5 research outputs found

    Formal Analysis of Fairness for Optimistic Multiparty Contract Signing Protocol

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    Optimistic multiparty contract signing (OMPCS) protocols are proposed for exchanging multiparty digital signatures in a contract. Compared with general two-party exchanging protocols, such protocols are more complicated, because the number of protocol messages and states increases considerably when signatories increase. Moreover, fairness property in such protocols requires protection from each signatory rather than from an external hostile agent. It thus presents a challenge for formal verification. In our analysis, we employ and combine the strength of extended modeling language CSP# and linear temporal logic (LTL) to verify the fairness of OMPCS protocols. Furthermore, for solving or mitigating the state space explosion problem, we set a state reduction algorithm which can decrease the redundant states properly and reduce the time and space complexity greatly. Finally, this paper illustrates the feasibility of our approach by analyzing the GM and CKS protocols, and several fairness flaws have been found in certain computation times

    Towards verification of computation orchestration

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    Recently, a promising programming model called Orc has been proposed to support a structured way of orchestrating distributed Web Services. Orc is intuitive because it offers concise constructors to manage concurrent communication, time-outs, priorities, failure of Web Services or communication and so forth. The semantics of Orc is precisely defined. However, there is no automatic verification tool available to verify critical properties against Orc programs. Our goal is to verify the orchestration programs (written in Orc language) which invoke web services to achieve certain goals. To investigate this problem and build useful tools, we explore in two directions. Firstly, we define a Timed Automata semantics for the Orc language, which we prove is semantically equivalent to the operational semantics of Orc. Consequently, Timed Automata models are systematically constructed from Orc programs. The practical implication is that existing tool supports for Timed Automata, e.g., Uppaal, can be used to simulate and model check Orc programs. An experimental tool has been implemented to automate this approach. Secondly, we start with encoding the operational semantics of Orc language in Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), which allows a systematic translation from Orc to CLP. Powerful constraint solvers like CLP(R) are then used to prove traditional safety properties and beyond, e.g., reachability, deadlock-freeness, lower or upper bound of a time interval, etc. Counterexamples are generated when properties are not satisfied. Furthermore, the stepwise execution traces can be automatically generated as the simulation steps. The two different approaches give an insight into the verification problem of Web Service orchestration. The Timed Automata approach has its merits in visualized simulation and efficient verification supported by the well developed tools. On the other hand, the CPL approach gives better expressiveness in both modeling and verification. The two approaches complement each other, which gives a complete solution for the simulation and verification of Computation Orchestration

    PAT 3: An extensible architecture for building multi-domain model checkers

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    10.1109/ISSRE.2011.19Proceedings - International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE190-199PSSR