11 research outputs found

    One Arrow, Two Kills: An Unified Framework for Achieving Optimal Regret Guarantees in Sleeping Bandits

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    We address the problem of \emph{`Internal Regret'} in \emph{Sleeping Bandits} in the fully adversarial setup, as well as draw connections between different existing notions of sleeping regrets in the multiarmed bandits (MAB) literature and consequently analyze the implications: Our first contribution is to propose the new notion of \emph{Internal Regret} for sleeping MAB. We then proposed an algorithm that yields sublinear regret in that measure, even for a completely adversarial sequence of losses and availabilities. We further show that a low sleeping internal regret always implies a low external regret, and as well as a low policy regret for iid sequence of losses. The main contribution of this work precisely lies in unifying different notions of existing regret in sleeping bandits and understand the implication of one to another. Finally, we also extend our results to the setting of \emph{Dueling Bandits} (DB)--a preference feedback variant of MAB, and proposed a reduction to MAB idea to design a low regret algorithm for sleeping dueling bandits with stochastic preferences and adversarial availabilities. The efficacy of our algorithms is justified through empirical evaluations

    Faster Convergence with Multiway Preferences

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    We address the problem of convex optimization with preference feedback, where the goal is to minimize a convex function given a weaker form of comparison queries. Each query consists of two points and the dueling feedback returns a (noisy) single-bit binary comparison of the function values of the two queried points. Here we consider the sign-function-based comparison feedback model and analyze the convergence rates with batched and multiway (argmin of a set queried points) comparisons. Our main goal is to understand the improved convergence rates owing to parallelization in sign-feedback-based optimization problems. Our work is the first to study the problem of convex optimization with multiway preferences and analyze the optimal convergence rates. Our first contribution lies in designing efficient algorithms with a convergence rate of O~(dmin{m,d}ϵ)\smash{\widetilde O}(\frac{d}{\min\{m,d\} \epsilon}) for mm-batched preference feedback where the learner can query mm-pairs in parallel. We next study a mm-multiway comparison (`battling') feedback, where the learner can get to see the argmin feedback of mm-subset of queried points and show a convergence rate of O~(dmin{logm,d}ϵ)\smash{\widetilde O}(\frac{d}{ \min\{\log m,d\}\epsilon }). We show further improved convergence rates with an additional assumption of strong convexity. Finally, we also study the convergence lower bounds for batched preferences and multiway feedback optimization showing the optimality of our convergence rates w.r.t. mm

    Dueling Bandits with Adversarial Sleeping

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    We introduce the problem of sleeping dueling bandits with stochastic preferences and adversarial availabilities (DB-SPAA). In almost all dueling bandit applications, the decision space often changes over time; eg, retail store management, online shopping, restaurant recommendation, search engine optimization, etc. Surprisingly, this `sleeping aspect' of dueling bandits has never been studied in the literature. Like dueling bandits, the goal is to compete with the best arm by sequentially querying the preference feedback of item pairs. The non-triviality however results due to the non-stationary item spaces that allow any arbitrary subsets items to go unavailable every round. The goal is to find an optimal `no-regret' policy that can identify the best available item at each round, as opposed to the standard `fixed best-arm regret objective' of dueling bandits. We first derive an instance-specific lower bound for DB-SPAA Ω(i=1K1j=i+1KlogTΔ(i,j))\Omega( \sum_{i =1}^{K-1}\sum_{j=i+1}^K \frac{\log T}{\Delta(i,j)}), where KK is the number of items and Δ(i,j)\Delta(i,j) is the gap between items ii and jj. This indicates that the sleeping problem with preference feedback is inherently more difficult than that for classical multi-armed bandits (MAB). We then propose two algorithms, with near optimal regret guarantees. Our results are corroborated empirically

    Versatile Dueling Bandits: Best-of-both-World Analyses for Online Learning from Preferences

