1 research outputs found

    P2P Multi-agent Data Transfer and Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) enable pervasive, ubiquitous, and seamless communication with the physical world. This paper presents P2P multi-agent data transfer and aggregation system architecture in WSNs. The architecture includes four types of agents: interface, query, routing, and data acquisition agents. The interface agent interacts with the users to fulfill their interests. The routing agent is responsible for energy efficient data transfer. The query agent facilitates the collaboration between the interface and routing agents, and is responsible for creating optimized plans to achieve their desired goals. Both interface and query agents are placed at the resourceenriched base station because they require computation intensive operations. The data acquisition agent is responsible to acquire, filter, and format the sensor data. Sensor nodes have limited energy and computing resources. Thus, we create proxy agents for query and routing agents to act as peer agents with similar capabilities. The proxy query agents receive query execution plans from query agent, and proxy routing agents receive routing plans from routing agent. This paper provides the agents ’ architecture and design that enable them to coordinate and communicate with each other to transfer and aggregate data in WSNs