3 research outputs found

    A Study of Online Customers Repurchase Intention Using the 4Rs of Marketing Framework

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    With increased e-commerce competition, people are now resorting to online shopping instead of traditional stores to do personal shopping. With the current pandemic, there is more reason why shoppers would not step out of their homes.  It's therefore imperative for companies engaged in e-commerce to find ways on how to influence its customers to do a repeat purchase with an eye towards the long-term goal of cultivating long term relationships with them. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of variables based on the framework of the 4Rs of marketing towards trust and online customers repurchase intentions. Ninety-seven customers of Lazada website participated with data collection done mainly using online questionnaire. Findings indicated that the variables assurance, corporate image, customer satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and perceived value significantly predicted trust and online customer repurchase intentions. Furthermore, the study revealed that trust can be a significant mediator between the abovementioned variables and online customer repurchase intentions. Lastly, this study has provided a useful insight to help managers understand how to maintain a long-term relationship by enhancing its customers repurchase intentions. Considering the intense competition, long term marketing relationship is the only way to go to survive.  Keywords: Online Customers Repurchase Intention; 4Rs of Marketing. JEL Classifications: M1; M3 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.1100

    PEEIM and Online Shopper Loyalty

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    Online shopping frequently characterized by the risks, e.g., leaking of personal information or credit card fraud. These risks are critical. Hence, shopping websites develop protective mechanisms, enhancing shoppers’ Perceived Effectiveness of ECommerce Institutional Mechanisms (PEEIM). However, shoppers may not perceive this mechanisms, or PEEIM, motivating them to defect and threat shopping websites’ survival. To solve this problem, we plan to contextualize the signaling theory into the online shopping context and use context-specific features (quality evaluations and PEEIM) to extend this theory. Our findings will envision which quality aspects are more relevant in forming users’ perceptions and loyalty. Theoretically, our findings will change our understanding of the signaling theory that observable cues may not only form beliefs of the two parties (as the theory posited) but also form beliefs pertaining to the third party (e.g., PEEIM)