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    International audienceWe study the problem of KK-armed dueling bandit for both stochastic and adversarial environments, where the goal of the learner is to aggregate information through relative preferences of pair of decisions points queried in an online sequential manner. We first propose a novel reduction from any (general) dueling bandits to multi-armed bandits and despite the simplicity, it allows us to improve many existing results in dueling bandits. In particular, \emph{we give the first best-of-both world result for the dueling bandits regret minimization problem} -- a unified framework that is guaranteed to perform optimally for both stochastic and adversarial preferences simultaneously. Moreover, our algorithm is also the first to achieve an optimal O(i=1KlogTΔi)O(\sum_{i = 1}^K \frac{\log T}{\Delta_i}) regret bound against the Condorcet-winner benchmark, which scales optimally both in terms of the arm-size KK and the instance-specific suboptimality gaps {Δi}i=1K\{\Delta_i\}_{i = 1}^K. This resolves the long-standing problem of designing an instancewise gap-dependent order optimal regret algorithm for dueling bandits (with matching lower bounds up to small constant factors). We further justify the robustness of our proposed algorithm by proving its optimal regret rate under adversarially corrupted preferences -- this outperforms the existing state-of-the-art corrupted dueling results by a large margin. In summary, we believe our reduction idea will find a broader scope in solving a diverse class of dueling bandits setting, which are otherwise studied separately from multi-armed bandits with often more complex solutions and worse guarantees. The efficacy of our proposed algorithms is empirically corroborated against the existing dueling bandit methods

    One Arrow, Two Kills: An Unified Framework for Achieving Optimal Regret Guarantees in Sleeping Bandits

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    We address the problem of `Internal Regret' in Sleeping Bandits in the fully adversarial setup, as well as draw connections between different existing notions of sleeping regrets in the multiarmed bandits (MAB) literature and consequently analyze the implications: Our first contribution is to propose the new notion of Internal Regret for sleeping MAB. We then proposed an algorithm that yields sublinear regret in that measure, even for a completely adversarial sequence of losses and availabilities. We further show that a low sleeping internal regret always implies a low external regret, and as well as a low policy regret for iid sequence of losses. The main contribution of this work precisely lies in unifying different notions of existing regret in sleeping bandits and understand the implication of one to another. Finally, we also extend our results to the setting of Dueling Bandits (DB)--a preference feedback variant of MAB, and proposed a reduction to MAB idea to design a low regret algorithm for sleeping dueling bandits with stochastic preferences and adversarial availabilities. The efficacy of our algorithms is justified through empirical evaluations

    Dueling Bandits with Adversarial Sleeping

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    International audienceWe introduce the problem of sleeping dueling bandits with stochastic preferences and adversarial availabilities (DB-SPAA). In almost all dueling bandit applications, the decision space often changes over time; eg, retail store management, online shopping, restaurant recommendation, search engine optimization, etc. Surprisingly, this 'sleeping aspect' of dueling bandits has never been studied in the literature. Like dueling bandits, the goal is to compete with the best arm by sequentially querying the preference feedback of item pairs. The non-triviality however results due to the non-stationary item spaces that allow any arbitrary subsets items to go unavailable every round. The goal is to find an optimal 'no-regret' policy that can identify the best available item at each round, as opposed to the standard 'fixed best-arm regret objective' of dueling bandits. We first derive an instance-specific lower bound for DB-SPAA Ω(K−1 i=1 K j=i+1 log T ∆(i,j)), where K is the number of items and ∆(i, j) is the gap between items i and j. This indicates that the sleeping problem with preference feedback is inherently more difficult than that for classical multi-armed bandits (MAB). We then propose two algorithms, with near optimal regret guarantees. Our results are corroborated empirically

    Principled Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback from Pairwise or KK-wise Comparisons

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    We provide a theoretical framework for Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF). Our analysis shows that when the true reward function is linear, the widely used maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) converges under both the Bradley-Terry-Luce (BTL) model and the Plackett-Luce (PL) model. However, we show that when training a policy based on the learned reward model, MLE fails while a pessimistic MLE provides policies with improved performance under certain coverage assumptions. Additionally, we demonstrate that under the PL model, the true MLE and an alternative MLE that splits the KK-wise comparison into pairwise comparisons both converge. Moreover, the true MLE is asymptotically more efficient. Our results validate the empirical success of existing RLHF algorithms in InstructGPT and provide new insights for algorithm design. Furthermore, our results unify the problem of RLHF and max-entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL), and provide the first sample complexity bound for max-entropy IRL