivatekey−valuestorageschemewith overhead. In addition, we consider a more complex storage primitive called key-value storage in which data is indexed by keys from a large universe (as opposed to consecutive integers in ORAM and PIR). We present a differentially private key-value storage scheme with \epsilon = \Theta(\log n)and and O(\log\log n)$ overhead. This construction uses a new oblivious, two-choice hashing scheme that may be of independent interest.Comment: To appear at PODS'1

    Piano: Extremely Simple, Single-Server PIR with Sublinear Server Computation

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    We construct a sublinear-time single-server pre-processing Private Information Retrieval (PIR) scheme with optimal client storage and server computation (up to poly-logarithmic factors), only relying on the assumption of the existence of One Way Functions (OWF). Our scheme achieves amortized O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) online server computation and client computation and O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) online communication per query, and requires O~λ(n)\widetilde{O}_\lambda(\sqrt{n}) client storage. Unlike prior single-server PIR schemes that rely on heavy cryptographic machinery such as Homomorphic Encryption, our scheme only utilizes lightweight cryptography such as PRFs, which is easily instantiated in practice. To our knowledge, this is the first practical implementation of a single-server sublinear-time PIR scheme. Compared to existing linear time single-server solutions, our schemes are faster by 10−300×10-300\times and are comparable to the fastest two-server schemes. In particular, for a 100GB database of 1.6 billion entries, our experiments show that our scheme has less than 40ms online computation time on a single core

    Single-Server Private Information Retrieval with Sublinear Amortized Time

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    We construct new private-information-retrieval protocols in the single-server setting. Our schemes allow a client to privately fetch a sequence of database records from a server, while the server answers each query in average time sublinear in the database size. Specifically, we introduce the first single-server private-information-retrieval schemes that have sublinear amortized server time, require sublinear additional storage, and allow the client to make her queries adaptively. Our protocols rely only on standard cryptographic assumptions (decision Diffie-Hellman, quadratic residuosity, learning with errors, etc.). They work by having the client first fetch a small hint about the database contents from the server. Generating this hint requires server time linear in the database size. Thereafter, the client can use the hint to make a bounded number of adaptive queries to the server, which the server answers in sub-linear time--yielding sublinear amortized cost. Finally, we give lower bounds proving that our most efficient scheme is optimal with respect to the trade-off it achieves between server online time and client storage

    Private Stateful Information Retrieval

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    Private information retrieval (PIR) is a fundamental tool for preserving query privacy when accessing outsourced data. All previous PIR constructions have significant costs preventing widespread use. In this work, we present private stateful information retrieval (PSIR), an extension of PIR, allowing clients to be stateful and maintain information between multiple queries. Our design of the PSIR primitive maintains three important properties of PIR: multiple clients may simultaneously query without complex concurrency primitives, query privacy should be maintained if the server colludes with other clients, and new clients should be able to enroll into the system by exclusively interacting with the server. We present a PSIR framework that reduces an online query to performing one single-server PIR on a sub-linear number of database records. All other operations beyond the single-server PIR consist of cryptographic hashes or plaintext operations. In practice, the dominating costs of resources occur due to the public-key operations involved with PIR. By reducing the input database to PIR, we are able to limit expensive computation and avoid transmitting large ciphertexts. We show that various instantiations of PSIR reduce server CPU by up to 10x and online network costs by up to 10x over the previous best PIR construction
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