138 research outputs found

    Preliminary Study of Malaysian Public Sector (MPS) Transformation Readiness through Enterprise Architecture (EA) Establishment

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a holistic approach that not only limited to Information Technology (IT) but also align with the business. EA is not just a tool to be used in a financially competitive world; it is a tool that can help to improve the efficiency of organisation and serves as an instrument for exposing the need for transformation. Consequently, interest in EA in the public sector is increasing in receiving attention. However, to success in EA practices in an organisation yet a concern. The primary aim of this research is to explore the readiness factors that influence the successful EA establishment in Malaysian Public Sector (MPS). Using qualitative approach, the exploration has been made through systematic review and semi-structured interview in with EA experts and practitioners. The data from purposeful and emergent sampling strategies have been analysed using Deductive Qualitative Analysis (DQA). The findings highlighted 17 readiness factors that can be categorised into four main s elements which are Enterprise Environment, Process, People and Technology. In the future, these readiness factors will be analysed on its suitability to be set of readiness assessment criteria towards successful EA establishment in MPS

    Is NIST CSF applicable for developing nations? A case study on Government Sector in Malaysia

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    Cybersecurity impacts nations in multiple facets as the cyberspace luring efficiency and convenience in interconnectivity in our digital lifestyle including the critical national infrastructures (CNI) where a break in the weakest link impacts large geographical regions and send ripples across the economy. In order to protect the cybersecurity of CNIs, NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (NIST CSF), a technology-neutral framework based on industry best practices and standards, was developed in 2014. This research-in-progress seek to gain insights on its applicability in developing nations, Malaysia, where a qualitative methodology to investigate the applicability of NIST CSF in Malaysia was adopted. The Preliminary findings concurred that the framework is relevant and it needs to be revised periodically as every CNI sector is critical in its own way, and that the cyber threats are ever evolving and emerging

    Business Intelligence System Adoption Model for SMEs

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    Many prior studies on the business intelligence system (BIS) adoption stories are coming from the developed countries, while recent adoption stories on the developing countries are usually from Thailand, Singapore and Philippines. Rarely, research focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) being reported, especially from the developing countries such as Malaysia even after the introduction of BIS by Malaysia’s SME in September 2013. Since, SMEs are the primary drivers for national development in Malaysia, the research on the BIS adoption in SMEs is important to promote the resilient growth of SMEs. This study aims to study the BIS adoption theories and determinants as reported by prior researchers and propose the BIS adoption model for SME in Malaysia. The developed research model contains ten, enabling determinants covering four characteristics: technological innovation, environment, organization, and CEO. The findings revealed that out of ten determinants, only six are relevant to the decision-making in BIS adoption

    Towards the Development of Criteria to Assess Stuttering Mobile Apps

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    Speech disfluency is one of the kinds of speech disorders that can affect many aspects of a person’s life and surroundings. They may experience bad reactions to stuttering and counters difficulty to communicate especially in significant situations. However, speech therapists may conduct speech therapy sessions as it is believed that through speech practice, stutterers can recover well and speaks fluently (each individual’s progress might be different to one another). Recently, mobile applications (apps) to improve health especially in speech disfluencies are proliferating. However, before a doctor or speech therapist can recommend any stuttering apps to their patients, they need to have the clinical test evidence of the apps and be confident that the apps are capable in improving patients’ speech disfluencies. Recently, speech therapists have started to ask the effectiveness of mobile health (m-health) apps towards improving speech problems and stuttering issues among society. Unfortunately, studies have revealed that most of stuttering m-health apps in the market were developed without any proper guideline from health practitioner. The main instruments used in this study are through the adaptation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework and Overall Assessment of the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering (OASES) instrument. ICF provides an ideal framework for describing stuttering while OASES instrument provides validity assessment and scoring procedure in offering evidence for the treatment used (usage of stuttering m-health apps and its impact on patient’s speech problems). Through this effort, it is hoped that the widespread use of m-health apps (i.e. focusing on speech disfluency for this study) developed with proper clinical guidance will enhance the quality of stuttering m-health apps thus leading towards quality healthcare in our society


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    Social Networking Sites (SNS) addiction among the adolescents has begun to getting attention among the scholars. Previous studies have focused on the factors influenced SNS addiction mostly among the adults compared to the adolescents. Furthermore, studies on SNS addiction that integrate different perspective from different theoretical foundation is very scarce. This study has taken a systematic literature approach to identify factors that contributes to SNS addiction among the adolescents in Asian countries. Based on the systematic literature approach, ten papers were found to be significantly highlighted factors that contributes to SNS addiction in Asian countries which is Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and China. Subsequently, the factors were categorized into three different perspective which is Information System, Sociology and Psychology. These factors are hoped to be guidance for future research in SNS addiction context among adolescents in Asian countries

    Cyber Security Violation in I0T-Enabled Bright Society: A Proposed Framework

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    The undesirable consequences of ICT proliferation remains a big concern. The rise in Internet of Things (IoT) have further exacerbated security and information privacy challenges. One main reason is organizations and individuals constantly violate regulations and rules. While cybersecurity and privacy scholars accentuate on the likelihood of rule violations at the individual and organizational levels, the evidence for and discussion of this concept is still scant. This study proposes an empirical response to the Bright ICT initiative of the Association of Information System. This initiative aims to drastically eliminate adverse effect of Internet of Things (IoT). However, a robust privacy and cybersecurity model is needed. This study draws on the selective organizational information privacy and security violation model and delineate it at individual level. Specifically, attitude towards behaviour and subjective norms, contextual conditions, rule and regulatory conditions, perceived risk of violating a privacy or security rule, economic and non-economic strain constructs are hypothesized to determine the likelihood of a privacy and cybersecurity rule violation. In this context, pertinent cybersecurity literatures for IoT-enabled environment were examined to suggest solutions to reduce the dark side of IoT-enabled bright society. This paper presents the proposed model

    Security-Based BYOD Risk Assessment Metamodelling Approach

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    Rapid changes in mobile computing and modern devices, for example, smartphones, tablets and iPads encouraged the employees to use their personal devices at the workplace. Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) phenomenon has become pervasive and on-demand for business purposes. Nowadays, employees are allowed to bring personal devices to their workplace. Nevertheless, organizations are practicing BYOD to increase efficiency, work productivity, and cost-saving which lead to employee’s satisfaction. However, BYOD may cause harm in an organization if there are no security policies, regulations and management of the employee’s devices. The common security threats engaged to BYOD implementation are data leakage, exposed to malicious malware and sensitive corporates information. Hence, this study proposed a strategic solution, which is Security-Based BYOD Risk Assessment Metamodel (Security-Based BYODRAM) in reducing BYOD-related issues. The existing BYOD models were reviewed to identify the important concepts in the metamodel development. The Meta Object Facility (MOF) language was used to develop the proposed metamodel

    Continuous Use and Extended Use of E-Government Portals

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    This study aims to investigate the level of user satisfaction with the services provided by e-government portals and to examine the influence of perceived value and virtual community engagement on citizens’ satisfaction and their continuous and extended use intentions. Primary data were collected from 409 users of e-government portals via a questionnaire survey. The findings show that citizens are generally satisfied with the services provided by e-government portals and have positive continuous use and extended use intentions. The actual usage is more prevalent among educational, banking and finance, and taxation related portals. Both perceived value and virtual community engagement relate positively with citizen satisfaction, with the former has a relatively stronger influence. Citizen satisfaction also leads to continuous and extended use intentions. The findings shed lights on dimensions of e-government portals that citizens considered valuable and the importance of the formation of virtual communities in influencing their satisfaction and subsequent use intentions

    Alignment Framework in Enterprise Architecture Development

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    The challenge of business-IT alignment, the increasing complexity of organizations’ operations and supporting organization transformation are the main drivers for organizations to adopt Enterprise Architecture (EA) concept. Despite the rapid interest in the EA, organizations are facing challenge to realize organizational value out of it. This challenge can be rooted to the lack of the stakeholders needs and concerns consideration in the final developed architecture which result in low utilization or no acceptance of EA. The enterprise architects and the stakeholders are the main players in the development phase of EA. Literature highlighted the need of alignment framework that can support the enterprise architects to align the development of EA with the stakeholders’ expectations. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of academic studies that shed the light on the alignment between the enterprise architects and the stakeholders during the development of EA. Hence, the purpose of this study is to develop a framework that supports the alignment between the enterprise architects and the stakeholders in EA development to ensure a mutual understanding and agreement. The study is guided by the interpretive paradigm to address the research gap through the utilization of a qualitative methodology. The research is using the case study approach to build in-depth understanding of the relationship between the enterprise architects and stakeholders in EA development. The understanding from Multiple Perspectives Theory is used to develop the initial research model to provide initial guidance in data collection and analysis. Currently, the research is at the analysis stage of case study data. The developed framework is expected to support the practitioners in the EA development by uncovering the factors influencing the alignment between the enterprise architects and the stakeholders during the development process. Additionally, the study is building a comprehensive understanding on how the enterprise architects consider the stakeholders needs and concerns in the development of EA

    m-Government: Benefits and its Key Attributes for Personalized Services

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    Personalization can play an important role for m-government to provide the right service to potential users at this moment. Due to the widespread of m-government services annually by government agencies, citizens feel burdened with the services and they do not know which services are appropriate for them. Hence, personalization can enable the citizens to obtain information from the government easily and quickly based on their needs. This study explores the literature review regarding the benefits of personalization of m-government and identifies the key personalized attributes in m-government. The benefits of m-government services then were proved by conducting the questionnaire survey to respondent at five selected government agencies which are JPJ, JPN, MOE, MPM and KPDNKK. In this study, researchers related to m-government and personalized m-government were collected and the purposes of identifying the attributes were stated. To achieve this, 36 articles obtained for this study from Science Direct (9), IEEE Digital Library (8), Springer Link (8), ACM Digital Library (6) and Emerald Insight (5) databases covering the period from 2006 to 2016 have been analyzed based on the attributes of personalized m-Government. This study also gives an idea to the researchers regarding the appropriate attributes in providing the personalization of m-government services that are effective and easy to use. The research result can provide insights and acts as a guideline for researchers to study important aspects of the personalization of m-government services that can facilitate the development of m-government services
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